Hadith about family and marriage. Prophet Muhammad's Hadiths about Life Authentic Prophet Muhammad's Hadiths Prophet Muhammad and his Hadiths

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Religions of the world

From the compiler

At the beginning of the 7th century, a modest man named Mohammed ibn Abdallah, who belonged to the pagan tribe of the Quraysh, lived in Mecca. He had a difficult childhood: the boy never saw his father, who died at the age of twenty-five shortly before the birth of his son, and he was not even six years old when his mother died. The tutor of little Mohammed was his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, but two years later he also died, and the child ended up in the family of his paternal uncle, Abu Talib.

From an early age, Muhammad was accustomed to work and tended the sheep that belonged to the inhabitants of Mecca. Growing up, he began to help his uncle in trading affairs, but he was little attracted by worldly fuss. When he was twenty-five years old, he married a worthy woman, whose name was Khadija, and she became faithful to him and loving wife. Khadijah was a wealthy widow and was courted by many, but she married Muhammad out of her own choice.

The older Muhammad became, the more he thought about life. He developed a penchant for solitude, and as soon as he was given the opportunity, he liked to climb Mount Hira, which is in the vicinity of Mecca, and spend time in a cave found there, thinking about himself and the world. As a rule, he remained in the cave for several days, but sometimes he had to break his thoughts to go downstairs for food and drink, after which he would retire to his favorite place for several more days and nights.

From long loneliness and constant reflection, he was often visited by visions to which he had already become accustomed, but one day it seemed to him that someone else was in the cave besides him. Mohammed ibn Abdullah was not a timid ten, but this time he was trembling when a mysterious and invisible stranger said:

Seized with a strange trembling, Muhammad ibn Abdullah prostrated himself on the floor of the cave. The vision disappeared, but for a long time he did not dare to move, and then, continuing to tremble, as if in a fever, with great difficulty he reached the house of Khadija, frightened by his appearance. He asked his wife to cover him with a thick veil and sat under it until he recovered from his fright.

The continuation of the legend says that soon Muhammad again wished to climb Hira, but, having climbed into the cave, he again felt the presence of a mysterious stranger in it, who again turned to him with the same words:

“O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah.

This time, what was said plunged Muhammad ibn Abdallah into such horror that he was ready to throw himself down from a high rock, over which the cave was located.

And only when an invisible stranger visited him for the third time, Muhammad learned that the archangel Jabrail appeared in his cave, sent to him by Allah himself.

The fourth time the archangel appeared to Muhammad in a dream. Having covered it with a brocade coverlet, on which there were some inscriptions, the archangel ordered Muhammad:

- I can not! Mohammed exclaimed in despair.

And then Gabriel wrapped him even more tightly in a brocade coverlet, so that the poor fellow could hardly breathe, and again ordered in a stern voice:

- But I can not! Mohammed croaked out of breath, but the archangel was inexorable and wrapped the veil even more tightly around him, and then repeated the order for the third time: “Read!

– Read! In the name of your Lord, who created man from a clot!

Thus, the verses of the Koran were revealed to Muhammad ibn Abdallah for the first time. It happened in the year 610, in the month of Ramadan, and he continued to receive revelations from above for more than twenty years, becoming the great prophet of Islam.

Only a few in Mecca believed Muhammad and recognized him as a real messenger of the Lord, carrying the message that there is no God but Allah, and that he, Muhammad, is His prophet. The rest mocked the Messenger of Allah and oppressed him in every possible way. Things got to the point that in 622 the prophet had to flee from Mecca to the blessed Medina, where the majority of the population happily converted to Islam. Other Meccan Muslims followed him. From this migration, or the hijra, the Islamic calendar is used.

Over the next ten years, Islam spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula and began to go beyond its borders. The verses of the Koran, the revelations sent down to the prophet Muhammad by Almighty Allah, were passed from mouth to mouth, and the followers of the prophet reverently listened to his speeches and tried to imitate him in everything, believing that his words and deeds were inspired by the one and all-powerful God, who has no equal and who is the true ruler of the universe and the arbiter of the fate of all things.

The personality of the Prophet Muhammad cannot but arouse admiration. It cannot be called anything other than a miracle that an illiterate orphan from the pagan tribe of Quraysh became the founder of one of the world's monotheistic religions, united many previously hostile tribes under the banner of Islam and created the first Muslim state, showing himself as an outstanding legislator and commander. He had his say in almost every area human life, defining the laws by which the Muslim world lives for centuries. Stories about the actions and sayings of the beloved prophet, hadith, have become one of the main cultural values ​​of the Islamic world. Hadiths are not just legends about the prophet and people close to him. What they say is an illustration of the instructions contained in the Qur'an. However, there is a fundamental difference between the Quran and the Hadith: holy quran both in form and in meaning it ascends to Allah, conveying His words, and the hadiths, ascending to the sayings of Allah in meaning, ascend in form to the prophet, fixing what was said and done by him.

Hadith began to be created and distributed during the lifetime of the prophet. For more than a hundred years they existed in the oral tradition, then collections began to be compiled from them. They have been studied and continue to be studied by theologians, and the knowledge of hadith and the ability to tell them invariably arouses deep respect in the Muslim world.

The structure of the classical hadith falls into two parts. The first, called isnad, contains a chain of narrators through whom the hadeeth existed in oral form before it was written down. The study of this chain of names allows you to determine how reliable this hadith is. In the second part, either a saying is stated or a deed of the Messenger of Allah is briefly described, which is perceived as completely reliable due to the reference to the authorities of famous personalities mentioned in the isnad. An obligatory element of the hadith style is the use of formulaic ritual phrases after the names of Allah, the prophet and the righteous from among his followers. There are many hadith collections, and a significant part of them pass from one to another, and some stories are repeated in the same collection, differing from each other in isnads or minor details of the narrative. The most reliable collections of hadiths are those compiled by the imams Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Jufi al-Bukhari (810-870), Muslim (d. 875), at-Tirmizi (d. 892), Abu Daud (d. 888), an- Nasai (d. 915) and ibn Maji (d. 887). However, not all known hadiths are included in them. For example, al-Bukhari processed about 600,000 hadiths, of which he recognized only 7,300 as reliable, and they entered his collection, and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal studied about a million hadiths, including only twenty-fifth of the texts he studied in his code.

Religions of the world

From the compiler

At the beginning of the 7th century, a modest man named Mohammed ibn Abdallah, who belonged to the pagan tribe of the Quraysh, lived in Mecca. He had a difficult childhood: the boy never saw his father, who died at the age of twenty-five shortly before the birth of his son, and he was not even six years old when his mother died. The tutor of little Mohammed was his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, but two years later he also died, and the child ended up in the family of his paternal uncle, Abu Talib.

From an early age, Muhammad was accustomed to work and tended the sheep that belonged to the inhabitants of Mecca. Growing up, he began to help his uncle in trading affairs, but he was little attracted by worldly fuss. When he was twenty-five years old, he married a worthy woman, whose name was Khadija, and she became his faithful and loving wife. Khadijah was a wealthy widow and was courted by many, but she married Muhammad out of her own choice.

The older Muhammad became, the more he thought about life. He developed a penchant for solitude, and as soon as he was given the opportunity, he liked to climb Mount Hira, which is in the vicinity of Mecca, and spend time in a cave found there, thinking about himself and the world. As a rule, he remained in the cave for several days, but sometimes he had to break his thoughts to go downstairs for food and drink, after which he would retire to his favorite place for several more days and nights.

From long loneliness and constant reflection, he was often visited by visions to which he had already become accustomed, but one day it seemed to him that someone else was in the cave besides him. Mohammed ibn Abdullah was not a timid ten, but this time he was trembling when a mysterious and invisible stranger said:

Seized with a strange trembling, Muhammad ibn Abdullah prostrated himself on the floor of the cave. The vision disappeared, but for a long time he did not dare to move, and then, continuing to tremble, as if in a fever, with great difficulty he reached the house of Khadija, frightened by his appearance. He asked his wife to cover him with a thick veil and sat under it until he recovered from his fright.

