Hadith about helping a brother. Hadith: “Allah will provide assistance to (His) slave, while the slave himself provides it to his brother. The Worst of Brothers

The editors of our online magazine have compiled a large selection of legends for their readers, from which you will learn almost everything you need to know about brotherhood in Islam: what it is, what conditions it has, what types of brothers are, which brothers should be shunned, and which ones, on the contrary, should be looked for, and much more. Don't forget to share this post with your brothers!

A believer is a brother to another believer

“Indeed, believers [are] brothers. Correct [relations] between your brothers, [and reconcile them], and beware of [the wrath of] Allah, - perhaps you will have mercy ”(49:10).

1. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “The believers are brothers among themselves, vouching for each other’s blood, they are a single fist against a common enemy, the lowest of them can ask for their protection” (Mufid, Al-A’mali, 13/187).

2. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “You have brothers and from those who were not born by your mother” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 5351).

3. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “The believer is the brother of the believer, they are like a single body: when any place hurts, other parts of the body also hurt. And indeed their spirit (ruh)- from the spirit of Allah. Verily, the spirit of the believer is connected with the spirit of Allah more than the rays of the sun are connected with the sun” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 71, p. 277).

4. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Verily, believers are brothers, they are brothers both by mother and father. If one of them is in trouble or falls ill, then others spend sleepless nights for him” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 71, p. 264).

5. Imam Bakir, peace be upon him, said: “The believer is the brother of the believer by father and mother, since the Honorable and Glorious Allah created the believers from the clay of paradise and let the wind of paradise into their souls. Therefore, they are brothers both by father and mother” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 71, p. 271).

6. Imam Bakir (peace be upon him) said: “The believer is the brother of the believer by father and mother.”

7. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “The believer is the brother of the believer, his eye and guide, will not betray him, will not oppress, will not deceive, will not drive him away, will follow him everywhere.”

8. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “The believer is the brother of the believer, like a single body, if he complains about anything from him, then pain will echo throughout the body, and their souls from the soul of one.”

Al-Kafi, 2, 166 (2 and 7), 3, 4

righteous brothers

9. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “Increase the number of your brothers, indeed, to every believer [they will be] intercessors on the Day of Resurrection” (“Kanz al-ummal”, 24642).

10. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “As for your righteous brothers, get them for yourself as much as possible, verily, they are helpers in gaining prosperity and a shield against the invasion of misfortunes” (Saduq, Al-A’mali, 8/250).

11. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said: “Let your brothers be pure. Indeed, they are your support and support when you ask them for help. A thousand friends and companions is not at all a lot, but one enemy is a lot” (“Vasail ash-shia”, vol. 12, p. 17, hadith 15523).

brotherly bonds

12. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “May your brother not be more devoted to you than you are to him” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 74/165/29).

13. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: "Love your brothers according to the degree of their piety."

14. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “A person’s love for religion is manifested in his love for his brother.”

Al-Ihtisas, 226, 31

Conditions for the permanence of fraternal ties

15. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “O Ibn Nu’man, if you want your brother’s love to extend to you, then do not mock him and do not grieve him, and do not exalt him, but do not make him a villain” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 78/291/2).

16. Imam Sadiq, may peace be upon him, said: “You need your brothers in three things that should be used, manifested and shunned respectively: rendering justice, showing mercy to each other and destroying envy” (“Tuhaf al-‘ukul”, 322).

Brotherhood in Allah

17. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “Looking at your brother will help him in worshiping the Almighty, He is Great and Glorious” (Bihar al-anwar, 74/279/1).

18. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) said: “Nothing useful in Islam brings a person such benefits as a brother who has benefited from him for the sake of Allah” (Tanbih al-Hawatir, 2/179).

19. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “A brother is the greatest benefit for a Muslim after Islam” (“Wasail ash-shia”, vol. 12, p. 233).

20. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “He who does not have a good deed and good will not enter Paradise.” Then they asked him: “Does everyone have a good deed and good?” The Prophet replied: “Yes, the good deed and the good of every person is his brother in the name of Allah” (“Vasail ash-shia”, vol. 12, p. 17).

21. Imam Reza, may peace be upon him, said: “Whoever finds a believing brother for the sake of Allah will find a home in Paradise” (“Vasail ash-shia”, vol. 12, p. 16).

22. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said before his death: “Brother with your brothers in the name of Allah and love the righteous for his righteousness” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 42, p. 203).

23. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “Strengthen the bonds of brotherhood before Allah, making sincere your love for your brother.”

24. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “As for the brothers in the sight of Allah, their love for each other is alive, as long as the cause that caused it is alive.”

"Gurar al-hikam", 6191, 1795

25. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “A slave will not reach the perfection of the true faith until he loves his brother in faith” (“Uddat ad-da’i”, p. 187).

26. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “By brotherhood for the sake of Allah, brotherhood multiplies its fruits.”

Brotherhood for this world

27. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: "Warn the one whose support was not for the sake of Allah, such support is reprehensible, such friendship is despicable."

28. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “Whoever fraternizes in the name of Allah, he has gained abundance, whoever fraternizes in the name of the world below, he has committed a forbidden deed.”

29. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever becomes your assistant for the sake of some business will turn away from you when the business is over.”

"Gurar al-hikam", 4225, 8978, (7776-7777), 8552

Declaration of love to brother

30. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “If someone loves his friend and brother, let him know about it” (Al-Mahasin, 1/415/953).

31. One day a man was walking through the mosque, and Abu Jafar (Imam Bakir) was sitting there with Abu Abd-Allah (Imam Sadikov), peace be upon both of them, and some of the participants in the meeting said to him (majlis): "Truly, I love this man!". Abu Jafar answered him: “So let him know about it, it will make your friendship last longer and your mutual support stronger” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 74/181/1).

Mutual fraternal sympathy points brothers to each other

32. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “Strive your hearts to brotherhood, because this is [sincere] support that does not need bribery” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 5641).

33. Imam Bakir, peace be upon him, said: “Know that brotherly feelings in the heart of your brother towards you are in proportion to the feelings that you have for him in your heart” (“Kashf al-gumma”, 2/331).

34. Imam Hadi, peace be upon him, said: “Do not expect sincerity from the one whom you have upset, and do not ask for advice from the one to whom you turned your evil thoughts, for the heart of another looks at you as your own looks at it” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 74/181).

35. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “If you want to break with your brother, then rush to him with selfish thoughts, so that one day it becomes completely obvious to him” (“Nahj al-Balaga”, letter 31).

36. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “What can be more disgusting than a break after the conclusion of bonds, than estrangement after brotherhood, than enmity after love!” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 77/210/1).

37. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever does not attach due importance to his love [for brothers], he takes a step towards a break” (“Al-Mahasin”, 1/415/950).

Brotherly affection

38. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “May your brother’s affection for you not be stronger than your desire for a break, and may you not be stronger in ingratitude in response to the benefits rendered” (“Nahj al-Balaga”, letter 31).

39. Imam Hussein, may peace be upon him, said: “Verily, the most steadfast in affection is the one who managed to [again] bind to himself the one who moved away from him” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 78/121/4).

40. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The weakest people are those who cannot find brothers, and even weaker than them is the one who cannot keep brothers [next to him]” (“Vasail ash-shia”, vol. 12, p. 18).

Visiting brothers for the sake of Allah

41. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “Whoever visits his brother, having come to his house, the Honorable and Glorious Allah will say to him:“ You are my guest and visitor. I will receive you hospitably. I have made Paradise obligatory for you because of your love for it.

42. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever visits his brother in the name of Allah and for the sake of Allah will come on the Day of Judgment with two shining and fluttering [on the sides] canvases of light. Everything that this person passes by will be illuminated until he appears before the Honorable and Glorious Allah, Who will say to him: “Welcome!”. Having said this, Allah will bestow generous gifts on him” (“Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 177).

43. Imam Bakir (peace be upon him) said: “Indeed, when a Muslim leaves his house, intending to visit his brother for the sake of Allah, and not for the sake of something else, asking for the Face and pleasure of Allah, and striving for what He has, then the Honorable and Glorious Allah will assign seventy thousand angels, who until he returns to his home, will say to him behind him: “Truly, you are beautiful! Paradise is blessed for you!’” (“Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 177).

44. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said, addressing Husaima: “O Husaima, give salam (greeting) to our friends and command them to beware of the wrath and punishment of Allah the Great! Let the rich among them visit the poor, the strong visit the weak. Let the living come to the funeral of the dead." Then he raised his hands and said: “May Allah have mercy on the one who revives our cause!” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 71, p. 223).

Different Kinds of Brothers

45. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: The least of what can be expected on the Day of Resurrection is a trusted brother or a dirham honestly earned.

46. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Brothers are three types, and the first is like food, which is needed at all times, and this is a reasonable brother, the other is like an illness, and this is an unreasonable brother, the third is like medicine, and this is a shrewd, [sensitive, sympathetic] brother.

47. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Brothers are of three types: from their souls and from their property they help, and these are two sincere in brotherhood, the third one will take something from you, but will plan to receive some good through you - and do not count such from among the trusted people.”

"Tuhaf al-'ukul", 54, 323, 324

That some brothers are to be shunned

48. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “The one who makes you revolve around him is not your brother” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 7503).

49. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Do not fraternize with those who cover up your noble qualities and openly slander you” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 1042).

50. Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) said: “An unkind brother who takes care of you in wealth and breaks with you in poverty” (“Al-Irshad”, 2/166).

51. Imam Bakir (peace be upon him) said: “Do not mix and do not fraternize with four: with a fool, with a greedy one, with a coward and with a liar” (“Al-Hisal”, 244/100).

52. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Beware of fraternizing with those who need you to satisfy greed, or get rid of fear, or fulfill any other desire, or who wants to get food or drink from you, but acquire fraternization with God-fearing people, even in the darkest times, and even if your whole life will pass in their search” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 84/282/3).

Preservation of old fraternal ties

53. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “Indeed, Allah loves to maintain the old fraternal bonds, so maintain them” (Kanz al-ummal, 24759).

54. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Among all things, look for the newest, but among the brothers keep the oldest” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 2461).

true brotherhood

55. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “Your true brother is the one who forgives you for your mistakes and covers up your miscalculations, and accepts your apology, and covers your shame, and relieves you of fear, and justifies your hopes” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 3645).

56. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Your brother is the one who does not leave you in oppression, and does not neglect you when committing a crime, and when you ask him for something, does not betray you” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 77/269/1).

57. Imam Sadiq, may peace be upon him, said: “A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim, and the duty of a Muslim in relation to his brother is that he should not be full when his brother is hungry, he should not quench his thirst when his brother is thirsty for water, he should not dress when his brother is naked. How great are the rights of a Muslim in relation to his Muslim brother!” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 71, p. 221).

58. Imam Bakir (peace be upon him) said: “Love your Muslim brother, and wish him what you wish for yourself, and do not wish him what you do not wish for yourself. When you have a need, ask him, if he has any need, then you help him ”(“ Bihar al-anwar, vol. 71, p. 222).

59. Imam Ali, may peace be upon him, said: “Whoever has six qualities will be in front of Allah and to the right of Him. Verily, Allah loves a Muslim who desires for his brother what he desires for himself, and does not desire for him what he does not want for himself, and who advises his brother to adhere to disinterested brotherly relations ”(“ Bihar al-anwar ”, vol. 71, p. 226).

60. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “The believer is the brother of the believer: he wishes good for him when he is absent, and when he is present, removes from him what is not to his liking. The believer gives his brother a place in the meetings” (“Bihar al-anwar”, vol. 71, p. 233).

Brother's Choice

61. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever shuns his brothers because of the slightest offense, he will have few friends” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 8166).

62. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever does not fraternize with anyone, except for those for whom no sins have been noticed, he has few friends” (“A’lam ad-din”, 304).

Take on the faults of a brother

63. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Cover up the sins of a friend until you defeat the enemy” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 74/166/29).

64. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The division of the burden is best view friendship” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 752).

65. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever did not take on the faults of a friend will die alone” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 9079).

Best of Brothers

66. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “The best of the brothers are those who helped you in worshiping Allah, kept you from committing sins before Him, and commanded you to do what He will be pleased with” (“Tanbih al-khawatir”, 2/123).

67. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The best of the brothers is the one who shows the least ornateness in instructions” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 4978).

68. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The best of the brothers is the one who comforts you, and the best of them is the one who supports you, and if necessary, will save you from trouble” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 4988).

69. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The best of the brothers is the one whose friendship is in the name of Allah” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 5017).

70. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The best of the brothers is the one who, striving for good, carries you along, calls you to righteousness and helps you along this path” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 5021).

71. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The best of the brothers is the one who scolds you for your deed without stinting” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 5009).

72. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The best of the brothers is the one who does not allow his brothers to feel the need for anything other than himself” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 4985).

73. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “For me, the best of the brothers is the one who opens my eyes to my shortcomings” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 74/282/4).

The Worst of Brothers

74. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “The worst of the brothers is the one who burdens others with himself” (“Nahj al-Balaga”, wisdom 479).

75. They asked the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him: "Which of your friends is the worst?" He replied: “The one who embellishes in your eyes the transgressions against Allah” (“Maani al-akhbar”, 4/198).

Trial of the brothers

76. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “If you see three virtues in your brother, then associate with him: modesty, trust, truthfulness, and if you do not find them in him, then do not associate with him” (“Kanz al-ummal”, 24755).

77. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever fraternizes with a person after a thorough test, then this friendship will be long-lasting, and there will be no doubt about his support, but whoever fraternizes with someone untested will bring trouble on himself” (“Gurar al-hikam”, 8921 and 8923).

78. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Test your brothers for the presence of two virtues, and goodness if you find them in them, but if not, then away from such brothers, away, away: prayers at the time prescribed for them and righteousness of behavior with brothers both in hours of ease and in compulsion” (“Al-Kafi”, 2/682/7).

