Protective signs and their meaning. Riddles of antiquity: Slavic amulets for home and family. General and individual Slavic amulets and amulets

Our ancestors, contrary to the now actively spreading opinion that they were “gray and unenlightened” before the adoption of Christianity, had such knowledge about which modern man can only dream. Their knowledge was vast and deep, and their culture was unique, original and rich.

But today we will talk not so much about the culture of pagan Rus' as a whole, but about a small part of it - the amulets of our ancestors - the Slavs. Some of the protective Slavic symbols have a swastika shape. This shape is due not only to the fact that our galaxy resembles a swastika in shape, but also to the fact that the structure of human DNA is also swastika in shape. A logical conclusion suggests itself: our ancestors knew exactly about the structure of DNA and the shape of the galaxy called the Milky Way. Any coincidences here are completely excluded.

Slavic amulets of today are no different from those amulets that were many thousands of years ago. Not only their form has been preserved, but also the meaning of each protective sign. It is also worth mentioning that there are currently disputes about Slavic amulets. Some researchers of pre-Christian Rus' claim that there were an order of magnitude fewer symbols than now, so they say: “Now you can find a lot of remakes that are passed off as ancient protective symbols of the Slavs,” other researchers, and simply lovers of their native culture, argue that everything is now The presented charm symbols are of pre-Christian origin and, as a result, are artifacts.

In order to accept this or that point of view, it is necessary to study each of the symbols separately, it is necessary to collect a huge amount of information “for” or “against”, which, as you understand, is not at all easy to do today. We decided to go the other way. We reserve the right to argue for the researchers, who are right in some way, each in his own way. For a person who wants to join the ancient culture of the Slavic people, we decided to make a special reference book of Slavic amulets.

On the Internet, you can find quite a lot of information about this kind of protective symbols, however, somewhere the information is not complete, somewhere it is not entirely accurate, and somewhere it is very contradictory. We tried to bring the maximum known number of Slavic amulets and their meanings that are known to us.

In conclusion, I would like to recall one very important detail. Whatever picket you choose for yourself, it will still need to be cleaned periodically, through the elements. You can find out how to clean and create an amulet yourself in our

Amulets are an integral part of Slavic culture. They were worn to protect against the evil eye and misfortune. However, there are no universal Slavic amulets, their meanings are individual for men and women. When purchasing a charm, you need to know its interpretation - it can symbolize something inappropriate for a particular person.

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What were Slavic amulets and amulets made of?

Slavic amulets were made by hand from various materials.

  1. Amulets were made of wood and metals. Often used silver. According to ancient Slavic beliefs, it scared away evil spirits.
  2. Talismans were also made from the teeth or bones of animals. The Slavs believed that an amulet made from a part of an animal protects against evil forces and gives power.

How to choose the right amulet?

Basic tips on how to choose a charm:

  1. Decide who the amulet is for. The gender and age of the person matter. Charms for men will not suit a woman: they have a different energy and will not help. And vice versa.
  2. Choose your talisman wisely. Learn the meaning of each amulet, wearing rules and other points. Decide what properties your amulet should have. The description of the amulet may vary in different sources, so trust the authoritative ones.
  3. Listen to your intuition. If you are drawn to a certain amulet, choose it. Rely on your intuition after carefully studying the information about the talismans. If in doubt, ask an expert for advice.
  4. Don't trust street vendors. Buy amulets only from trusted manufacturers.
  5. Analyze the changes in life after buying an amulet. If you do not feel protected, perhaps the talisman was chosen incorrectly.

Women's amulets

Talismans for women are designed to:

  • protect the hearth;
  • protect children;
  • bring harmony to the family.

It was believed that women were subject to the evil eye, so they wore several amulets. The manufacture of amulets was entrusted to them. In order for the amulet to work, it must be charged. Unlike church Christian amulets, the pagan talisman is not consecrated in the church: it is cleansed with a flame of fire or running water.

Star of Lada or Lada Mother of God

The amulet symbolizes:

  • Love;
  • beauty;
  • fertility;
  • family happiness.

The talisman is intended for the fair sex, for whom the family is important. He balances the character, making a woman reasonable and calm. The amulet is very popular among girls who want to get married and have children.

There are also restrictions on its use.

It cannot be used:

  • women who have had an abortion of their own free will;
  • Christian women;
  • careerists who pay less attention to the family.


Main purpose:

  • preservation of the home;
  • protecting women's health;
  • revealing the potential of a woman;
  • protection from damage and curses;
  • help in finding love and creating a family;
  • beneficial effect on children.

Little girls put on the Ladinets amulet only from the age of three, otherwise the symbol will steal the pure energy of the child.


This talisman:

  • protects children and young girls;
  • protects from diseases and evil spirits;
  • helps develop feminine character traits;
  • prepares for adult life;
  • gives new knowledge;
  • helps self-actualization.

The most effective amulet made of silver. The main purpose is to sustain life on earth. It is women who continue the family, so the amulet keeps them from negativity.



  • feminine;
  • unity with nature;
  • new life.

Guardian functions:

  • protection from the evil eye;
  • help in finding a loved one;
  • maintaining health;
  • assistance in the birth of children;
  • protection from evil spirits and enemies.

Lunnitsa is used as:

  • embroidery on clothes;
  • drawing on the body;
  • wearable talisman.


Goddess Makosh embodies all life on earth. This is an ideal amulet for an elderly married woman.

Makosh symbolizes:

  • intuition;
  • female instincts;
  • motherhood;
  • fertility.

Mascot functions:

  • protects against diseases;
  • resists evil forces;


Amulet functions:

  • keeps from troubles in the family;
  • protects from damage and negativity;

It symbolizes:

  • light;
  • kindness
  • a sense of security.

This pagan sign is capable of:

  • strengthen the spirit and willpower;
  • indicate the right path in life.

The talisman of Ognevitsa is contraindicated for young unmarried girls and girls - his strength is designed for a mature woman with a mature character who has already become a mother. Only in this case will he protect his owner, otherwise he will break life.


This symbol represents:

  • feminine energy;
  • procreation.

Guardian functions:

  • helps girls who dream of a family and children;
  • good effect on pregnant women;
  • makes childbirth less painful;
  • protects babies.

Usually the talisman was used in the form of embroidery. It is worn during and before pregnancy if they want to give birth to healthy children.

Wedding attendant

The amulet protects the young couple from failure.


  • masculine and feminine;
  • fusion on the physical and spiritual level;
  • the idea of ​​the inviolability of the marriage union;
  • resists dark power and troubles.

The Svedebnik symbol is specific in use: it is worn by both spouses at the same time, and after the birth of a child, it is removed and hidden in a secluded place. Lonely people should not wear a charm - it will attract bad luck.

It is made in the form:

  • rings;
  • pendants;
  • pendants and other jewelry.


Yarovik personifies a fiery force capable of protecting people.

Yarovik Energy:

  • encourages action and movement;
  • indicates the correct path;
  • drives away sad thoughts;
  • helps to find a purpose in life;
  • contributes to material and spiritual well-being.

Photo gallery

Below are photos of female Slavic amulets.

Ladinets Lelnik Lunnitsa Makosh Svadnik Ognevitsa Yarovik Zvezda Lada

Men's amulets

Charms for men are simple in execution compared to women.

The main functions of male amulets:

  • increase in strength, courage and courage;
  • protect the health of the owner;
  • defense in battles;
  • contributing to a successful hunt.

Talismans made by mothers or wives were considered the strongest - they had powerful positive energy.

Men's amulets were made from:

  • copper;
  • silver;
  • claws and fangs of animals.

They were rarely used as jewelry, usually engraved on weapons or worn as embroidery.


Guardian functions:

  • protects from scandals and disputes in the family;
  • keeps from troubles;
  • gives physical and moral strength;
  • protects the house from fire and other misfortunes;
  • contributes to the preservation of peace between relatives.

The amulet is also useful for men who get a job - it improves relations with superiors and in the team.


In ancient times, this amulet was worn by warriors for protection in battles. He was depicted on armor and other paraphernalia.