The continuation of the legend says that soon Muhammad again wished to climb Hira, but, having climbed into the cave, he again felt the presence of a mysterious stranger in it, who again turned to him with the same words:

“O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah.

This time, what was said plunged Muhammad ibn Abdallah into such horror that he was ready to throw himself down from a high rock, over which the cave was located.

And only when an invisible stranger visited him for the third time, Muhammad learned that the archangel Jabrail appeared in his cave, sent to him by Allah himself.

The fourth time the archangel appeared to Muhammad in a dream.

Having covered it with a brocade coverlet, on which there were some inscriptions, the archangel ordered Muhammad:

- I can not! Mohammed exclaimed in despair.

And then Gabriel wrapped him even more tightly in a brocade coverlet, so that the poor fellow could hardly breathe, and again ordered in a stern voice:

- But I can not! Mohammed croaked out of breath, but the archangel was inexorable and wrapped the veil even more tightly around him, and then repeated the order for the third time: “Read!

– Read! In the name of your Lord, who created man from a clot!

Thus, the verses of the Koran were revealed to Muhammad ibn Abdallah for the first time. It happened in the year 610, in the month of Ramadan, and he continued to receive revelations from above for more than twenty years, becoming the great prophet of Islam.

Only a few in Mecca believed Muhammad and recognized him as a real messenger of the Lord, carrying the message that there is no God but Allah, and that he, Muhammad, is His prophet. The rest mocked the Messenger of Allah and oppressed him in every possible way. Things got to the point that in 622 the prophet had to flee from Mecca to the blessed Medina, where the majority of the population happily converted to Islam. Other Meccan Muslims followed him. From this migration, or the hijra, the Islamic calendar is used.

Over the next ten years, Islam spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula and began to go beyond its borders. The verses of the Koran, the revelations sent down to the prophet Muhammad by Almighty Allah, were passed from mouth to mouth, and the followers of the prophet reverently listened to his speeches and tried to imitate him in everything, believing that his words and deeds were inspired by the one and all-powerful God, who has no equal and who is the true ruler of the universe and the arbiter of the fate of all things.

The personality of the Prophet Muhammad cannot but arouse admiration. It cannot be called anything other than a miracle that an illiterate orphan from the pagan tribe of Quraysh became the founder of one of the world's monotheistic religions, united many previously hostile tribes under the banner of Islam and created the first Muslim state, showing himself as an outstanding legislator and commander. He said his weighty word in almost every area of ​​human life, defining the laws by which the Muslim world lives for centuries. Stories about the actions and sayings of the beloved prophet, hadith, have become one of the main cultural values ​​of the Islamic world. Hadiths are not just legends about the prophet and people close to him. What they say is an illustration of the instructions contained in the Qur'an. However, there is a fundamental difference between the Quran and the hadiths: the Holy Quran, both in form and in meaning, ascends to Allah, conveying His words, and the hadiths, ascending to the sayings of Allah in meaning, ascend in form to the prophet, fixing what was said and done by him.

Hadith began to be created and distributed during the lifetime of the prophet. For more than a hundred years they existed in the oral tradition, then collections began to be compiled from them. They have been studied and continue to be studied by theologians, and the knowledge of hadith and the ability to tell them invariably arouses deep respect in the Muslim world.

The structure of the classical hadith falls into two parts. The first, called isnad, contains a chain of narrators through whom the hadeeth existed in oral form before it was written down. The study of this chain of names allows you to determine how reliable this hadith is. In the second part, either a saying is stated or a deed of the Messenger of Allah is briefly described, which is perceived as completely reliable due to the reference to the authorities of famous personalities mentioned in the isnad. An obligatory element of the hadith style is the use of formulaic ritual phrases after the names of Allah, the prophet and the righteous from among his followers. There are many hadith collections, and a significant part of them pass from one to another, and some stories are repeated in the same collection, differing from each other in isnads or minor details of the narrative. The most reliable collections of hadiths are those compiled by the imams Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Jufi al-Bukhari (810-870), Muslim (d. 875), at-Tirmizi (d. 892), Abu Daud (d. 888), an- Nasai (d. 915) and ibn Maji (d. 887). However, not all known hadiths are included in them. For example, al-Bukhari processed about 600,000 hadiths, of which he recognized only 7,300 as reliable, and they entered his collection, and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal studied about a million hadiths, including only twenty-fifth of the texts he studied in his code.

Hadiths are not only commandments for Muslims who want to live according to the Sunnah. This is wisdom addressed to all mankind. In our collection, the hadiths are presented in literary processing, without isnads and ritual phrases, in order to facilitate the reader's perception of ancient texts. And the compiler saw his main task in drawing the attention of his contemporaries to the divinely inspired, brilliant personality of the Prophet Muhammad, impressing them with the breadth of his outlook, the clarity of the ethical principles preached by him, and bringing them closer to understanding the true spirit of Islam.

Hadiths about the identity of the Prophet Muhammad

About the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad

1.1. According to one of his contemporaries, the Prophet Muhammad had a large head and large eyes. When he walked, he leaned forward as if he were going up a mountain. If he turned, he turned with his whole body.

Others who knew him intimately said that the Messenger of Allah was somewhat taller than average. He had very bright White skin, black beard and beautiful and healthy teeth. His eyes were covered with long lashes.

Still others remembered that he was very broad-shouldered and round-cheeked. People noted that he had an unusual gait, as he walked, stepping on the ground with his whole foot at once, but he did not have the usual notches on his feet.

If the prophet needed to turn, he would either turn completely towards the people, or completely turn away from them.

With all the variety of recollections of those who knew the prophet, the common thing in them is that everyone spoke of him as an exceptional person, the like of whom they did not meet either before or after him.

About the community of the Prophet Muhammad with other prophets

1.2. The Prophet Muhammad said that all prophets are brothers. They have the same father, but different mothers. Of all the prophets, his immediate predecessor Isa, the son of Maryam, was closest to him.

On the difference between the Prophet Muhammad and other prophets

1.3. Once the Messenger of Allah listed what was bestowed only on him and never sent down to the prophets who preceded him:

- I win because fear is instilled in the hearts of all my enemies who are a month away from me. The whole earth is given to me to worship Almighty Allah, and all of it is made suitable for purification when we cannot find water for washing, so that my followers can pray where they will be at the time allotted for prayer. I can take spoils of war, which was not allowed by any of the prophets before me. I have been given the right to intercede for Muslims before the Lord of the Worlds. And I am sent not only to my people, but to all who live on earth.

1.4. The Prophet Muhammad did not want Muslims to praise him the way Christians praise Isa; he regarded himself as a servant of Allah and His messenger.

1.5. The Messenger of Allah used to fast on Saturdays and Sundays.

“These days are holidays for the peoples of the Book, and I want to be different from them.

About the speech of the Prophet Muhammad

1.6. According to contemporaries, the Messenger of Allah, addressing people, always spoke very clearly and usually repeated his words three times so that they would better reach the consciousness of his listeners, and when he came to visit, he greeted the owners of the house three times.

On the Straightforwardness of the Prophet Muhammad

1.7. If the prophet Muhammad saw something that he did not like, it was immediately reflected on his face.

On the Moral Principles of the Prophet Muhammad

1.8. The Messenger of Allah always, when he had to make a choice, preferred the simpler to the more complex, unless it was an unrighteous deed. He was the last of those who could commit an unrighteous act. He never took revenge for the harm done to him. However, if he saw people showing disrespect to Almighty Allah, he would punish them on behalf of Almighty Allah.

