How to get rid of insomnia? Treating insomnia without pills

Four key character traits: caution, introversion, nervousness, intelligence.

Four key behaviors: avoid risky situations, perfectionists, prone to obsessive-compulsive behavior, pay special attention to trifles.

Sleep and activity schedule. Dolphins usually wake up tired and remain in this state until late in the evening, when their well-being improves dramatically. Maximum activity: late at night. Maximum productivity: during the day, for short periods. Daytime nap: They try to take a nap to catch up at night, but they rarely succeed.

In nature, dolphins have one hemisphere sleep. Half of the brain is switched off, while the other half is awake and makes sure not to drown and not become a victim of predators. The meal schedule is flexible, the metabolism is fast.

People with the Dolphin chronotype sleep lightly, easily awakened by the slightest sound and anxiety. They have a low desire to sleep, waking up frequently at night, which can cause anxiety-related insomnia.

At night, the Dolphins go over the mistakes made, the wrong words spoken and think about how to fix everything, what to expect from the future and how to achieve at least something with so little rest.

During the waking period, Dolphins are prone to anxiety. They are suitable for jobs that require precision: editing, programming, engineering and chemistry, as well as composing and performing music. Obsession and perfectionism are not conducive to teamwork. When given the opportunity to perform duties alone and do what they see fit, they feel happier (and calmer). Sometimes they get bogged down in the details, to the point where they get stuck and get very little done.

In relationships, Dolphins are less stressed and tend to demonstrate exceptional attention (listening and being there), responsibility (the ability to solve problems), and clarity of thought (understanding what is really happening). They avoid confrontation and do not enjoy quarrels, but sometimes they are so exhausted by lack of sleep that conflicts in the family become inevitable.

Dolphins usually "eat to live", they have a good metabolism. The body mass index (BMI) of Dolphins is usually in the low to medium range and they do not need to exercise or lose weight. Life satisfaction is usually low, but talking about it makes them feel better.

Insomnia: what to do? Dolphin's perfect day

The following daily routine is designed for an ideal world. But in real life, not all situations can be controlled. Remember that any change will improve your health and make you happier. "All or nothing" is the wrong approach. Focus on what is within your power.


Usually:"I feel too tired to get up and too energized to go back to sleep."

Optimal: get up and move. Your blood pressure, body temperature, and cortisol levels are low, and physical activity is needed to increase them. I recommend that patients roll out of bed onto the floor and do a hundred crunches. Then roll over and do push-ups twenty times. Within five minutes, the heartbeat will increase. Exercising your muscles will raise your cortisol levels. In the first five minutes of your day, you will cheer up, forget about fatigue and feel a surge of energy. The ideal would be to exercise for 25 minutes, but a five-minute cardio load will also help.


Usually:"I trudge to the shower, then I eat cereal and a roll and go to work."

Optimum: Take a cool shower to wake up and eat a protein-rich breakfast. After a cardio warm-up, in any case, you will have to freshen up. It is also a good moment for a little meditation: standing underwater, don't think about anything for a minute. This will bring you back to the here and now and focus.

Drink a glass of water at room temperature before breakfast. After a night's sleep, everyone is dehydrated, especially Dolphins, whose metabolism remains active even at this time of day.

Morning is the wrong time to consume carbohydrates. They contribute to the production of serotonin - the "calm hormone", and your hormonal background does not require this at all. In the morning, you should eat proteins that promote cell repair and muscle nutrition: eggs and bacon, yogurt, a protein shake, or a small serving of oatmeal with cereals and nuts.


Usually:"I feel like I'm in a fog. I don't feel energized at all. I can hardly concentrate."

Optimal: think. You can dispel the fog of sleepy inertia with exercise, cold showers, and scrambled eggs. Since you are not yet ready to take action, you should not focus on anything. Try using the morning for brainstorming. Let your mind wander randomly and come across brilliant ideas. If you love journaling, this is the perfect time.


Usually:"If I get distracted, I might forget to have lunch."

Best: eat something! Dolphins are generally lean and slender. They are not dieters or gourmets, and sometimes they just do not feel like eating or they forget to do it, especially when they are carried away by something.

Set a reminder on your phone and have lunch every day at 13.00. Nutrients - a third of carbohydrates, a third of proteins and a third of fats - will fill your body and brain with energy and keep hyperarousal at a stable level.

Don't forget about water. If today you have already drunk coffee, you should not do this a second time. Excess caffeine will not cheer up, but only add nervousness, reduce appetite and prevent you from falling asleep at night (yes, even many hours later).


Usually:"My eyes are stuck together and I want to take a nap. Sometimes, if I have time, I put my head on the table and close my eyes."

Optimal: cheer up. Do not sleep! Daytime naps reduce the need for sleep, and it will be more difficult to fall asleep in the evening. Your goal is to improve the duration and quality of your sleep at night. Sleeping during the day means harming yourself.