Guiding the brothers to the straight path

79. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “A believer is a mirror for his believing brother: he instructs him in private, and removes his visible vices.”

80. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever instructs his brother in private, he presents him in the best light, whoever instructs his brother in public, offends him.”

81. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever saw his brother doing something unworthy, and did not turn him away from doing this, having such an opportunity, he betrayed his brother.”

Bihar al-anwar, 74/233/29 and p. 166/29, 75/65/2

Honoring the brothers and their praise

82. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “There is no such believer in my community who, having shown mercy in something to his brother, would not have found mercy from Allah from the side of the servants of Paradise” (Al-Kafi, 2/206/4).

83. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Whoever his Muslim brother comes to and he respects him, he will pay respect to Allah himself, the Great and Most High” (“Bihar al-anwar”, 74/298/32).

Meeting the Needs of Your Brothers

84. Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: “Let none of you hesitate to grant the request of a brother when he finds out that he is in need” (“Bihar al-anwar”, p. 166/29).

85. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “Allah will help the believer as he helps his brothers” (“Bihar al-anwar”, p. 322/89).

86. Imam Sadiq, may peace be upon him, said: “Whoever satisfies the need of his brother, Allah, the Most High and Glorious, will satisfy one hundred thousand needs on the Day of Judgment” (“Bihar al-anwar”, p. 89/90).

87. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, said: “It is enough for a man to make sure that he can rely on his brother, the confidence that he will not leave him in need” (“Al-Kafi”, 2/198/8).

Ethics of fellowship with brothers

88. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “If anyone fraternizes with a person, let him ask his name, the name of his father and tribe, and his house. Indeed, this demand is just in the name of the purity of brotherhood, otherwise it is reckless friendship ”(“ Bihar al-anwar ”, 74/166/30).

89. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, said: “Meet your brother with a smile” (Bihar al-anwar, 74/171/38).

90. When his brother was not seen for three days, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, asked about him, and if he was absent, he sent him an invitation, if he was present, he visited him and helped him if he was unwell (Bihar al-anwar, 16/233/35).

Brotherhood in Islam(ar. اَلْأُخُوَّةُ فِي الْإِسْلَامِ [al-uḫuwwa fi-l-islam]‎) is a special type of relationship between Muslims, dictated by their religion.

From enmity to brotherhood

Brotherhood in Islam originates from the period of the spread of Islamic ideology in the Arabian Peninsula. One of the clearest examples of the transformation of hostile relations into a strong brotherhood was the reconciliation of the two Medinan tribes al-Aws and al-Khazraj. Wars constantly arose between them, constant enmity, quarrels and litigation manifested themselves. For these reasons, wars dragged on and clashes between them became more frequent. When Allah gave them Islam, many people accepted it and became brothers who love each other for the sake of Allah and help each other in piety and fear of God. Allah Almighty has said in the Quran: Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together and do not be divided. Remember the mercy that Allah showed you when you were enemies, and He united your hearts, and by His mercy you became brothers. You were on the edge of the Fiery Chasm, and He saved you from it. So Allah makes clear to you His Signs, so that you may follow the straight path. .

Brotherhood in Islam leaves an opportunity for those who sincerely pay zakat to become a full part of this community. In this case, Muslims should completely forget about the enmity that existed before the fulfillment of the above conditions by the polytheists.

Fraternization of Muhajirs and Ansar

According to Muhammad al-Ghazali, the significance of this fraternization was that thanks to it, the spirit of tribal intransigence characteristic of the Jahiliyya era disappeared, people became committed only to Islam, and differences due to origin, skin color and place of birth were erased.

General rights and obligations

The brotherhood of believers implies that everyone has certain rights and obligations, which are regulated by verses Holy Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. These include:

Showing Attention to Your Brother

The bond of brotherhood imposes certain obligations on Muslims. One of them is to be interested in your brothers in faith, to care for them and show attention to their joys and failures. Brotherly relations are expressed in taking care of the brother with words, showing attention to what he likes, making it clear that he is concerned about his situation. In addition, one should express disgust in relation to what he does not like by his words and deeds, while in relation to what pleases him, it is necessary to express his joy in words and deeds, since the essence of brotherhood is to share sorrow and joy with his brothers.

A Muslim should be concerned about what happens to his brothers, regardless of their ethnicity, language or country of residence. This is a special attention that encourages a Muslim to work for his brothers in faith, help them, support them, protect, save, deliver from injustice and oppression. In this context, we can cite the statement of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: “ In their mercy, love and sympathy towards each other, believers are like a single body: when one of its parts is struck by a disease, the whole body responds to this with insomnia and fever.» .

Prayer for a brother

An important criterion of brotherhood in Islam is a prayer for one's brother and Muslims in general, both in case of need, and a constant appeal to the Lord with a request for their forgiveness and well-being. Here we can cite as an example the followers of the Muhajirs and Ansar, who turned to the Almighty with a prayer for the forgiveness of the Muhajir and Ansar. Along with this, a distinctive feature of brotherhood in Islam is that Muslims pray to the Lord not to instill in their hearts a single drop of hatred towards their brothers in faith: Do not instill hatred and envy in our hearts for those who believe. .

Both during life and after his death, the brother turns to the Lord with prayers in the same way as for himself, and asks for what he wants or would like for himself, for his family and for all those who are connected with him. On this occasion, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Whichever of the slaves (of Allah) professing Islam, turns to Allah with a prayer for his brother in his absence, the angel necessarily says: “And you will be the same!”» .

Wish for your brother the same as for yourself

Brotherhood obliges every believer to desire for him the same as for himself, and to care for him as for himself. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Do not envy each other, do not exaggerate the price of goods, do not enmity with each other, and be, O servants of Allah, brothers! A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim: he does not oppress him, does not leave him without his help and does not deceive» .

Concern for the honor of a brother

The essence of brotherhood in Islam also lies in the fact that a Muslim is forbidden to encroach on the honor of his brothers in faith, to protect their reputation in their presence or absence. Regarding this, the following statement of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is known: For every Muslim, the life, property and honor of another Muslim should be inviolable, and enough evil is done by a person who despises his Muslim brother!» .

Refusal of bad thoughts about a brother

Brotherhood in Islam involves keeping silent about the shortcomings of a brother, saying nothing about it, not only with the tongue, but also with the heart. A Muslim should not think badly of his brother, as bad thoughts are forbidden. This means that it is impossible to characterize his actions negatively if it is possible to find a correct explanation for them. On this aspect of the relationship, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ gave the following admonition: “ Beware of evil thoughts (about people), for, verily, evil thoughts are the most deceitful words!» .

Reconciliation of brothers

The most important duty of a Muslim is to reconcile brothers in case of disagreement and conflicts: Indeed, believers are brothers. Therefore, reconcile your brothers and fear Allah, so that you may have mercy. .

Social hierarchy and degree of brotherhood

Brotherhood in Islam does not have a social hierarchy. This can be seen in the example of the verse from the Holy Quran in which the Lord, for example, calls orphans brothers of believers: They ask you about orphans. Say: “Doing good to them is good. If you combine your affairs, then they are your brothers. .