1.9. In teaching modesty to Muslims, the Prophet Mohammed gave them an example of modest behavior in everything. One of those who knew him rightly remarked that he had more bashful modesty than a virgin in her tent.

Modest and unpretentious in everyday life, the Messenger of Allah was also the most generous of people. However, he showed the greatest generosity in the month of Ramadan, when Gabriel came to him every night to teach him new verses of the Koran. On such days, the generosity of the prophet resembled the breath of a blessed wind.

1.10. The Prophet Mohammed always showed respect for clothing. The reason for this should be sought, of course, not in stinginess, for there was no person more generous than him: the Messenger of Allah valued clothing as a gift sent to him by Almighty Allah, and therefore, whenever he had a chance to put on new clothes, he respectfully pronounced its name , and then he praised Allah who gave her and made a prayer appeal, asking Him that she and what she was made of bring him good, and that He protect him from the evil that she could bring him .

And he always started to put on clothes on the right.

1.11. The Messenger of Allah taught Muslims to greet each other with joyful smiles, but no one has ever seen him laugh out loud.

1.12. In an effort to bring peace and tranquility to his ummah, the prophet Muhammad taught that when two Muslims scold each other, the responsibility for everything they said falls on the one who spoke first, but this only happens if the one who is reviled does not goes beyond what is permitted.

And those who swear and slander each other, he called shaitans, accusing and rejecting each other.

The Prophet Muhammad himself never slandered anyone, and no one heard a single rude word from him. If he wanted to show that he condemned someone from his ummah, he would say:

"And what got into him?" May his brow be dusty!

1.13. The Messenger of Allah, who always lived in poverty by his own preference, received guests for much longer periods than the three days recommended to him by the faithful. One day, several young people came to him, belonging to the same tribe, and he left them for twenty whole days, teaching them to pray to the One Lord.

Noticing that his guests were homesick, the Messenger of Allah began to ask them about their families, and then ordered everyone to return home and teach their relatives Islam, lead a virtuous, God-fearing lifestyle and pray at the appointed time. At the same time, he ordered the eldest of the young people to lead their prayers, and another guest to call everyone else to her. So, thanks to the Prophet Muhammad, an imam and a muezzin appeared in that tribe.

1.14. When fresh dates were brought to the Prophet Muhammad, he always invoked the blessing of Allah on his ummah, and then treated the youngest of the children next to him to the date.

1.15. One day, after a long period of drought, it began to rain heavily. And the Prophet Mohammed took off his clothes and went outside to stand in the downpour.

Why did you do this, O Messenger of Allah? they asked him and he said:

“Because this rain is a gift from Almighty Allah and comes directly from Him.

About the prayer appeals of the prophet Muhammad

1.16. The Messenger of Allah said that Allah will answer the prayer of every Muslim, unless this prayer contains a request for the forbidden, for breaking family ties. In addition, the suppliant must be patient, consistently repeating his request, and not say that his prayer was left unanswered.

1.17. According to contemporaries, the Messenger of Allah often repeated this prayer appeal:

- O Allah, help me and do not help against me. Support me and do not support the one who is against me. Be smart for me, not against me. Turn away from me those who are against me. O Allah, make me grateful to You, remembering You, fearing You, submissive to You and humble, supplicating and repenting before You. Accept my repentance. Wash away my sins and answer my prayer. Confirm my proof of faith. Lead my heart and tongue along the path of Truth and cleanse my heart of hatred.

Hadiths about good behavior

About True Faith

2.1. The believer is unsophisticated and generous.

2.2. The believer should neither slander nor curse, nor should he be rude or obscene.

2.3. Faith was absorbed by the one who has the following three qualities: justice, friendliness and generosity.

2.4. Fear of Allah, Lord of the Worlds, is the natural state of the believer. That is why Prophet Muhammad said:

Wherever you are, fear Allah. Repay evil with good to dry up the root of evil. And stick to good moral principles!

2.5. The Prophet Muhammad said: “The same stone cannot harm a believer twice.

2.6. Once the Messenger of Allah was asked what righteousness is. The Prophet was silent for a moment and then replied:

“If you want to understand what righteousness is, look to your heart. Righteousness is that which does not burden the soul and heart, and transgression is that which stirs unkindly in the soul and thrashes heavily in the chest.

About goodness and kindness

2.7. Another time the prophet was asked: - O Messenger of Allah, tell us what is the best of what can be sent down to man?

“Good temper,” he answered without hesitation.

2.8. The Messenger of Allah was asked which of the believers are the best, he replied:

“The best in my community are those who have the best disposition.

2.9. The best of people is the one who can be relied upon, who does good and does not do evil.

2.10. The Messenger of Allah constantly reminded that a person should be judged not by his appearance, but by his spiritual aspirations and deeds.

“Almighty Allah does not look at your appearance and condition, but judges you, looking into your hearts and watching your actions,” he often reminded. “Verily, the best of you is the best in your virtues.

2.11. The Prophet said: “Everyone who has been given a particle of decency has received his or her share of goodness. Everyone who has been deprived of his share of decency is deprived of this share of goodness. Good disposition will be the most weighty thing on the scales of the believer on the Day of Resurrection. Allah hates rude people with a filthy tongue.

2.12. Hell is forbidden to anyone who is attentive to others, indulgent, gentle and easy to communicate with.

2.13. The reward for the one who calls to do good is equal to the reward that the one who does it will receive.

2.14. Every particle human being must purify herself by giving sadaqah (alms) from dawn to dusk; to judge two people fairly is sadaqah; a good word spoken is sadaqah; every step towards the mosque is also sadaka.

2.15. The Messenger of Allah taught Muslims selflessness in the path of Allah.

Why do you only do good to those who do you good, and treat well only those who treat you well? Why do you only talk to those who talk to you? Why do you honor only those who honor you? he asked. “Neither of you is given any advantage over the other. Indeed, those who believe are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, those who do good even to those who have harmed them, those who forgive even those who deprived them and denied them, those who trust even the one who betrayed them, those who show respect even to the one who humiliated them.

2.16. The Prophet Muhammad taught that every good deed done by a Muslim brings him closer to the entrance to Paradise, and every unworthy deed brings him closer to Hell. Life is complicated and constantly puts people before a choice between good and evil. Wishing to guide Muslims to the path of righteousness, the Messenger of Allah said:

- Paradise is closer to each of you than the straps of his sandals, and Fire is just as close to each.

2.17. Whoever wanted to do a good deed, but did not do it, Allah will reckon it as a good deed done. And if he had a good intention and carried it out, Allah will count this good deed tenfold. If a person intended to do evil, but refrained from doing it, Allah will reckon it to him as a good deed done by him.

2.18. When the Messenger of Allah, who was persecuted in Mecca, had to move to Medina, many followed him. However, not everyone moved to Medina for religious reasons. The Prophet knew this and once said:

- Every human action is preceded by intention, and each is rewarded according to his intentions. Whoever wanted to migrate in the name of Allah and His prophet migrated in the name of Allah and His prophet, and whoever wanted to gain some benefit or migrated because he wanted to marry, migrated in order to gain profit or marry.

2.19. Forgive the righteous if they make small mistakes.

2.20. The Messenger of Allah always emphasized the importance of good relations among people.

“Settle differences between Muslims,” he urged his followers, “because anger between them is fatal. For in relation to one another, believers are like a building in which the separate parts support each other.

On the duty of a Muslim

2.21. When one of the followers turned to the Messenger of Allah with a request to teach him behavior worthy of a Muslim, the prophet gave him nine pieces of advice:

- Do not put anyone on the same level with Allah, even if you are cut into pieces or roasted on fire. Do not voluntarily refuse the prescribed prayer. Anyone who refuses it will lose the protection of Allah. Do not drink wine - this is the key to all evil. Obey your parents. If they order you to give up all the property you have, give it up. Don't resist those in power, even if you think you're right. Do not flee from an army when it advances, even if you are killed because your comrades are running away. Support your wife according to your means. Don't swing your stick at her. Teach your household to tremble before Almighty Allah.

