Reduces the calves of the legs during pregnancy - the reasons for what to do. Cramping in the calves during pregnancy

Often, during the bearing of a baby, expectant mothers are faced with such a nuisance as painful cramps in the calves of the legs. The woman experiences short-term severe pain in the calf muscle, which hardens and feels like a stone. I can't move my leg or move. Cramps in the calves of the legs during pregnancy most often occur at night, but can also be observed during the day. Why does a painful spasm occur in the muscle and what to do when it reduces the calves of the legs during pregnancy?

A cramp is a sudden and involuntary muscle contraction that is accompanied by discomfort and pain. A seizure occurs suddenly and lasts for a minute. As a rule, cramps occur in the muscles of the lower leg, every second woman experiences them during pregnancy. Expectant mothers complain of calf cramps during pregnancy in both the first and third trimesters, most often they cramp their calves at night and do not allow them to relax and rest in peace.

Why reduces calves during pregnancy

The cause of any cramp is an excessive accumulation of lactic acid (lactates) in the muscle, which provokes an intense contraction of muscle tissue. The muscle contracts under the influence of nerve impulses with the participation of mineral salts. Pregnancy is the period when an imbalance of metabolism occurs in the body, associated with the restructuring and preparation for bearing the fetus. Therefore, cramps during pregnancy, especially in the calves, are not uncommon. It is the muscles of the lower leg, which account for the entire load, that are subject to contraction and painful attacks. In addition to the imbalance of minerals and biochemical substances in the body of the expectant mother, there are other reasons why the calves cramp during pregnancy.

Reduces calves during pregnancy: causes

  1. During the period of bearing a baby, the body's need for vitamins, minerals, nutrients occurs twice, because a woman must provide everything necessary not only for herself, but also for the baby growing in the womb. With a lack of necessary elements in the mother's body, the developing fetus "takes" such important trace elements as magnesium, potassium, calcium. It is these minerals that are involved in the conduction of nerve impulses. There is an imbalance that provokes seizures.
  2. Rapid weight gain during pregnancy, in which the fulcrum shifts, can cause painful leg cramps. The shins experience a huge load, accompanied by muscle strain, and cause cramps.
  3. Varicose veins are a common cause of calf pain during pregnancy. Poor circulation in the muscles of the legs leads to painful spasms. In addition, the rapidly growing uterus affects the pelvic vein, thereby disrupting the outflow of venous blood. The blood stagnates and leads to swelling and cramps in the legs.
  4. Reduces the calves of the legs during pregnancy against the background of the development of chronic diseases (flat feet, hormonal disorders of the endocrine system, thrombosis, neurological pathologies).
  5. Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood, low sugar levels, as a result of which the muscle tissue does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and minerals, often causes painful cramps in pregnant women.
  6. Spasm of the calf muscle can cause excessive consumption of caffeine if a woman abuses coffee, strong black tea.
  7. Cramps in the calves of the legs can occur against the background of the use of a large amount of diuretic drugs that remove water from the body, and with it mineral salts and nutrients.
  8. Wearing uncomfortable and narrow shoes during the day can cause strain in the calf muscles. In addition, pregnant women should not wear high-heeled shoes and tight clothes.

Causes of seizures by trimester

Leg cramps in the first trimester of pregnancy

The onset of pregnancy is usually accompanied by early toxicosis. This condition is characterized by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, general malaise. Against the background of toxicosis, the body of the expectant mother is depleted and loses and does not receive a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals. Nutrient deficiencies lead to painful leg cramps throughout the first trimester, and the calf-pulling feeling of pregnancy. Severe toxicosis and night cramps are a reason to visit a gynecologist who will prescribe a vitamin and mineral complex that will help restore the balance of vitamins in a woman's body.

Leg cramps in the second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy is a period of active growth of the uterus and fetus. At this stage, it is important to organize sufficient nutrition and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to both the body of the mother and the baby. Seizures in the second trimester most often occur against the background of a mineral deficiency in the diet of the expectant mother. Another reason for painful attacks in the lower leg is the abuse of diuretics, which remove minerals and salts from the body.

Leg cramps in the third trimester of pregnancy

The last months of pregnancy are characterized by an intense increase in the tummy and, as a result, an increase in the load on the legs. It is becoming more and more difficult for a future mother to do her usual things, to move long distances. The extra pounds gained over the months of the "interesting situation" also make themselves felt at the end of the day. The legs swell, become heavy, and cramps in the calves often occur at night. And after an attack, pain in the muscles of the lower leg is felt even during the day. The main cause of leg cramps in the third trimester is the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava, as well as varicose veins. Especially often reduces calves during pregnancy in women who are carrying a large baby or with multiple pregnancies. To avoid painful attacks, doctors recommend that pregnant women avoid lying on their back or right side.

Reduces calves during pregnancy: what to do

Often, a sudden attack of pain in the calf muscle takes a woman by surprise. What can be done to relieve pain and discomfort during a seizure?

  1. The main rule is not to panic, but to remain calm, breathe deeply and evenly.
  2. Pull your toes towards you, do this movement slowly. Relax your leg and repeat the movement again. These simple actions really help to quickly relieve spasm in the calf muscle.
  3. If your toes are cramped, find support and press on your foot. Repeat this movement several times until the discomfort disappears.
  4. Massage movements aimed at improving blood circulation help to relieve tension in the calf muscle and relieve discomfort. Rub your calf muscles well. A warm heating pad on the site of localization of pulling pain helps to eliminate cramps.
  5. In some cases, a slight pinching of the calf or a small prick with a pin helps to remove the painful spasm.
  6. When the sharp pain passes, you can walk a little so that the muscles return to their previous position. Then lie down with a pillow or cushion under your feet to reduce the outflow of blood.