Every time you feel tired, immediately think of "exercise and the sun." Raise your blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels with large muscle group exercises. You don't have to practice before sweat. Just walk around the block, the office.


Usually:"Sometimes I don't understand why it's hard for me to concentrate - because of fatigue or a habit of caffeine."

Optimal: storm the heights. Your cortisol levels are at their peak, keeping you active throughout the day, especially if you've minimized your carb intake and gone for a walk. Logic and intelligence are ready for intense workload. If your morning brainstorming has come up with an idea, now is the time to get to grips with it.


Usually:"By this time I'm already hungry if I missed lunch, and I want to eat something quickly. I would love to eat pizza for dinner at least every day."

Optimal: retire. There is early. Set aside time after work for strategic deactivation: 15-30 minutes to calm down and slow down.

Some Dolphins practice meditation or yoga. Others, in order to cope with disturbing thoughts, act illogically - they sit alone in a quiet place and for a while imagine the worst possible scenario.

In this case, the goal is to accustom yourself to anxiety by deliberately immersing yourself in it daily, and put off all the restless thoughts that arise during the day for this time. Set yourself a reminder with an audible signal when you should be worried.


Usually:"After dinner, I feel a surge of activity, as if I have finally woken up, I am overwhelmed with energy. I am busy around the house, cleaning up or sitting down at the computer."

Optimal: have dinner. Now it's time for carbohydrates. Eat a large bowl of macaroni and cheese or a baked potato. Such food is called soothing, and for good reason. Serotonin levels will rise and cortisol levels will drop, plunging the overexcited body and mind into a state of rest.


Usually:"I've already done a lot or I'm finishing something. I can start one thing and get distracted by something else, especially on the Internet."

Optimal: have sex. It's a little weird to make love at 8 pm, but sex after dinner and before bed is good for two reasons. It not only has a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional state, increasing oxytocin - the relaxing "hormone of love", but also helps to redefine the concept of "bed". You begin to perceive it as a place of pleasant pastime, and not longing.


Usually:“Because I didn’t sleep well the night before, I go to bed early. But I can’t fall asleep. When I lie down, my brain is working furiously. I think about what I need to do or what I would like to do.”

Take time after dinner to relax. Direct the evening burst of energy to something useful, but not requiring too much concentration. Watch TV with your family or go to the movies. Sort out the dishes or do other housework, but expect to finish it by 10:30 pm.


Usually:"I'm still lying in bed and not sleeping. It starts to bother me, and I again enter into a vicious circle - I worry that I can't sleep, and this drives away sleep even more."

Optimal: go into rest mode. Using electronic devices at night does not promote sleep. Blue spectrum light suppresses the production of melatonin. Turn off all screens, including your phone, before 10:30 pm.

If you want to watch TV, turn down the brightness and make sure the screen is at least three meters away from your eyes. Actually, it is better to dim all the lights in the apartment in order to stimulate the production and release of melatonin. You can take a hot shower or bath.

Talk to your family. Hug. Do some light stretching. What makes you deadly bored? This is what you do. Read something tedious and boring, like a computer manual. Just don't turn it on!


Usually:"Still awake."

Best: Go to bed. You don't have to go to bed earlier. Actually, after sex at 20.00 and before that time, do not go to bed at all. It should be associated only with sex and sleep.

In bed, count from 300 to one, subtracting by three. If you don't fall asleep in twenty minutes, sit in the dark on a chair for fifteen minutes, and then go back to bed and try again. Repeat the "20 minutes under the covers, 15 minutes in the chair" cycle. It may not work right away, but in the end, anxiety and blood pressure will decrease as soon as you lie down in bed, and you can enjoy quality rest.


Usually:"I toss and turn all the time. I'm worried that I can't sleep. I look at my watch and count how much sleep I have left."

Optimal: enter the first phase of sleep. You will soon learn to fall asleep within half an hour of going to bed. This will not happen immediately (from a week to ten days, subject to regularity).

The first two hours of sleep are the most important. During the first phase, the body recovers physically. All the tension accumulated during the day leaves the muscles and brain, and everything is restored at the cellular level from bones to skin.


Usually:"If I fall asleep, I still don't fall into a deep sleep. I often wake up and don't know if I'll fall asleep again."

Optimal: enter the second phase of sleep. Not much happens in the second part of the night. The second phase is a simple dream. If you wake up periodically, you should not be upset.

Waking up is completely normal. Everyone wakes up for a few seconds at the end of a ninety-minute sleep cycle before the next one begins. Deep sleepers don't remember these moments, but they are there. Dolphins are shallow sleepers and tend to wake up more often than others.

Change your perspective on brief awakenings. They are quite expected - this is part of a healthy sleep. If you consider them normal, then you will stop worrying and anxiety will decrease.