Guardian functions:

  • resists natural disasters and cataclysms;
  • pushes a man to new exploits;
  • helps to see the goal;
  • helps to be creative.

The talisman is suitable for those whose work is related to the elements:

  • divers;
  • firemen;
  • pilots;
  • sailors and others.


The ancient Slavs wore it for protection in war, but nowadays it is used in everyday life.

Thunderbolt protects against:

  • evil eye;
  • damage and curses;
  • ill-wishers and envious people.


The talisman is suitable for men seeking self-development.

Guardian functions:

  • protects in dangerous situations;
  • inspires creativity;
  • gives knowledge and power;
  • strengthens the spirit;
  • adjusts to work;
  • drives away sadness.

Znich is indispensable for people who do not see a goal in life and are depressed.


A symbol revered by the Slavs.

The amulet is capable of:

  • give courage;
  • give wisdom;
  • help direct energy in the right direction.

This amulet symbolizes:

  • fortitude;
  • and capacity for reconciliation;
  • the victory of wisdom over stupidity;
  • triumph of good over evil.

Kolyadnik helps to intelligently solve both serious situations and everyday problems.

Sword in the star of England

The composition of the symbol means the connection of the body, spirit and soul. The amulet is able to enhance other talismans.

The amulet helps:

  • develop hidden opportunities;
  • become stronger and wiser.

Sometimes it is also worn by women who are engaged in complex work and face life's difficulties.

Svarog Square

A charm for men who have reached the age of a warrior. Has the strongest energy.

Talisman helps:

  • find peace of mind;
  • feel self-confidence;
  • avoid trouble at home and at work.

The amulet favors:

  • learning a new specialty or profession;
  • strengthening ties with ancestors;
  • family relationships;
  • keeping the peace in the house.

Seal of Veles Bear's Paw

Wearing the seal guaranteed protection, provided that the wearer never parted with it.

The amulet helps:

  • make a successful career;
  • gain material prosperity.
  • rescuers;
  • firemen;
  • hunters;
  • fishermen.


The Slavs believed in the sacred meaning of this symbol. It was applied to the armor of warriors and the clothes of priests, rarely used in everyday life.

The talisman gives the wearer:

  • resilience;
  • wisdom;
  • by the strength of the spirit.

A man wearing a charm achieves spiritual unity with nature and the forces of his ancestors.


In ancient times, Ratiborets was intended for warriors and young men.

The symbol represents:

  • wisdom;
  • bravery;
  • thoughtfulness in decisions;
  • connection with ancestors.

In modern life, suitable for men associated with dangerous professions:

  • policemen;
  • military;
  • politicians.

It cannot be worn by criminals and dishonorable people.


Guardian functions:

  • gives confidence to adults;
  • protects children from danger.

In ancient times, the Rodimich amulet was worn by warriors and senior family members. Suitable for parents, in particular fathers, raising children in Slavic traditions.


Svarga is worn by adults married men who have reached the age of 32. It is intended for people with life experience and knowledge. The talisman patronizes those who firmly want to change their lives for the better. It's a choice strong people with a well-formed character and attitude.

The amulet symbolizes:

  • spiritual enlightenment;
  • self-development;
  • victory over problems and troubles.

He will show the right path for self-knowledge and the search for the meaning of life.

Ax of Perun

The symbol protected our ancestors from enemies on the battlefield and gave men spiritual strength.

The amulet helps:

  • save the family from misfortune;
  • protect intangible values ​​- love, hope, justice.

The symbol gives the owner:

  • courage;
  • the ability to go to the goal;
  • durability.

The amulet symbolizes:

  • unity with ancestors;
  • continuity of tradition.


Stribozhich is a symbol of Stribog, the lord of thunderstorms, winds and air.

Guardian functions:

  • protects the clan and economy;
  • resists natural disasters.

In our time, suitable for men whose specialty is associated with the elements.

Shield of Perun

The amulet is capable of:

  • protect from the evil eye;
  • repel curse and corruption;
  • purify the soul and thoughts of man.