According to Islamic doctrine, fraternal ties in faith are stronger and stronger than blood relationship, which will lose its strength after a trumpet voice: And on the day when the Horn is sounded, there will be no family ties between them, and they will not question each other. [

Praise be to Allah, who made us brothers in faith! Salavat and salam to the Prophet Muhammad, who bequeathed to us the strengthening of this brotherhood! Blessings to his family and all his companions!

Dear brothers, Almighty Allah made us brothers in faith, made us from among the Muslim Ummah. It says (meaning): " Verily, believers are brothers (Sura Al-Khujurat, verse 10).

IN authentic hadith quoted by Imam Muslim says: Muslim brother to Muslim. He does not oppress him, will not leave him without help, and will not allow him to be in a difficult situation. ».

The fact that we are brothers in faith, that we are from the Muslim Ummah, is the greatest blessing for us, and we must be grateful to Allah for this blessing. Brotherhood in faith is much stronger and stronger than blood brotherhood. For brotherhood by blood is limited to this world, but brotherhood by faith exists both in this world and in the next. We acquire brotherhood in blood through our parents, and brotherhood in faith through His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). That is why the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: I am to you what a father is to children "(Abu Dawood, Nasai, Ibn Maja).

Parents always want a good relationship between their children. And the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) even more wishes that good relations develop between people from his ummah. After all, the mercy of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in relation to people from his ummah exceeds the mercy of parents to children. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is more merciful to a Muslim, even than he is to himself. Therefore, he clearly outlined the obligations of Muslims towards each other.

We see how zealously many people defend their rights to the transitory benefits of a short life in this world. How much should we, Muslims, try to observe mutual rights and obligations, because happiness depends on this, both in this and in the next world!

Let us list some of the obligations of Muslims towards each other, which were pointed out by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

Imam Bukhari and Muslim cite a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) who conveys the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him): “A Muslim has five duties to a Muslim: answer his greeting, visit him when he is sick, participate in his funeral, answer his call and read supplications (dua) for him: “May Allah have mercy on you!”, If he sneezes.” And in a hadith quoted by Muslim, it says: When you meet him (a brother in faith), then greet, if he asks for advice, then instruct ". Imam Ahmad says in a hadith: Wish to others what you wish to yourself, and do not wish to others what you do not wish to yourself. ". In a hadith cited by al-Bukhari and Muslim, it says: If one of them (Muslims) asks for something, then give it to him and help the one who is oppressed ».

The highly respected Quran says about the pious believers (meaning): They are those who are merciful to each other ”(Sura Al-Fath, verse 29). Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), commenting on this verse, said: “This is from the signs of the Ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him): when the one who is worse sees someone who is better than him, he prays for him:“ O Allah, bless the good that You have bestowed upon him, and strengthen him in this, and do not deprive us of the benefit of him. When the one who is better sees the one who is worse than him, then he also prays for him: “O Allah, lead him to repentance and forgive him his sins.” But now some Muslims are far from the sign given in this verse, for the good blaspheme those who are worse, and vice versa.

In an authentic hadith narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim, it is said that (peace and blessings be upon him) said: In love and mercy towards each other, believers are like the body: when any of its organs hurts, the rest of the body is in a fever and it loses sleep. ».

This highly respected hadith calls on Muslims to unite, not to remain indifferent to the pain, suffering, problems of each other. And if Muslims do not behave in this way, then their faith is imperfect.

Another hadith says: Who does not care about the problems of Muslims, he is not one of them ».

You can't do any harm to Muslims, you can't even think about it. An authentic hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim states: A Muslim is one whose tongue and hands are safe for Muslims ».

From this highly respected hadith it follows that one cannot be a real Muslim, from whose tongue or hands comes at least a small amount of evil for others. Harming Muslims entails unbearable torment in eternal life.

One of the Tabieen Ibn Abbas al-Mujid said: “Allah Almighty will bring scabies on the inhabitants of Hell, such that they will itch until the meat is torn to the bone. Then a voice will be heard inquiring: “Are you not tormented by this?” They will answer: “Yes, we are suffering.” They will be told: “This is for you for the harm that you have done to the Muslims in earthly life.” That is, a Muslim cannot do anything bad, even looking at a person is forbidden if he does not like it. You should always try to do good to people in everything. Even if you just remove something that hinders people from the road, there is a big reward for this. An authentic hadith says that one person received Paradise because he cut down a tree that grew on the road and interfered with people.

Now let's check with what has been said the deeds of some young people who talk to each other, stopping their cars right in the middle of the road, or those who park their cars anywhere, interfering with others, building fences, houses, booths, closing the road, preventing free movement.

The duty of a Muslim in relation to other people is the manifestation of good manners. Virtue elevates a Muslim to the level of those who show diligence in worship, spending days in fasting and nights in vigil, worshiping the Almighty. This is what is said in a highly respected hadith.

A Muslim should show respect to the elders and mercy to the younger ones. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: from not one of us who does not respect the elders and is not merciful to the younger "(Tabarani, Abu Davud, Ahmad).

A Muslim should show courtesy, benevolence, contentment when dealing with people. The hadith says: Verily, Allah loves the one who is gentle and kind "(Baykhaki).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said to his companion Muadh (may Allah be pleased with him): “I command you: be God-fearing, speak only the truth, keep agreements, justify trust, do not be treacherous, protect your neighbors, be merciful to orphans, be polite in speeches, greet people and do not show arrogance” (Haraiti, Bayhaki). Compliance with the contract and the fulfillment of promises are also part of our responsibilities. A contract is like a debt, it must be fulfilled. Failure to comply with the contract is one of the signs of hypocrites, that is, hypocrites in religion. It is also impossible to show arrogance because of wealth or a high social position, a high position. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was the most humble of people, he helped the poor and widows to solve their problems (Nasai, Hakim).

You should also refrain from blasphemy against brothers in faith, you can’t even listen to blasphemy against them. The hadith says: The slanderer will not enter Paradise "(Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

It is also impossible to hold a grudge against a Muslim for more than three days, no matter how big the grudge may be. The hadith says: It is inappropriate for Muslims to stop communicating with a brother in faith (that is, to hold a grudge against him) for more than 3 days, to turn away from each other when they meet. And the best of them is the one who greets first "(Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

It is also the duty of a Muslim to do good to all people, both good and bad. The hadith says: “Doing good both in relation to good and in relation to bad is the next sign (basis) of the mind after belief (iman)” (Tabarani). But if it is known that a bad person, to whom a good thing has been done, will use this to do bad things, then one cannot do good towards him.

It is forbidden for a Muslim to cross the threshold of another Muslim's house without his permission. The hadith says: Ask permission three times. If you get permission, enter, and if not, come back. "(Al-Bukhari, Muslim). If permission is not given, then one cannot be offended by it.

It is also the duty of a Muslim to observe justice in relation to other people. You should act towards others in the same way that you would like others to act towards you. The hadith says: Whoever wants to move away from Hell and enter Paradise, let him adhere to the conviction that God is one and Muhammad is His Messenger, and act towards others in the same way as he wishes others to act towards him "(Haraiti).