2.22. The Prophet considered obligatory unconditional obedience to the ruler even if this ruler is not liked.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Whoever saves forty hadiths for my Ummah, they will say on the Day of Judgment: “Enter Paradise from which gate you wish”". May Almighty Allah grant us paradise and the intercession of His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)! Amine.

Therefore, we have collected these hadiths with the permission of Allah and with His help.

We hope you learn them.

We also hope for your prayers for us, for our teachers, for sheikhs, for our fathers and mothers. Your prayers for us are actually obtained for you, because the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a Muslim prays for his brother, the angels say to him in response: “And you the same as you ask for him” ". May Allah Almighty grant us His contentment in both worlds! Amine.

1. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Fear Allah, pray five times a day, fast in the month of Ramadan, pay zakat on property and obey the rulers; you will enter paradise." Imam at-Tirmidhi narrated the hadith and said that the hadith is authentic.

2. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Every good deed is charity." Narrated by Imam Bukhari.

3. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Who among you sees a crime, let him stop him with his hand; if unable to do so, then by tongue; and if he is not capable of this, even if he does not agree with his heart, this is the weakest degree of faith. Narrated by Imam Muslim.

4. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A hypocrite has three signs: when he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he does not fulfill; when they trust him, he does not justify the trust. The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

5. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The faith of one of you will not be perfect until he wishes his brother the same as himself.” The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

6. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He who reconciles people by wishing good or speaking good is not a liar.” The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

7. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The one of you who has the best character has the most complete faith, and the best of you is the one who treats his wife well.” Imam at-Tirmidhi reported the hadith and said that it is authentic.

9. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Every day two angels descend, and one of them says:“ O Allah, enrich those who give alms. And the other says: “O Allah, destroy the property of those who abstain from alms.”

10. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him not harm his neighbor; whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him honor the guest; whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him speak good or be silent.”

11. Abdullah ibn Masud said: “Once I asked the Messenger of Allah: “What is the best deed?” He replied: “Prayer performed on time”. I asked: “And then what?” He replied: "Good attitude towards parents." I asked the question again: “And then?” He replied: “Jihad in the way of Allah.”

12. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The major sins include associating a partner with Allah Almighty, disobeying one’s parents, killing a person and taking a false oath.” Narrated by Imam Bukhari.

13. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The best of good deeds is to have contact with the friends of the father.”

14. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A man in the religion of his friend; let each of you see who he is friends with. Narrated by Imam Abu Dawud.

15. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A person will be with the one he loves.” The hadith is authentic.

16. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Seven will be in the shade of Arsh on the Day when there is no other shade: 1) a just ruler; 2) a young man who grew up in the worship of Almighty Allah; 3) a person whose heart is connected with the mosque; 4) two people who fell in love with each other for the sake of Allah, meet for his sake and part for his sake; 5) a man who was called to her by a rich and beautiful woman, and he replied that he was afraid of Allah; 6) a person who gives alms so that his left hand doesn't know what it gives right hand; 7) a person who mentioned Allah in seclusion and shed tears.” The hadith is authentic.

17. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh less and cry more.” And the companions, covering their faces, began to weep.

18. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The example of praying five times is like the example of a river of water that flows near your house, and you bathe there five times every day.”

19. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah is pleased with a slave when he praises Him after eating and drinking.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

20. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If those who believed knew the punishment of Allah, no one would strive for paradise; and if the unbelievers knew the mercy of Allah, not one of them would lose hope for paradise.” Narrated by Imam Muslim.

21. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The poor will enter Paradise five hundred years earlier than the rich.” Narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

22. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Wealth does not mean having a lot of property, wealth is when the heart is rich.” The hadith is authentic.

23. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Frequently repeat that which spoils pleasure." That is, death. Narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi.

24. From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was the best of people in character.” The hadith is authentic.

25. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Indeed, Allah is the Most Merciful and loves mercy in all matters.” The hadith is authentic.

26. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever obeys me, he obeys Allah, whoever disobeys me, he disobeys Allah, whoever obeys the ruler, he obeys me, and whoever disobeys the ruler, disobeys me.” The hadith is authentic.

27. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "... a good word, alms." The hadith is authentic.

28. It is transmitted from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): “The speech of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was legible, he was understood by everyone who listened to him.”

29. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When you dress and bathe, start on the right.” This hadeeth was narrated by Imam Abu Dawud.

30. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you starts eating, let him mention Allah, and if he forgets to mention at the beginning, let him say: with the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end."

31. From Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) never condemned food - if he liked it, he ate, and if not, he did not eat.,

32. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Grace descends on the middle of the food, so you eat from the edge.” This is done so that there is more grace.

33. Kaab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) eat with three fingers, and when he finished, he licked them.”

34. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) drank water in three sips.”

35. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I made the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) drink Zamzam water, and he drank while standing.”

36. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The most truthful of you in sleep is the one who is truthful in speech.”

37. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Who rides - salutes the pedestrian, the pedestrian salutes the seated one, a small group of people salutes a large one, and the younger salutes the elder.”

38. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When a person dies, his deeds stop except for three: endless charity (for example, if you build a road, a bridge, draw water), knowledge from which people benefit, and righteous children, who pray for their parents.

39. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “You set off on a journey at night, indeed the night shortens the path.”

40. Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), when he returned from the path, first of all went to the mosque and performed two rak'ahs ».

41. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “By Allah, he will not believe, I swear by Allah, he will not believe, by Allah, he will not believe!” He was asked: "Who, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "He whose neighbor is not spared from his evil." The hadith was narrated by Imams Bukhari and Muslim.

Muslim narrated this hadith in the following words: "...he will not enter paradise whose neighbor is not saved from his evil."

Saipula Mukhamadov

About relations with relatives

4.1. One evening, his neighbors gathered at the house of the Prophet Muhammad. The conversation turned to what actions of a Muslim are most pleasing to Allah. All agreed that nothing could be more pleasing to the Almighty than a prayer made at the right time.

However, Muhammad said that Allah also rejoices when people treat their parents with respect and love, because one of the commandments revealed in the Koran says so.

When your parents are happy, in their joy lies the joy of Allah, - the prophet explained. But remember that it is shameful and unworthy to provoke their wrath, for in the anger of the parents lies the wrath of Allah.

Mohammed's interlocutors thought deeply, remembering their parents and asking themselves whether they had always treated them as good Muslims should. And then one of the villagers asked:

Tell us, O Messenger of Allah, to whom should one have a greater sense of duty, to the father or mother?

Before the mother, - the prophet quickly answered, - for nothing can bring a Muslim closer to the Lord than the fulfillment of duty towards the mother.

How can we act to be worthy Muslims?

Do your duty to your mother.

Then the prophet was again asked what should be done so as not to incur the wrath of Allah, and Muhammad repeated twice more the phrase he had just said:

4.2. On a summer day, when there was not a cloud in the sky, and the sun was incinerating the earth with the heat of its rays, the prophet Muhammad and Abu Hurairah settled down to rest in the shade of a date palm and talked about the importance of good relations between relatives.

Anyone who wants his fortune to increase, and his life span to increase, must maintain family ties, the prophet noted. - Allah is merciful to those who do not forget about their relatives.

4.3. Once a man came to the prophet and began to complain about his relatives, asking him to teach him how to make them repent and start treating him the way he deserves:

O Messenger of Allah! - said the visitor. - I have relatives with whom I want to maintain family relations, but they reject me. I treat them kindly, but they answer me with evil. However, even when they offend me, I do not get angry with them and continue to treat them in a kindred way.

After listening to his speech, the prophet Muhammad said: - If everything is as you said, then you are like sprinkling hot coals on them, and Allah will support you in this as long as you continue to behave in this way.

4.4. He who visits relatives only out of courtesy does not fulfill his duty of maintaining family ties. The one who finds the strength to ignore the sins of his relatives, forgive them and visit them in order to strengthen family ties, will fulfill his duty to his relatives to the end.

4.5. Once, when the prophet was already living in Medina, a young Muslim came to him and solemnly swore that he would also make the Hijra, that is, move from Mecca to Medina. He kept his word and upon arrival in Medina joyfully informed the Messenger of Allah about this. At the same time, the young man casually noticed that, seeing him on his way, his parents were filled with burning tears.

And then Muhammad said to him:

You must return to them and make them rejoice just as you made them shed tears.

4.6. On another occasion, a man came to the prophet and declared that he dreamed of devoting his life to jihad, that is, the struggle for faith. The Prophet listened carefully and asked:

Are your parents alive? - And, having received an affirmative answer, he said: - Then devote yourself to caring for them.

4.7. Demanding from Muslims an attentive and caring attitude towards parents, the prophet once exclaimed:

Shame and disgrace to him who does not justify the hopes of his parents or one of them when they are old! Such a person will certainly be punished and will forever burn in the Fire.

On duty to parents

4.8. One man asked the prophet:

O Messenger of Allah, my parents are dead. Do I have a duty that I must fulfill towards them after their death?

Yes, the prophet replied. - You should pray for them, ask Allah to forgive them their sins, fulfill their obligations if they remain unfulfilled, and show generosity to their friends.

4.9. Speaking about the duty of children to their deceased parents, the Prophet Muhammad taught that the most important thing is to maintain relationships with those whom your father loved, for love is inherited.

4.10. A Muslim mother died, whom he loved very much. And he came to the Messenger of Allah to ask what kind of sadaqah would be best for the good of her soul.

There is nothing better than water, - the Prophet Muhammad answered him, remembering the depressing heat of the desert. “Dig a well in memory of her and donate water to those who suffer from thirst.

The man dug a well in the name of his mother and said: - The well was dug for the sake of my mother, which means that the reward for it will reach her soul.

4.11. Shame on those who leave their parents in old age. He will not enter Paradise.

About marriage

4.12. The Prophet Muhammad taught that the head of a Muslim family is a man, and a woman must carry out all his orders, unless they are illegal. And if one of the wives denies her husband his legal rights without good reason, then the displeasure of Allah will remain on her until she appeases her husband, obeying his legitimate desires.

4.13. The Prophet Muhammad said that in marriage, the husband and wife should be equally responsible for each other in the face of the Almighty.

A husband for a wife is like a shepherd, and Allah will certainly ask him for how he treated her and how she behaved. A wife for her husband is like a shepherdess, and Allah will certainly ask her for how she obeyed him, and whether he was pleased with her.

4.14. Among the people who came to talk with the Prophet Muhammad was one young Muslim who had just entered into marriage and wanted to know his opinion on how to treat his wife so as not to offend Allah with his behavior. This is what the Messenger of Allah said to him:

If you eat yourself, then feed your wife, if you buy clothes for yourself, then buy her too! Do not hit her in the face, do not call her names, and if a quarrel breaks out between you, then do not leave her alone!

4.15. The Messenger of Allah advised husbands to treat their wives kindly and to forgive them those shortcomings that are inherent in women from birth, such as talkativeness.

Remember, - he said, - that a woman is created from a rib, in which the greatest curvature differs top part, so one of the disadvantages of women is the tendency to chatter. However, if any of you tries to straighten the rib, it will not straighten, but will break or crack. Therefore, if you do not want to spoil the relationship with your wives, do not try to correct their inherent shortcomings, but always treat them condescendingly and kindly.

4.16. Speaking about marriage, the Messenger of Allah noted four reasons why a woman is taken as a wife: wealth, origin, beauty and religious affiliation, but advised men to choose those who are religious as their wives.

Otherwise, you'll be wrong, he warned.

4.17. The Prophet Muhammad was sitting with the Muslims when a well-known rich man in the city passed by them.

What can you say about this person? - the prophet asked his interlocutors.

O Messenger of Allah, he is worthy to marry his daughter or sister if he wishes to marry them, he is worthy to have his intercession accepted if he intercedes, and he is worthy to be listened to if he wants to speak, they said.

The Prophet silently listened to this answer, and it was not clear whether he liked it or not.

Soon another citizen walked past them. He was poor, but famous for his religious zeal.

What can you say about this person? - the prophet turned again to his interlocutors.

O Messenger of Allah, he is not worthy of marrying his daughter or sister if he wishes to marry them, he is not worthy of his intercession being accepted if he intercedes, and he is not worthy of being listened to if he wishes to speak, they said.

He shook his head and said: “Know, O believers, that this poor man is better and more worthy than all the rich in the world!”

4.18. The Prophet Muhammad forbade marriage if the woman was the niece of one of the wives the man already had.

4.19. One woman said that she would like to become the wife of the prophet Muhammad, but he was not going to marry her. Then one of his ummah said:

O Messenger of Allah, she good woman and if you don't want her, let me marry her!

And the prophet asked him:

What do you have?

Nothing, he replied ruefully.

Then go and try to find at least an iron ring, - the Messenger of Allah ordered him.

And he left, but after a while he returned empty-handed.

I couldn't find anything, not even an iron ring,” he admitted. And since he really liked the woman and he wanted to marry her, he said: - But I thought that I still have something, for example, this robe that I have on. And if I marry, then let my wife get half of it.

What use will she have from half your dressing gown? the prophet asked him. - Think for yourself: if you put it on, then she will have nothing left, and if she puts it on, then you will be left without anything.

The poor fellow realized that the prophet was speaking the pure truth, and was completely saddened. Moving a little to the side, he squatted down and fell silent, and by his appearance it was clear to everyone that he felt very unhappy. Then the Messenger of Allah called him to him and asked:

He started up and said that he knew several suras by heart. Then the prophet smiled at him and said:

We'll pass this woman off as you for learning them by heart!

4.20. The Messenger of Allah said that one should not marry a woman without consulting her, and one should not marry a girl without asking her consent.

O Messenger of Allah, how can we know if she agrees or not? they asked him.

By her silence, - the prophet answered with a slight smile.

4.21. Once the Messenger of Allah passed by a house from which loud voices were heard. A man and a woman were cursing, and each of them cursed each other.

The prophet entered the house.

Peace be with you,” he said to the quarreling spouses. - Are you not afraid of what Allah will ask you for every word you say? After all, one of you is lying, and you have no rights to your wife!

How so? - objected the husband. - What about my property?

You don't have any rights to it. If what you said about your wife is true, then your property is a payment to her for being your wife, and if what you said about your wife is a lie, then all the more you have no rights to him!

4.22. The Prophet Mohammed severely condemned those who try to turn a wife against her husband, saying that such behavior is unworthy of Muslims.

4.23. “When a husband looks at his wife with love, and she looks at him with love,” the prophet said, “Allah looks favorably on them, and when the husband takes his wife by the hand, their sins fall from them, passing through their fingers.

4.24. The Messenger of Allah met one of his good acquaintances, who, as he knew, had recently married.

Who did you marry, a girl or a divorcee? the prophet asked him.

On the divorced, - the newlyweds answered.

But why didn't you marry the girl? After all, she would make you happy and make you more happy!

O Messenger of Allah, said the newlywed. - After the death of my father, nine sisters remained in my care, and I did not want to add another unintelligent girl to them. So I married an older woman to help me take care of them.

You did right choice, said the prophet.

4.25. Addressing young people, the Messenger of Allah said: - Marry if you have the opportunity to marry, because it helps to lower your eyes and avoid debauchery. And those who do not have the opportunity to marry should fast, because otherwise they will not be able to suppress lust.

4.26. Once a woman came to the Prophet Muhammad and complained about the stinginess of her husband, who gave her too little to be enough for her and her child to live.

I have to steal from him all the time,” she admitted.

If your husband is really so stingy, take from him enough for yourself and for your child, - said the Messenger of Allah.

How to make money to get married

4.27. When one of the friends of the Prophet Muhammad was about to get married, he came and boasted to him that he was taking a wife from an Ansar family. The Prophet asked how much he would have to pay for his wife.

Four ukiya (i.e. 160 dirhams in monetary terms, or about 500 grams in weight) of silver, - he sighed.

So much? - the Messenger of Allah was surprised. - You might think that silver is scattered on the slopes of this mountain! I have nothing to give you, but if you want, we will send you on a campaign against the Banu Abs tribe, and in battle you may get what you need.

Everything worked out as the prophet said. The Muslims won, captured rich trophies, and the part that went to the groom's lot was enough for him to get married.

About divorce

4.28. Of all the things permitted in Islam, divorce is the most hated by Allah.

About worthy wives

4.29. Prophet Mohammed was once asked how women can enter Paradise.

Pregnant, giving birth, women who are merciful to children will definitely go to Paradise, if only they unconditionally obey their husband and do not forget to pray, - he answered. - Moreover, the most worthy of them will enter Paradise before their husbands. And once they are there and have bathed, they will mount the best camels and go to meet their husbands, and each of them will be studded with jewels so that they shine like beautiful pearls.

4.30. When the Messenger of Allah was asked what virtues a virtuous Muslim wife should have, he said:

Indeed, the best of your wives are those who bear children to you, are merciful and firmly believe in Allah.

On another occasion, when the subject was brought up again, he remarked:

Allah will show special mercy to those wives who get up at night to pray, wake up their husbands, and they pray together, and to those wives who, seeing that the husband does not wake up, sprinkle his face with water.

4.31. The Messenger of Allah said: - If a woman obeys her husband, even if he oppresses her, and says to all his commands: “I obey”, then Allah creates from her words “obey” angels who praise Him and give Him glory. And the reward for praising Allah with these angels will be written to her as long as she is submissive to her husband. If a wife says to her husband: “May Allah reward you with good”, Almighty Allah forgives her sins. But if she gets even a little angry with her husband, then Allah will immediately erase the rewards she deserved by her good deeds. Indeed, Allah loves those women who are friendly to their husbands and unapproachable to foreign men.

4.32. The Messenger of Allah believed that a Muslim should bless Allah if He sent him a wife who does not require a rich mahr, that is, a wedding gift, and gives birth to a girl first.

4.33. One day a man came to the Prophet Muhammad and said:

O Messenger of Allah, when I go to my wife, she always says to me: “Welcome, O my master and master of the inhabitants of this house!”, And if she sees that I am in a bad mood, she says: “Don’t make you sad the affairs of this world, because you will be delivered from them in a Better World!”

The Messenger of Allah listened attentively to him and said:

Tell your wife that she is one of the faithful servants of Allah, and for this she is entitled to a reward equal to half that which awaits a warrior in the path of Allah.

4.34. The Messenger of Allah required married women to do only those things for which they received the permission of their husband. He did not even allow women to fast in the presence of their husband without his permission, they had to let people into the house only with the permission of the husband, and also not to spend money without his knowledge and consent.

4.35. The best of all women who ever lived on earth, the prophet Muhammad considered Maryam, the mother of the prophet Isa, and he called his first wife Khadija the best of the women of his ummah.

4.36. The best women who have ever ridden camels, the prophet Muhammad called women from his native tribe Quraish. According to the prophet, they are the kindest of mothers and the most diligent housewives, protecting the property of their husbands.

4.37. The Prophet Muhammad advised marrying pure, chaste girls.

Their lips are sweet, their wombs are virgin, and they are easily satisfied in the marriage bed.

4.38. Once the Messenger of Allah said: - Nothing lasts forever in this world, but the best that can be obtained in it for temporary use is a righteous wife, who differs from other women just as she differs from a flock of crows with white paws.

About widows

4.39. One woman from the ummah of the prophet's husband died, and she loved him very much and grieved so much that she cried out her eyes. Her relatives were worried that she might lose her sight, and they went to the Messenger of Allah for advice.

O Messenger of Allah, - they turned to him, - can her eyes be treated with antimony?

And antimony in those distant times was both medicinal and cosmetic. Therefore, the prophet forbade her such treatment for a period of deep mourning.

After the death of her husband, a widow should not use antimony for at least four months and ten days.

About ungrateful wives

4.40. Once the Messenger of Allah passed by a group of women sitting. He greeted them and they returned his greeting. Then one of them asked for some guidance. And then the prophet said:

Beware of showing ingratitude towards those who do you good.

Then one young and most lively girl asked him:

O Messenger of Allah, please explain to us what it means to show ingratitude towards those who do us good!

Good, agreed the prophet. - Imagine that one of you cannot get married in any way, remaining in the parental home. Finally, Allah sends her a husband and children, and she gets angry and says that she did not have anything good in her life. This is ingratitude for the grace sent down by Almighty Allah.

The need to take care of women

4.41. The Messenger of Allah called on Muslim men to take care of women, for they are weak and it is difficult for them to fend for themselves. Going out into the street, women are always in danger, because Shaitan strives to approach them.

4.42. Constantly emphasizing that the wife's duty is to protect and increase what her husband owns, and to take care of the housework so that the husband is pleased, the Messenger of Allah at the same time reminded men that helping a wife is one of the forms of their sadaqah.

4.43. It is said that once the Prophet Muhammad said: - Take care that women do not cry, for Almighty Allah counts their tears. Woman was created from the rib of a man. If Allah had pleased to humiliate her before a man, He would have created her from a foot. If He wanted to exalt her above man, He would have created her from the head. But He created her from the side, so that she would be side by side with a man and equal to him. And He took the bone from under the man's hand so that the woman would always be under his protection. And from the side of the heart, so that she would be loved by him.

About the ban on raising a hand to a wife

4.44. The Messenger of Allah condemned the husbands who raise their hand against their wives.

Do not be like those who beat their wives like slaves and share a bed with them at the end of the day.

On condescension to the shortcomings of the wife

4.45. The Messenger of Allah taught that a true believer should not hate his wife if she is also deeply religious.

If he does not like some aspects of her character, he must be content with her other virtues.

On chastity and delicacy in family life

4.46. The Prophet Muhammad forbade Muslim men to enter the rooms of women who were not their relatives. This prohibition also extended to the relatives of the husband of a married woman.

4.47. The Messenger of Allah also forbade women to touch each other in order to later tell their husbands about each other, because in his eyes this was tantamount to a man getting the opportunity to see a strange woman.

4.48. The Messenger of Allah advised the men from his ummah after a long absence not to return to his family at night, because in this case his household might get the impression that he did it on purpose, suspecting them of misbehavior and wanting to catch them red-handed.

On Suspicion and Jealousy in Marriage

4.49. One day a Bedouin ran up to the Prophet Mohammed and exclaimed:

O Messenger of Allah, my wife gave birth to a black son! - He was terribly upset, because he thought that his wife had dishonored him by cheating.

The Prophet unexpectedly asked if this Bedouin had camels.

Of course, he replied.

What suit are they? - asked the prophet.

Redheads, - answered the Bedouin.

Are there gray ones among them? the prophet asked again.

Yes, the Bedouin confirmed.

Where did they come from? - the prophet continued to question him.

They must have inherited the suit.

So, maybe the color of your son's skin was inherited by him? - asked the prophet.

The Bedouin thought deeply and, having calmed down, went to his family.

4.50. It is quite natural that women wanted to be in Paradise with their husbands. But they knew that beautiful houris lived in Paradise, and they were afraid that their husbands would spend time with them.

Knowing about these women's fears, the Messenger of Allah once said: - As soon as a wife causes trouble to her husband in this world, one of the heavenly houris destined for him says: “Do not dare to torment him, may the punishment of Allah fall on you! Remember that he is just your guest, who will soon leave you and join us!”

On maternal selflessness

4.51. Addressing women, the Messenger of Allah once touched on the topic of motherhood and the rewards that await women for the pain associated with childbirth and the labors of caring for a child.

Surely not any of you will rejoice when she suffers from her husband, and he will be pleased with her? Indeed, for each day of pregnancy, she will be credited with a reward equal to that which is credited to a person who fasts during the day and who rises to pray at night. And it is impossible to imagine what reward Allah will prepare for her for the birth pangs. And when she breastfeeds, she will be rewarded for every sip taken by the baby. And if the baby cries, depriving her of sleep, then she will be rewarded just the same as for the release of seventy slaves in the path of Allah.

4.52. The Prophet Muhammad highly valued female fidelity and praised widows who, after the death of their husbands, devoted themselves entirely to raising children. According to him, if a beautiful woman who comes from a good family, when she is widowed, does not remarry, does not entertain and try to look attractive, but will bring up children until they become independent or until she dies, then her place in Paradise will be level with that which the Messenger of Allah himself will occupy.

4.53. Once, one of the wives of the prophet, Aisha, saw a poorly dressed woman approaching their house, holding her two little daughters by the hands. They were all extremely emaciated and Aisha realized that they were very hungry. However, the Messenger of Allah lived extremely modestly, and sometimes his family did not have any food. Fortunately, this time there were a few dates in the house, and Aisha gave one to the poor people.

The little girls immediately ate their dates, and when their mother was about to put her date berry in her mouth, the daughters began to ask her for this delicacy. Then poor woman I broke the berry into two halves and gave them to the children.

In the evening, Aisha, shocked by the dedication of this woman, told her husband about her. Her story made a great impression on him, and he said:

Almighty Allah will surely reward her, save her from the Fire and give her a place in Paradise.

About parental duty and attitude towards children

4.54. The Messenger of Allah always emphasized the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children.

Faith in the One God is inherent in every child from birth, - he said, - and only parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a pagan.

4.55. The Messenger of Allah insisted that at nightfall the children should be at home.

When night falls, he said, keep your children at home, for at this time the devils come out. And after dinner, be with the children, locking the door, and remember the name of Allah.

4.56. The Messenger of Allah warned parents never to deceive their children.

None of you should promise anything to your child, and then not give him the promise, he said.

4.57. One Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah and saw that he kissed his daughter. The Bedouin was very surprised and asked:

Do you kiss your children? We never kiss our own!

How can I put mercy in your hearts if they are deprived of it by Almighty Allah?

4.58. Once the Messenger of Allah was asked at what age children should be taught to pray.

Tell your children to say prayers when they are seven years old, and when they are ten years old, punish them if they shy away from it.

4.59. One day, one of the Muslims casually told the Messenger of Allah that he had given the son of his slave. The Messenger of Allah asked the man if he had any other sons. Having received an affirmative answer, the prophet asked him:

Have you made the same gift to them?

No, he admitted.

Then take it back, - ordered the prophet.

O Messenger of Allah, the Muslim exclaimed. “How can I take it back if you yourself taught us that the one who takes back his gift is like a dog that first vomits and then returns to his vomit?” Is it not forbidden for Muslims to give a gift and then take it back?

Take him back, - the prophet repeated again, - I really forbade Muslims to take the gifts they made, but there is one exception to this prohibition: the father can take away the gift made to his son.

About guardians

4.60. Once the Messenger of Allah was asked who would enter Paradise first, and he said:

Allah forbade everyone to enter Paradise before me. And when I approach the gates of Paradise, then to the right of them I will see a woman trying to get into Paradise before me. When I ask why she tries to enter before me, I will be told: “Know, O Muhammad, that this woman was an extraordinary beauty, but she preferred to take orphans to raise girls and raised them with great care and patience. Therefore, Allah rewards her with such a great reward.

4.61. “The one who takes care of the widows and the poor,” the Messenger of Allah taught, “is like those who fight in the path of Allah, and those who fast during the day and pray at night.

4.62. - The best of Muslim houses is the one in which orphans are well received. The worst of the Muslim houses is the one where orphans are badly received, - said the Messenger of Allah.

4.63. The Prophet said that those who take care of the orphans, both men and women, will go to Paradise, and a place will be prepared for them next to it.

About daughters

4.64. In the time of the Prophet Muhammad, among the tribes inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula, there was a barbaric custom, according to which fathers buried alive newborn daughters or even girls who had reached the age of five. Now such cruelty towards girls is explained not only by economic reasons, but also by the desire of fathers to avoid the shame that could fall on them because of the unworthy behavior of their grown daughter.

Faithful to the principle of mercy, the Messenger of Allah could not reconcile himself to this state of affairs and constantly inspired his contemporaries with the need careful attitude to daughters. The prophet himself had no sons, but this did not prevent him from being a loving and caring father.

Truly, the best children are gentle, kind, merciful, blessed daughters, - said the Prophet Muhammad. - Whoever has one daughter, Allah Almighty will make her a barrier from the fire of Hell. The one who has two daughters will have a place in Paradise. To the one who has three daughters or younger sisters, whom he treats like daughters, feeds them and takes care of them, these deeds are read as sadaqah, that is, alms given to them, cleansing him from sin.

4.65. Aware of the traditional preference for sons over daughters, the Prophet Muhammad reminded his followers:

The joy with which you look at your son is read to you as a blessing, but for the joy with which you look at your daughter, a reward awaits you, for Allah Almighty is affectionate and supportive of daughters. And when a girl is born in a house, He sends angels there who greet her family, saying to them: “Peace be with you, inhabitants of this house!” And then the angels spread their snow-white wings over the newborn, as if taking her under their protection, and, affectionately stroking her on the head, utter these words: “How weak and helpless this baby is, who has just come into the world from the weak body of her mother. If the father takes care of her and raises her with love, then Allah will certainly reward him and show him mercy when the Day of Judgment comes.

4.66. - You can not hate daughters, - said the prophet Muhammad, - because they are loving and merciful.

4.67. One Muslim was sitting next to the Messenger of Allah when his son, a nice little boy, ran up to him. The father sat the child on his lap and kissed him at the same time. Following the boy, his sister shyly approached the adults, whom her father sat in front of him and did not kiss.

Seeing this scene, the prophet frowned and said:

Truly, you are doing wrong!

4.68. The Messenger of Allah said that one of the greatest virtues of a father in relation to his daughter is manifested when she is returned to him, and he takes care of her maintenance if she has no other means of subsistence.

4.69. The Prophet Muhammad taught that a father should not marry off his daughter by force, and if this happened, then the marriage must be terminated.

One Muslim woman, whose name was Hansa, told the prophet that her father forced her to marry. And then the prophet called her relatives to him and dissolved her marriage.

About inheritance and heirs

4.70. Once a man came to the Prophet Muhammad and said that he wanted to make a will, but did not know how to properly distribute the inheritance among three relatives: a daughter, a daughter of a son and a sister.

Half of the inheritance is due to the daughter, the sixth - to the son's daughter. Together, these shares will amount to two-thirds of the total inherited property. And the remaining third should go to your sister, - said the prophet.

4.71. An old Muslim approached the Messenger of Allah and said that his grandson, the son of his son, had died. He died in adulthood, and after him some property remained. The old man wanted to know if he was entitled to part of this inheritance.

You are entitled to a sixth of it, - said the prophet.