Usually:"I rarely look at my watch at four in the morning. Even I am usually asleep at this time."

Optimal: enter the third phase of sleep. The final part of the night is characterized by a large number of dreams with rapid eye movements, when the memory is consolidated, and the brain is effectively "ventilated". For Dolphins, with their short sleep, two hours of fast phase is a great achievement.


Usually:"I wake up feeling tired and vow to go to bed early in the evening, and during the day I struggle with sleep with the last of my strength."

Best: Wake up refreshed. If Dolphins manage to get six hours of sleep with enough time for each phase of sleep, then their body and brain are restored, and they are ready for a new day with all its difficulties.

On weekends, get up at the same time as on weekdays, even if you think that you could sleep a little longer: a long morning sleep will break the chronorhythm created with such care. Remember: Dolphins feel better with a regular schedule of getting up at the same time, even on weekends and holidays.

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A glass of warm milk with honey helps me ... and that's it, there is no trace of insomnia.

Comment on the article "How to get rid of insomnia? Treatment of insomnia without pills"

Preparations - with a doctor, I understand. Physical loads are minimal - swimming pool 2 times a week for an hour. Insomnia in a 3-year-old child. Do children have insomnia, what causes it and how to deal with it...


Walking (jogging) before bed will definitely not hurt + glycine under the tongue at night. You also need to explain that you need to throw all thoughts out of your head, you can still fall asleep to the music for meditation.

12/02/2017 23:02:45, world of the world

Melaxen. Excellent drug. Believe me. I write honestly.
My daughter is 13 years old. Loads are not that big. But he can wake up at night and not sleep for a long time. As soon as you fall asleep, get up. I give 1/2 tab. Maybe a whole pill. It should be 30-40 minutes before bedtime. Gives sufficient depth of sleep, does not cause drowsiness during the day. The effect occurs in 3-4 days.

02.12.2017 21:07:21, Lara517

Yes, in general, you should not drink a drug for insomnia, which is intended completely for I will not sleep. There are other drugs (not sleeping pills and sedatives), including vitamin ones.


Try a good massage course. I am an experienced massage therapist and I know that sleep improves after the course. Often, due to pinching of blood vessels, the blood supply to the brain decreases, the brain, roughly speaking, is "scared" by this state of affairs and does not allow sleep. After a course of massage, this problem disappears. In addition, a lot of health issues are being addressed in parallel)

11/19/2018 06:32:38 PM, Lana Golub

Playing sports can help. If you get tired during the day, you will tend to sleep more strongly. Yes, it's good for health too. Helps relieve stress and improve health. There are many interesting things, for example, Nordic walking, yoga, swimming... It's up to your taste.

Remedy for insomnia. I used to drink motherwort tincture, but some substance is added there, which is forbidden to prevent insomnia by tincture of hop cones on honey.


We were advised by a homeopath to infuse valerian root in olive oil. And take in microscopic doses, starting from one drop and bringing up to 8-10.

There are good charges in Fitosedan pharmacies. They are of several numbers, respectively, the composition is slightly different. Read it. I like it.

07/22/2017 10:44:04 PM, ABV

And then the best remedy for insomnia is a newborn :) Whenever possible, you fall asleep anywhere and anytime: lying, sitting, standing like a war horse :) And even on the go :)


If anyone is interested, it turned out that this is not a coincidence. The husband talked to the head of the tuberculosis department. The doctor explained that if the child did not sleep and was worried all night, this is a completely understandable reaction to the vaccine. Nevertheless, he recommended doing it in the future. After talking with the teacher in the kindergarten, I found out that not only my child did not sleep well. Probably with other kids this happens often, but for me it's nonsense, even when the baby is sick, he always sleeps well.

04/18/2002 08:35:28, Alyonka

If this happened once, then maybe you should not panic, the reason may be in vaccination, and in magnetic storms, and in the full moon. If the child is overexcited somewhere (in the garden, at a party), then it is better to first try the water (bath). There you can add something relaxing and soothing. Only the water should not be hot. Then think about the preparations inside. Dimedrol is still strong, in my opinion. He's addictive.
Wash with holy water.
Ventilate the room properly. Stuffiness can be the cause of insomnia. Maybe it's time for a summer blanket. For a summer night out.
Going to bed should be somehow ritualized: a certain order of actions. They washed, read, drank some water, took a soft toy. That's it.
I like the approach - to discuss the procedure in advance - let it be some water again - but, if agreed, do not back down.
But the strict measures of the pope (they wrote below) - they would not go too far. Nothing good if the child gets used to it. Psychologists will tell you this about problems in the future - from problems at school, when only a tough teacher will understand, to sexual ones.
At night, the child woke up - some kind of turn, switch is really needed here. If it doesn’t help to calm down by taking it to bed (we rarely take our own, so this is a really unusual measure), then maybe a drop. Because at night somehow everything is aggravated and goes on increasing.