One of the duties of a Muslim is also to show respect for a respected person. The hadith says: If an authoritative person among his people comes to you, then you show him respect "(Hakim).

There is also a hadith that says that everyone should be put in their place, that is, everyone should be given their due, corresponding to their status, authority.

A Muslim should reconcile Muslims who are at war with each other, offended by each other. The hadith says: Can I tell you about a deed better than praying, fasting, or giving alms? This is the reconciliation of the warring. Grievances, enmity between Muslims are like a blade that shaves off religion "(Abu Dawood, Tirmizi).

This hadith shows how great is the reward for the reconciliation of Muslims and how great is the harm from enmity, bad relations between Muslims, which deprive us of faith. It is better for us to be in the earth than to live in this world without true religion. Sharia allows even deceit for the sake of reconciliation of Muslims.

A Muslim's duty to other Muslims is to cover up their shortcomings. An authentic hadeeth says: Whoever hides the shortcomings of Muslims, and Allah will hide his shortcomings both in this world and in the next "(Muslim).

One should also beware of what may cause doubt among Muslims. Whoever commits such a thing that will cause doubts and bad thoughts, assumptions among Muslims and thereby push them to sin, and the sin will be recorded for that. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was talking to his wife Safiyat, a man passed by them. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) called him to him and said: "This is my wife Safiyat." He said: “O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), will I think badly of you?” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Satan walks in the human body where the blood is” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad).

Muslims should also be given assistance whenever possible. An authentic hadeeth says: Allah helps His servant as long as he helps his brother in faith "(Muslim).

One of the duties of a Muslim is to provide assistance and support to a Muslim who is in trouble. An authentic hadeeth says: Whoever helps a Muslim who is in trouble in this world, Allah removes from him (who helped) the misfortune in the next world "(Muslim).

One of the duties of a Muslim to other people is the fulfillment of their needs. An authentic hadith says: “Walking to fulfill the needs of a brother in faith is better for each of you than doing itikaf in my mosque, that is, staying in worship in it for two years” (Hakim). And for itikaf, that is, for staying in worship in the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), an indescribably large reward is provided.

The duties of a Muslim also include intercession and all possible assistance to all Muslims through any boss or official with whom he has a good relationship. The Quran says (meaning): Whoever contributes to a good deed will receive a share of it. (Sura An-Nisa, verse 85).

An authentic hadeeth says: Provide assistance, you will be rewarded for this "(Al-Bukhari).

It is also said that the best charity is the charity of the tongue.

One of the duties of a Muslim is also to greet all the Muslims he meets, to start communicating with them with a greeting. A frequent greeting is one of the most highly valued deeds. An authentic hadith says: “By Allah, you will not enter Paradise unless you have the true faith (iman), you will not have the true faith until you love each other. Tell you about a deed that will make you fall in love with each other? Spread the greeting among you."

A necessary sunnah is for Muslims and a handshake at a meeting. The hadith says: When a Muslim shakes hands with his brother in faith, the sins of both of them fall off them like leaves from a tree. "(Bazzar).

It is the duty of Muslims not to raise a Muslim from the place where he sits, and also to make room for the one who comes up, compacting the rows of those sitting. An authentic hadeeth says: Let not lift one to make room for the other, but let them move close together to make room for him. "(Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

It is also the duty of Muslims to protect, as far as possible, the body, property and honor of a Muslim from oppression by others. The hadith says: Whoever suffers because of the protection of a brother in faith, this will become a barrier for him from the fire of hell "(Tirmizi).

Another hadith says: “Whoever does not help a brother in faith, having such an opportunity, Allah will not help him either in this or in the next world. And to the one who helps, and Allah will help in both worlds ”(Ibn Abi ad-Dunya). If a neighbor or colleague has a bad temper, a Muslim should try to avoid conflicts and establish equal relations. The Quran says (meaning): Take away evil with good "(Sura" al-Mu'minun, ayat 92).

A Muslim should also love the poor, not anger them. The hadith says: “O Aishat, love the poor and draw them closer to you, and Allah will draw you closer on the Day of Judgment.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him): “O Abu Bakr, if you anger the poor, then your Lord will be angry with you” (Muslim).

A Muslim should not flatter a rich man because of his wealth, no matter how great it may be. The hadith says: “If someone begins to fawn before a good rich man because of his wealth, then his religiosity (faith) decreases by one third.”

A Muslim must take care of the orphans, help them, bring them into the house and raise them. An authentic hadeeth says: I and the one who maintains the orphan will be together in Paradise, like these two fingers "(Muslim).

A Muslim should please a Muslim, give him advice from a pure heart. An authentic hadeeth says: Religion is good instruction "(Muslim).

Another hadith says: Verily, Allah loves people who make believers happy "(Tabarani).

A Muslim should stay away from everything that can incite enmity between Muslims. The Quran says (meaning): Tell my servants to speak only good things; verily Satan desires strife between them (Sura Al-Isra, verse 53).

This verse urges us not to give Satan any opportunity to sow discord among Muslims.

It is not proper for Muslims to quarrel with each other. An authentic hadith says: “Whoever stops a dispute, knowing that he is wrong, Allah will build him a palace on the edge of Paradise, and whoever stops a dispute, being right, Allah builds a palace for him in Paradise on the highest place” (Tirmidhi).

Truth should be expressed politely, benevolently, but if the one to whom it is addressed does not perceive it, then one should move away from him without arguing with him, for arguing gives rise to hostility and leads hearts into confusion.

A Muslim is obliged to keep the secret of another Muslim, not to hide his sympathies, to express attitude and love for those he likes, to turn to the Almighty with a good prayer for brothers and sisters in faith. The hadith says: “If a Muslim turns to Allah with a prayer: “O Allah, forgive the sins of all Muslims and Muslim women,” then Allah forgives him sins according to the number of all Muslims.”

A Muslim should not envy others, for, as the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says, envy burns good deeds, just like fire burns wood. Therefore, when you see something good in a Muslim, you should ask Allah to increase this good for him. In this case, envy leaves you, and Allah gives you an even greater blessing than what you asked for for another.

Another duty of a Muslim is to visit the sick. You should put your hand on his head, ask about his condition, pray to Allah for good for him, that is, read a dua for him. A Muslim should also visit the grave of a Muslim, express condolences to the one to whom misfortune has come, teach the one who needs it, and prevent the one who does it from committing a sin. You should not be at enmity with Muslims and desire for yourself what they own. For the younger one should be a father, for the older ones - a son, for peers - a brother.

In addition to these, there are other obligations of a Muslim to other Muslims. You should especially try to fulfill these duties in relation to neighbors, friends, relatives.

It should be noted that a Muslim should treat people well, show good manners not only in relation to Muslims, but also in relation to followers of other religions, if they do not harm Islam. This is what our religion teaches us.

