How to overcome chronic fatigue: what to do and how to cope with the disease

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

To succeed in life, a person of the 21st century needs to not only be active and purposeful, but also know how to overcome stress and how to deal with chronic fatigue. In the lives of many of us, at least once there has come a moment when it seems that everything seems to be falling out of hand, the amount of work is gradually growing, there are more and more unfulfilled tasks, but there is no strength to complete them. I want to forget about everything, relax and fall asleep. But even a full 8-hour sleep does not relieve fatigue and does not restore vigor and strength, and the next day everything starts all over again.

Most often, those who are faced with chronic fatigue do not know what to do, if they constantly lack energy, the feeling of overwork does not go away for a long time, but only grows. A person gradually loses faith in himself, gives up, the condition rapidly worsens and can lead to deep depression.

Causes of chronic fatigue syndrome

Psychologists believe that chronic fatigue is caused by a combination of objective, that is, factors independent of a particular person, and subjective (individual) reasons. Objective factors that provoke chronic fatigue include:

  • poor environmental situation in large cities;
  • a large number of chemical additives in food, lack of vitamins;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • shift work that does not correspond to the body’s regime;
  • improperly organized relationships within the work team, when a young employee is assigned the responsibilities of more “experienced” workers;
  • difficult situation in the family (raising a child by a single mother, conflicts with a spouse, sick relatives requiring care, etc.)

Objective causes of chronic fatigue can cause a depressed state, but a psychologically balanced, strong person is able to withstand these factors. It is more difficult for people with weak psyches; they do not know how to overcome the negative influences of the environment. The following can aggravate stress and cause chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS):