
Sleep paralysis is an ancient disease of modern people

Sleep paralysis is an ancient disease of modern people

In the past, sleep paralysis was explained mystically. “Strangles the brownie” among the Slavs, “plays naughty makura-gaeshi” among the Japanese - this naughty spirit caused the state of “kanashibari” (this is sleep paralysis), “visits the demon al-Jasum” among Muslims. Residents of middle towns are least fortunate

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I sweat a lot in my sleep: reasons

I sweat a lot in my sleep: reasons

What's in the article: Today decided to figure out whether the causes of severe sweating during sleep are serious or minor? If you watched horror movies and went to bed on a summer night under several blankets and also covered yourself with a woolen blanket, then it’s quite clear why

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Light sleep

Light sleep

“It’s you, mare, you get tired during the day - you sleep and don’t wake up. And Marfushenka-darling dozed off all day and didn’t break her back. Now she can wake up from the most silent rustling...” Stepmother - Nastenka. Fairy tale “Morozko” How different we people are! AND

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