Dear brothers and sisters in faith! If we, Muslims, behave as our religion requires of us, if we observe the duties listed above towards each other, then life on earth will become happy, blissful, Allah will be pleased with us and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will rejoice, and we will receive high heavenly blessings in eternal life. And if we follow Satan and neglect these duties, then we will be haunted by misfortunes in earthly life, Allah will be angry with us, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will grieve, and we will be subjected to hellish torment in that light.

May Almighty Allah help all Muslims to behave as our religion commands us, and unite like a single body, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said about it! Amen!

With the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

We ask for help and forgiveness only from Allah. We ask him to save us from dirty thoughts and sinful actions. Whoever Allah has guided to the true path, no one will lead him astray, whom he has led astray, no one will guide him to the right path.

I testify that there is no deity except Allah and there is no one worthy of worship except him, he is alone and he has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is his servant and messenger.

- Oh, believers! Fear Allah properly, and die only as Muslims. (Family of Imran-102.)

-Oh people! Fear your Lord, who created you from one person, created a mate from him and settled many men and women descended from both of them. Fear Allah in the name you ask for each other and be afraid to tear apart family ties. Indeed, Allah is watching over you. (Women-1)

-O those who believe! Fear Allah and speak the right word. Then He will correct your works for you and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has already achieved great success. (Allies-70-71.)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Indeed, the best words, the words of Allah and the best path, the path of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and the worst thing that there is is innovation and every innovation is a bidah, and every bidah is a delusion, and every delusion leads to hell .. (Narrated by Muslim, 3242).

O slaves of Allah! I advise you and yourself to be God-fearing.

Oh people! Fear Allah properly, and listen to the khutba silently and do not talk to each other. Please don't get carried away mobile phones, turn them off and do not shoot with the camera.

Oh Muslims! Fear Allah, study your religion, be among those who understand it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Allaah is Holy and Great to him who wishes well, makes him understand the religion.

Remember Islam is a religion based on knowledge and is the source of goodness and justice in all respects.

Islam came to all mankind only as a Mercy from Allah, the Creator of heaven and earth, which no one can deny, with all the rules from Him.

Allah is Holy and Great sent Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). with faith pure without shirk and forgiving, a comprehensive Sharia, which provides all mankind with a calm, joyful life, according to which each person acquires the highest degree of character, peace.

Oh Slaves of Allah! fear Allah properly, know that this world is a transitory abode, and the last abode is a permanent residence. Do good deeds before it’s too late, before you lose the opportunity to do them, analyze your deeds, what you have earned, what you have lost, keep yourself from immersing yourself in whims, the one who devotes himself and his actions to what will happen after death has succeeded, for the sake of worldly temptations does not commit serious crimes against himself and humanity.

The incapable, weak one who has submitted himself to his whims and hopes in Allah, who has corrected his secret deeds, Allah will correct his open obvious deeds, who has corrected his relationship with Allah, Allah will correct his affairs with people and protect him from their evil.

Oh Muslims! Allah knows about your secret deeds, if you have a disorder there, your open beautiful deeds will not help you. No matter how pious you are on the outside, praying, fasting, and so on, if you hide evil inside, your piety will not help you.

Oh Muslims! I would like to dedicate today's khutba to the topic of brotherhood in Islam, insha'Allah. this topic is more important and relevant than ever in today's period, a period of disunity and unrest among Muslims, when Muslims are divided into scattered small groups, are looking for shortcomings in each other, and exchange mutual accusations. They call themselves by different names, Hanafi, Shafi'i, Shiite, Wahhabi, Sufi, Murjit, defeatists, and so on, distinguish themselves from others by various signs, some fingers are raised when they meet each other, others mock those who observe the Sunnah, others who do not observe the Sunnah are taken out of Islam, Some shave their beards so as not to be like those who observe the Sunnah of the prophet, and others without beards are considered non-Muslims and some dress different forms clothes so that his jamat would be different from others. some attribute themselves to various jamaats and tarikats, and so on. At the same time, no one wants to understand that the other is also his brother in faith, and not an enemy, because each of them must seek the truth in the Koran, the sunnah of the prophet and in the actions of the companions and righteous ancestors who obeyed the prophet in the best way and should not consider that the truth is contained in the words of his ustaz, amir or sheikh, and also not divide people into whites and blacks.

Indeed, one of the most important qualities a sincere Muslim is that he feels a feeling of love towards his brothers and friends, not connected with any selfish material interests, not pursuing any goals, gratitude or mutual assistance in the future. This is true, brotherly love. This is because the connection that connects a Muslim with his brother, regardless of his nationality, skin color and language, is a connection of faith, as Allah Almighty said : Verily, believers are brothers. Therefore, reconcile the brothers and fear Allah - perhaps you will have mercy. (Khujurat 10)
Brotherhood in faith is more reliable than other friendships, because brotherhood in faith binds souls and hearts and is the highest connecting link.

We see from the verses and hadiths harmony and brotherhood, many praises are given, especially if people are connected with each other by piety, religion and love for Allah. Allah, pointing to the great beneficence shown to us believers, said: He united your hearts, and by His mercy you became brothers. (Al Imran 103).

Here it means that this harmony and brotherhood became possible thanks to Allah. In order to keep people from disunity, Allah condemns it, saying: Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together and do not separate. (Al Imran 103)

And one of the qualities by which we can achieve brotherhood is a good disposition. Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). said: “Verily, Allah loves more than all of you the most righteous and humble, who love themselves (i.e. brothers) and enjoy the love of others, and the most hated of you for Allah are those who spread gossip, separating brothers (by faith) from each other.” (At-Tirmidhi)

From Ibn ‘Umar it is reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “ The most beloved people for Allah are the most useful of them, and the most beloved deed in front of Allah Almighty and Great is the joy that you bring to a Muslim or help him in trouble or pay his debt or satisfy his hunger. And indeed, to come to the aid of your Muslim brother in what he needs is more beloved to me than to perform ittikaf in the mosque for a month. And whoever restrains his anger towards his brother (in Islam), Allah will cover his nakedness (i.e. hide his shortcomings and sins), and whoever restrains his anger at the time when he wanted to pour it out, Allah will fill his heart with contentment on the Day of Judgment. And whoever goes out to help his Muslim brother in his need until he helps him, Allah will strengthen his feet on the day when the feet slip. And verily, bad temper spoils deeds just as vinegar spoils honey.”. Ibn Abu d-Dunya, at-Tabarani. Hadith is good. See Sahih al-Jami 176.

As we see from this hadith, brotherhood is a very important and encouraged quality and the position of those who love each other in Allah is great, and the Lord of the worlds will show them high honor on the day when people stand before Him humiliated.

When people are gathered on the day of resurrection, it is to them that He will turn His attention and say: “Where are those who loved one another for the sake of My majesty? Today, on the Day when there will be no (other) shade but My shade, I will cover them in My shade!” (Muslim).

A true Muslim who has understood (i.e. comprehended, who understood) the establishment of his religion, knows that Islam, which called for love, maintaining ties and sympathy, forbids people to hate, break ties and stop communicating with each other. Muslims who have come into conflict with each other, in accordance with the establishment of Islam, are obliged to take steps towards reconciliation as soon as possible, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). says: “It is not permissible for a Muslim to break off relations with his brother (in Islam) for more than three days! And the one who broke off relations with his brother for more than three days and died, will enter the Fire!” » Abu Dawud 4914, Ahmad 2/392.