Prevention of leg cramps during pregnancy

To avoid painful leg cramps during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to find out the root cause of their occurrence. Knowing the cause of seizures, you can solve the problem and avoid unpleasant situations. It is also worth paying attention to the prevention of seizures during the period of bearing crumbs, which should be aimed at preventing vitamin deficiency and deficiency of trace elements necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, as well as increasing the physical activity of the expectant mother.

Pregnancy nutrition - prevention of seizures

To make up for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, a pregnant woman should include the following foods in her diet:

  • Lean meats and fish, steamed. Meat and fish boiled and baked dishes rich in protein and healthy fats are useful.
  • Products from cereals rich in vitamins. Especially useful are buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • Dairy and sour-milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir) containing a large amount of calcium.
  • Vegetables, fruits rich in potassium, magnesium (apricots, bananas, legumes, figs and apples).
  • Nuts.

Pregnant women should listen to their body, which always tells what it needs. For example, if a future mother is “drawn” to chocolate, there is a lack of magnesium in her body. If you want flour products or bread, you should increase your nitrogen intake, the lack of which is replenished with protein. The lack of carbohydrates is indicated by the desire to eat sweets. The deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body can be replenished by taking vitamin preparations prescribed by a doctor.

To prevent seizures, pregnant women should exclude from the diet tonic drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee, energy drinks). Tonic drinks not only can lead to dehydration, but also stimulate muscle tone, causing the calf muscles to tense up.

Massage and gymnastics - prevention of cramps and varicose veins during pregnancy

Heaviness in the legs, swelling are frequent companions of pregnancy, especially in the last months of bearing a baby. To relieve tension and discomfort in the legs, in the evening, before going to bed, you need to take warm baths with sea salt. After taking a foot bath, a soothing light massage is useful, which will relax the muscles, improve blood circulation in the muscles and prepare for sleep. It is necessary to massage the legs starting from the foot, slowly moving towards the thigh, making stroking movements. Perform light stroking movements first, and then rub and knead the muscles. It is useful to perform a relaxing massage several times a day. Acupressure of the feet brings a good effect using needle rugs or balls that need to be rolled across the floor with the help of the foot.

After the massage, it is advisable to take a horizontal position, and put a roller or pillow under your feet. It is recommended to sleep on the left side. If a pregnant woman has seizures caused by varicose veins, you should pay attention to wearing special compression underwear, as well as using therapeutic ointments that will relieve muscle tension, improve blood flow and reduce the likelihood of leg cramps. Only a doctor can prescribe drugs. Among the effective ointments are:

  • Troxevasin.
  • Venitan.
  • Fastum gel.

Gymnastic exercises for leg cramps during pregnancy

Cramps during pregnancy are most often the result of circulatory disorders, so the regular performance of special gymnastic exercises can prevent attacks of spasms in the calf muscles.

The following exercises are helpful:

  1. Slow raising on toes and lowering on the entire foot, repeat several times.
  2. Rolling the foot from heel to toe.
  3. Rotation of the legs and feet from a prone position. You can perform exercises such as "scissors", drawing invisible circles, numbers, letters. Rhythmically alternate swinging legs up and down.
  4. Flexion and extension of the feet, toes, pulling the socks towards you, thereby stretching and toning the calf muscle.

Folk remedies for leg cramps during pregnancy

For the prevention of seizures in the lower extremities, folk recipes are used to replenish the missing trace elements in the diet of the expectant mother and improve nerve conduction. It is advisable to combine folk methods with vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by a doctor.

Infusion of licorice root from cramps during pregnancy

Licorice is a unique medicinal plant that has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the tissues of the muscles of the lower extremities. In addition, licorice root infusion has a tonic effect on nerve fibers, normalizes their conductivity. As a result, the number of seizures is reduced. To prepare a healing tincture, you need to pour 100 grams of the plant with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist until the water cools. Take tincture three times a day, 1 tsp.

Decoction of hawthorn for leg cramps during pregnancy

Hawthorn has a remarkable effect of normalizing the work of muscle cells and restoring nerve fibers. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 3 tablespoons of the plant and its fruits, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, and then leave to infuse for up to 3 hours. Take tincture 5 times a day for 2 tbsp. The duration of treatment with a decoction of hawthorn is 3 weeks.

Eggshell for leg cramps during pregnancy

As you know, eggshell is the richest source of calcium, which is involved in the structure of bone and muscle tissue. Taking eggshells in powder form is an excellent prevention of calcium deficiency in the body. To prepare the product, you need to crush the washed shell of a raw egg in a mortar and add 4-5 drops of fresh lemon juice to it. Take a vitamin remedy once a day.

Cramping during pregnancy is an unpleasant phenomenon that can be easily avoided. It is enough to listen to the signals of your body and follow the recommendations of the doctor. Regular massage, special gymnastics, leisurely walks will be beneficial and will be an excellent prevention of night cramps. Do not forget about proper and rational nutrition and, if necessary, take vitamin preparations selected by your doctor.