Thanking him, the old man was about to leave, but the Messenger of Allah called him to him and said:

You are also entitled to the second sixth part.

And when the old man was about to leave again, he again turned to him and explained:

The second sixth is an additive.

4.72. The Prophet Muhammad was asked if a grandmother could inherit the fortune of a deceased grandson.

She is entitled to a sixth of the inheritance, he replied, provided that the mother of the deceased died.

4.73. The right to an inheritance is like a blood relationship: it cannot be sold or given as a gift.

4.74. A wealthy Muslim had an only daughter. When he decided to make a will, the thought came to his mind that his fortune was too great to go to one woman. And then he went to the prophet Muhammad for advice.

O Messenger of Allah, he said, I am rich enough that all my wealth will be inherited by my only daughter. What do you think, should I not give two-thirds of what I own as sadaqah?

No, the prophet replied.

Then he asked:

Maybe I should give away half of my fortune?

No, the prophet repeated again.

Maybe you need to give away a third?

You can give away a third, but even that will be too much. It is better for you to leave your heirs rich and not poor, so as not to force them to be fed by alms.

About the best dinar

4.75. The Messenger of Allah taught that if a Muslim has four dinars, then the first should be given to the poor, the second should be spent on freeing a slave, the third should be spent on the Path of Allah, and the fourth should be spent on his family. At the same time, the best of the dinars is the one that is spent on the family.

Islam is one of the most mysterious religions on our planet. It consists of a number of written and unwritten laws, which every Muslim adheres to with enviable accuracy and fidelity. Among them are the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad known to everyone - short stories about his life path. They can be embellished, modified somewhere, but they are very reliable. About what is so interesting about them, and how they affect the life of Muslims, read below.

Definition of the term

So, the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad are important events recorded on paper from the life of this religious figure, the founder of Islam. Every Muslim is obliged to know them, honor and accept them as a basis for the formation of his worldview and the worldview of his descendants. It is believed that Muhammad compiled these records specifically so that in the future his people could be based on the life experience he acquired. Today, in terms of importance, these historical reports are in second place after the Koran, the book that is considered the most sacred in the religion of Islam. The hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad are also considered autobiographical. They were given special attention at the dawn of Islam itself, and now they are often retold in families and mosques as legends. It is also believed that by studying these texts, one can comprehend all the mysteries of this Eastern religion.

The nature of the origin of the word

Considering the issue from the point of view of etymology, it becomes immediately clear that the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad are literally stories about what happened. People who know Arabic, will easily draw an analogy between “hadith” and “hadsa”, which sounds in Russian like “tell something”, “know”, “transmit”. Thus, it turns out that each of the stories that belongs to this category is not the basic law of religion, but a tradition. Previously, this tradition was passed down by word of mouth, but later it began to be written down on paper. It should be noted that all these customs of the Islamic people, which were so formed, did not acquire their perfect appearance immediately. For three centuries after the death of the Great Prophet, there was a lot of discussion in Eastern society on this subject, and all records were formed, as it were, in leaps and bounds.

Geography of tradition

The religious fate of all those peoples who are now Muslim was determined long before the official birth of the religion inherent in them today. The Middle East, some states of Central Asia, and from time immemorial were considered one whole cultural region, where identical gods were honored, almost identical cults were erected and similar traditions were established. In 632 AD (the date of the death of Muhammad) religion only acquired official status and written confirmation. Also in the seventh century, the influence of the Koran began to spread throughout all the above-mentioned regions, which the prophet personally received from Allah. Following the Holy Book, first in oral and then in written form, the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad reach the people, which become a reinforcement of customs and faith. It is worth noting here that each individual people interpreted these lines in their own way. Also, for different powers, far from the same hadiths from all existing have more or less value.


Researchers, comparing generally accepted historical reports and these written documents, were able to divide the latter into three main categories. Thus, we have authentic hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, good and weak. These statuses are of great importance if they are used in a jurisdiction, in history, or in other teachings. If it is necessary to mention the hadeeth in order to conduct a moral conversation or to establish a certain moral value in society, then such scrupulousness becomes unnecessary.

About life in marriage

Today we are all used to the fact that in the Muslim world the attitude towards the female sex is extremely humiliating. In fact, the philosophy of the East is much more subtle than it may seem to us, European people. A striking example of this are the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad about women, which he compiled during his life. Here are some of them: “When you yourself have a meal, share the meal with your wife; when you buy clothes and other things for yourself, do the same for her! Do not hit her in the face, do not swear in her direction, and when you quarrel, do not leave her alone with you ”; “When a husband’s wife is righteous, she can be compared with the golden crown that flaunts on the king’s head, sparkles and shines for hundreds of meters. If the wife of a righteous husband is characterized by sinfulness, she is comparable only to the heavy burden that hangs behind the back of an old man. These words give us the opportunity to understand that the attitude towards wives among Muslims is fundamentally different, but this does not mean at all that it is worse.

About the main parent

Like many other nations, despite their patriarchal social charter, Islamists hold mothers in high esteem. This is confirmed by the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad about women who have become or are preparing to become mothers. Lines such as "All women who bear a child, give birth to him and favorably treat all children, their own and others, will surely fall into Paradise" or "If you look for Paradise for yourself, look for it under your mother's feet" are the basis of the entire philosophy of Islam . Their parents are treated with honor throughout their lives. The traditions compiled by Muhammad say that mothers must be constantly cared for, respected and never forgotten.

Perpetual motion machine of faith

One of the foundations of Islam is the fivefold prayer, which every Muslim strictly adheres to. It manifests itself in the form of a prayer, which must be repeated on each of the five days in order to merge with the Almighty, to achieve a state of spiritual happiness. This sacred philosophy, of course, is reflected in the traditions of the Eastern peoples. During the 7th century, the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad about prayer were compiled, and today they teach us to honor Allah and sacrifice our most precious treasure - time and reason - to him. This is what the Almighty promises to those who will be faithful to him: “Everyone who carefully performs ablutions, after which he goes to read the obligatory prayer and performs it according to the imam, receives the forgiveness of one of his sins.”

life instructions

The hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad about life are considered to be of particular value in the Muslim world. We will not retell their texts, as this may take an uncountable amount of time. In general, we can say that these legends and stories contain the maximum number of those dogmas on which Islam itself was based. They teach justice, righteousness, wisdom. Many of them are accurate descriptions of certain situations that happened in the life of the prophet. It is generally accepted that, based on his life experience, every Muslim should draw analogies in his life, acting identically to the universal mentor. The most important thing in every text is that a person should love and honor Allah. And if Muslims on Earth are faithful to its laws, then after death they will go to a paradise.

About the underworld

Similar to all the previous ones in Islam are the hadiths of the prophet Muhammad about death. Reading and studying them, it is impossible not to notice some similarities with our Orthodoxy, but the difference between them is also great. Firstly, it is worth saying that the hadiths preach to appreciate and honor Allah because he will grant eternal and eternal life to everyone who was faithful to him. beautiful life after death. The stories claim that the earthly path of a person is only a temporary refuge, therefore there is no point in clinging to the various benefits of the material world. Also, like Orthodoxy, in Islam there is only one God - Allah, and only a Muslim can worship him. A characteristic feature of the hadiths, which tell us about death and its coming, is also the continuity of the story. Dogmas that are brought to the fore are against the backdrop of events that again tell about certain events. life path prophet Muhammad.


The Islamic world, unlike our usual Orthodox or Catholic, is characterized by much stricter rules for observing not only official laws, but also traditions and religious teachings. An integral part here are the hadiths, which teach every person who has become a Muslim to adhere to his faith conscientiously and in accordance with all dogmas. These historical texts fully reveal to us the essence of Islam, give us the opportunity to understand how this religion came into being, how people within its framework perceive it, and how an outsider should treat all these rules.