And the longer the period of termination of relations and parting, the greater will be the severity of sin and the more serious consequences it threatens for those two.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Do not envy each other, do not raise the price, give up mutual hatred, do not turn your back on each other, do not interrupt trade with each other and be brothers, O servants of Allah, because a Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, and therefore no Muslim should either oppress another, or treat him with contempt, or leave him without help, but God fear is hidden here! ”, - and the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, pointed his hand to his chest three times, after which he said:“ Harm will be enough for that person who despises his brother in Islam, and for every Muslim the life, property and honor of another Muslim should be inviolable! » Muslim 2564.

As you can see, this hadith is very relevant today, because there are many Muslims who despise their brother only because their views on any issues and details of Islam do not coincide with their opinion or the opinion of their community, they are already ready to dishonor and violate the rights of their brother.

Indeed, a Muslim who ponders the essence of these instructions of the prophet can harbor malice only if his heart is afflicted with a disease, he himself is distinguished by callousness, rudeness, callousness, and some kind of curvature is inherent in him from the very beginning. These instructions and threats are addressed to callous and rude people who deviate from the moral principles of Islam and fence themselves off from the friendliness and indulgence of religion, stubbornly refusing to restore relations. And something terrible awaits such people in the eternal world, they will be deprived of the mercy and forgiveness of Allah, and the doors of paradise will be closed for them.

The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “The gates of Paradise open on Mondays and Thursdays, and the sins of every slave who does not worship anything along with Allah are forgiven, with the exception of such a person whom hatred divided with his brother. And then it will be said: “Wait with these two until they match each other, wait with these two until they match each other, wait with these two until they match each other! »» Muslim 2565.

Mutual hatred leads to the fact that the deeds of people become futile, deprives them of their reward and destroys good deeds. For a Muslim who has broken off relations with his brother, reconciliation will be better than alms and fasting, because if such alienation and mutual hatred persist, this will lead to the destruction of the good that he has gained through the performance of deeds of worship.

In order to conform to brotherhood in religion, a Muslim must strive to consolidate certain properties of character traits that are praised by Allah.

A Muslim greets his brothers with a joyful face. This is explained by the fact that a friendly and clear face is a mirror of a pure heart.
He is sincere towards them, he is sincere towards Allah, towards his book, towards His messenger, towards the leaders of Muslims and towards all Muslims in general. A Muslim is sincere towards his brothers and never deceives them.

He tends to be kind and loyal. According to Sharia, love, sincerity, kindness and fidelity must necessarily find its manifestation in a person helping his brother in any circumstances. At the same time, he should help his brother in those cases when he is right, taking his side, supporting and protecting him. In cases where he is wrong, help should be expressed in giving him good advice and keeping him from lying and committing injustice.
He shows kindness towards his brothers. A true Muslim is gentle in dealing with his brothers, kind to them and loves them as much as they love him or more than them.

1. He does not speak evil of them. A true and sincere Muslim refrains from slandering his brothers and friends and does not speak evil of them.

O those who believe! Avoid many assumptions, for some assumptions are sinful. Do not follow each other and do not gossip behind each other's backs. Would any of you like to eat the meat of your dead brother if you feel disgusted by it? Fear Allah! Indeed, Allah is Receptive, Merciful. (Room 12.)

2. He avoids arguing with them, refrains from hurtful jokes, and does not break his promises. One of the inherent qualities of a Muslim is that he does not annoy, does not disturb, does not pester his brothers and friends with fruitless useless disputes, does not bother them with offensive jokes and does not violate their promises, guided in this by the instructions of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). who said: “Do not argue with your brother, do not make fun of him, i.e. do not offend with an offensive joke, and do not break the promise given to him.

O slaves of Allah! I advise you and yourself to be God-fearing

3. He gives preference to his brothers over himself.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : "None of you will believe until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself." Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

4. He turns to Allah with prayers for his brothers and in their absence.

And those who came after them say: “Our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who believed before us! Do not instill hatred and envy in our hearts for those who believe. Our Lord! Verily, You are the Compassionate, the Merciful.” (Collection 10)

Oh Muslims! Quite a few were said at today's khutba about brotherhood in Islam, but it is unlikely that everything said will be remembered, but in the end I would like to consolidate what was said with a hadith, the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). said: “You see that in the manifestation of mercy, love and sympathy for each other, believers are like a [single] body: when any of its parts is affected by a disease, all other (parts) of the body respond (to this, experiencing) insomnia and (suffering from) fever.” (Al-Bukhari; Muslim.)

May Allah grant that we are among those who understand the word and obey the best.

Indeed, Allah commands to observe justice, to do good and to give gifts to relatives. He forbids abominations, reprehensible deeds and excesses. He admonishes you that perhaps you will remember the edification.

Remember the Great Allah and he will also remember you, thank Allah for his gifts so that he would add them to you, and he knows what you are doing.

Indeed, Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O those who believe! Bless him and welcome him with peace. (Al-Ahzab-56)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said whoever blesses me once, Allah blesses him ten times

فصلّوا وسلِّموا على سيّد الأولين والآخرين وإمام المرسلين.

اللهم صل وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت وباركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد وارض اللهم عن الأربعة الخلفاء الراشدين وعن آل بيت نبيك الطيبين الطاهرين وعن أزواجه أمهات المؤمنين وعن الصحابة أجمعين وعن التابعين ومن تبعهم بإحسان

And in conclusion, praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds!

Dear brothers and sisters! Almighty Allah has made us from among the Muslim community and brothers in faith. The Quran says:

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُـونَ إِخْوَةٌ (الحجرات،10)

« Verily, believers are brothers (Sura Al-Khujurat, verse 10).

An authentic hadith narrated by Imam Muslim states: Muslim brother to Muslim. He will not oppress him, will not leave him without help, and will not allow him to be in a difficult situation. ».

Brotherhood in faith is much stronger and stronger than blood relationship. After all, brotherhood by blood is limited to the world below, but brotherhood by faith exists both in this world and in the next. We acquire brotherhood in blood through our parents, and brotherhood in faith through Allah Almighty and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). That is why the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: I am to you what a father is to children "(Abu Dawood, an-Nasai).

The greatest blessing for us is that the Almighty rewards us for loving our brothers in faith and for helping them.

The hadeeth says that a certain man went on a journey to visit his brother in faith in another village. And Allah sent him an angel in human form. Meeting him along the way, the angel asked: “Where are you going?” The man replied: “I want to go to my brother in faith in this village.” The angel asked, "Do you have any need for him?" “No, except that I loved him for the sake of Allah,” the traveler replied. Then the angel said: “I was sent by Allah to you to say that Allah loved you just as you loved him for My sake” (Muslim).

Another hadith narrated by Muslim states: I swear by Him in whose power my soul is, you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. So, why don't you point me to something that doing what will lead you to mutual love?! Spread greetings among yourselves (salaam) ».

Love for the sake of Allah

According to the Quran and hadiths, friendship for the sake of Allah is such a worthy quality that we should know what friendship is for the sake of Allah.

Friendship for the sake of Allah is when you love your brother, first of all, following the Qur'an, which tells us that believers are brothers. Further, we should strive in our friendship with a brother in faith for the sake of the pleasure of Allah, and then our friendship will be for the sake of the Creator.

For example, we love a teacher who teaches us religion, and this connection with the teacher will be a connection for the sake of Allah. Or we love those who help us in charitable deeds, and such love will also be for the sake of Allah. Or if a person is busy acquiring Sharia knowledge or worshiping Allah, and someone took upon himself the provision of him and his family members, and for this he loves him, then this love is love for the sake of Allah. Even if a person married to protect his religion from the instigations of Satan or to have a righteous offspring, then love for his wife is love for the sake of Allah. Even though we can love wives for their beauty, temperament or for the pleasure they give us, even then love can be for the sake of Allah if we married for His sake. We need to strive to ensure that love for parents, children, wife, relatives and friends, for all Muslims - all this is for the sake of Allah.

But we must understand that friendship also implies obligations towards our brothers. Here are some of these responsibilities.

1. Liability related to property. With regard to this duty, the lowest degree is when you spend for the needs of your brother from the surplus of your property. But then how is your help different from the help you would give to a beggar from the street?! After all, you are ready to give him a part of your excess wealth.

More high degree when your brother can dispose of your property in the same way as you.

Even higher are those who prefer to spend their money on solving their brothers' problems before solving their own problems. And to this degree we must strive. You probably heard the story of the companions who died after one battle, and when water was brought to one of them, he said to give it to a brother in faith who was nearby, and that one to another, and when the water returned in a circle to the first, he had already left this world.

2. It is also a duty towards one's brother to provide help and support in his need.. And in this act also there are degrees. The lowest degree is when your brother turns to you for help and you, showing him joy, rush to help with pleasure. This is the starting level. In no case should your brother feel that you are hindered by his request. This is already beyond the lowest level of assistance.

One of the righteous said: “If you asked your brother for something, and he did not do it, then remind him, maybe he forgot. And if after that he did not fulfill, then perform a funeral prayer for him. That is, he no longer exists for you as a brother in faith.

But if you're striving for perfection, you shouldn't wait for your brother to ask you for anything. It is necessary to be interested in yourself if he has problems, and try to solve them. And even after his death, we should not forget about him. We must take care of his family. Among the righteous predecessors were those who for forty years or more took care of the family of a brother in faith who left this world. Sometimes the children of the deceased saw more attention, help, participation in their affairs from him than from their father.

3. The third duty is related to your tongue.

Firstly, you must guard your tongue from anything that may inconvenience your brother or may sadden or anger him. For example, you see how he goes somewhere, but hides it from you. Because in that case, he would have to lie to you.

Also, you may not spread anything about him or his family that he may not like, whether it be his shortcomings or mistakes. Even if you quarreled with him and there is no longer friendship between you, then even then you should not mention any shortcomings that you noticed in him. Any secret he tells you, you must not divulge.

Arabs say: The hearts of venerable men are graves of secrets". If necessary, we can even lie so as not to divulge the secrets or shortcomings of our brothers.

Also you must leave as far as possible any dispute with your brothers in faith, even if you are right. You should not bring anything to him that will sadden or anger him, be it something said by someone to him, etc. If something was said about him that will please him, then it is worth bringing it to him.

It is not appropriate to be silent if someone speaks badly of your brother in faith or slanders him. You need to instruct this person. One of the righteous said: If in my presence someone mentioned my brother from a bad side, I imagined that this brother of mine was nearby and protected him as if he were actually nearby. After all, when someone slanders our brother in faith, he is like a dog that tears his flesh. Ask yourself if you would be silent if you saw your brother being torn to pieces by a dog».

Also, we should correct our brother when we see that he goes beyond the limits of what is permitted according to Sharia. However, we should instruct him not in front of people (because in this case we dishonor him), but in solitude, in a calm atmosphere, in a mild manner.

4. The next duty towards one's brother is to be indulgent towards his faults and shortcomings.

Ibn Mubarak said: The believer is looking for an excuse, but the hypocrite is looking for mistakes and blunders».

Also in the hadith it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Ask Allah for protection from a bad neighbor who, if he sees something good from you, then hides it, and if he sees something bad, then spreads it ».

You must understand that you also have many shortcomings that you cannot cope with. And just as you don't like it when people talk about your shortcomings, your brother won't like it either. There are no people, except the Prophets or those whom Allah has protected, who are pure from any shortcomings. If you start looking for friendship with those who are clean from all shortcomings, then you will hardly find someone with whom you can be friends. If good qualities the believer has more than bad ones, then this is a great thing in our time.

The righteous said: If you saw any inappropriate action from your brother, then find him 70 excuses. And if after that you find dissatisfaction in your heart, then you should blame yourself, because if you were really his brother, you would find an excuse just as you find yourself».

5. The next duty towards a brother in faith is your supplication for him.. The hadith says: When a person prays for a brother in faith in his absence, the angel says: « And the same to you! "". Another hadith says that a prayer for a brother in faith, made in his absence, is not rejected.

A Muslim needs to pray for his brothers, both during their lifetime and after their death. Abu Darda said: I pray for 70 of my brothers in prostration, listing their names ».

The righteous Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Asbahani said: “Where can you find someone like a brother in faith?! At a time when your relatives are busy dividing your inheritance and using your property with might and main, a brother in faith occupies your position. And under the cover of night, he prays for you, while you lie under the cover of the earth.

6. Next Duty to Your Brother according to faith, it is that your connection with him continues until his death, and after death you have a connection with his relatives and friends.

Once an old woman came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and he paid her great respect. When asked about it, he replied: She came to us at a time when Khadija was alive ... ».

7. Next Duty to Brother by faith it is not to burden him with your problems. It is fitting that your friendship with a person be only for the sake of Allah, and the purpose of your friendship with a person should be only the pleasure of Allah. Therefore, we should not burden our brothers with our problems. On the contrary, you should think about how you can help your brother. The best of brothers is the one who does not burden his brother and near whom you will never experience inconvenience or embarrassment.

In everything we must bring relief to our brethren.

Another example of this is not to rebuke a brother in faith because of abandoning desirable deeds. For example, if you see that he does not observe desirable fasts, you should not ask why he does not observe them, and vice versa, if he fasts all the time, you should not ask why he fasts all the time.

These are just a few of the duties we must keep towards our brothers in the faith. In this article, we cannot cover everything in detail.

Some may find this difficult. However, for the sake of alleviating worldly problems, we are ready to endure the nature of various bosses and leaders, ready to sacrifice, work for strangers, receiving a small salary, spend the most precious thing we have, that is, our time, to enrich this person. When we spend so much energy and diligence for the sake of the worldly inheritance, is it not worth it that we spend at least so much in order to be among those with whom Allah will be pleased and who will be under the shadow of Arsh on the Day of Judgment?!