The amulet gives a modern man the ability to cope with life's adversities. The most effective option is made of silver - it dissipates negative energy better.

Photo gallery

Photo of male old Russian amulets

Square Svarog Gromovik Kolyadnik Sword in the star of England Grozovik Znich Perun's Ax Rasich Ratiborets Rodimich Perun's Shield Stribozhich Svarga Svarozhich Bear paw Vseslavets

Protect men and women

There are universal amulets suitable for men and women. Most of them are made from silver or gold, sometimes from cheaper metals. Each of them has a special meaning.


Symbolizes the foundation of the universe. In terms of importance, it is compared with the philosopher's stone.

The amulet helps:

  • protect the owner from diseases;
  • resist natural hazards.

A person wearing a talisman is able to:

  • survive in the mountains;
  • defeat the wild beast.


A powerful amulet that patronizes warriors.


  • valor;
  • wisdom;
  • courage;
  • honor.

Men wore it for good luck in battle, women - to temper their character and become more resilient.


The talisman symbolizes the harmony of the Family.

Guardian functions:

  • protects the family from quarrels;
  • reconciles relatives;
  • keeps the house from fire and other troubles.

As a body amulet, it is usually worn by men, but can also be worn by women.


A very ancient and mystical sign. It was worn by warriors to win.

The amulet is capable of:

  • balance violent temper;
  • achieve enlightenment;
  • indicate the correct path.

Women wore an amulet to develop witchcraft power. They received secret knowledge - it was not for nothing that Garuda was considered a symbol of healers and witches. Its meaning goes back to the past and is associated with the Aryans. The word "Garuda", according to one version, means "the hidden city of the Aryans."

tree of life

The oldest old Russian amulet, meaning the relationship of Heaven and Earth. Symbol of eternal life.

The tree of life contributes to:

  • family well-being;
  • fertility;
  • health;
  • longevity;
  • the birth of children.


This amulet helps:

  • take away damage;
  • save the house from dark forces;
  • resist disease.

A universal amulet with powerful protective energy. It is usually painted on objects related to Slavic culture.


A sign of life and inner human fire. Dukhobor protects those who sincerely believe in him. Gives physical and spiritual strength, necessary not only to win in battle, but also in everyday life.

The amulet is capable of:

  • heal the disease;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • improve mood and well-being.

Star of Rus'

A charm that reveals the secrets of nature and the universe.

A talisman will help a man:

  • self-realization;
  • develop intuition.

The Star of Rus' helps a modern woman:

  • succeed at work;
  • resolve conflicts in the family;
  • raise children on their own.



  • spiritual cleansing;
  • enlightenment;
  • self-knowledge.

You should not wear unmarried young people - the amulet will have a bad effect on fate.


Kolovrat symbolizes:

  • health;
  • optimism;
  • fertility.

The amulet helps:

  • at work and in business;
  • in family relationships.

The bright solar energy of Kolovrat patronizes only those who are pure in soul and achieve their goals in an honest way.


The oldest Slavic symbol with mystical power.

Talisman is able to:

  • reveal the inner potential of a person;
  • direct energy in the right direction;
  • push for action;
  • develop paranormal abilities;
  • protect from negativity and ill-wishers.


The amulet will be an excellent protection against:

  • from damage;
  • evil eye;
  • family curses;
  • dark spells;
  • negative energy.

heavenly cross

A symbol of the unity of the family and the relationship of the past with the present. A body amulet that protects against life's adversities.

Amulet functions:

  • resists the evil eye;
  • keeps the family from quarrels and discord.

Amulet Belobog

A symbol with powerful positive energy.

Amulet Bogovnik

Symbol of spiritual development.

The amulet helps:

  • awakening of creativity;
  • talent development.

Helps people of creative professions and children who are just discovering their abilities.

Charm Spiritual Power

Amulet for people striving for spiritual growth.

The amulet is capable of:

  • protect from mental disorders, depressions and phobias;
  • set up in a positive way;
  • help you find yourself in life.

Amulet Source

A symbol associated with the energy of the Sun. Worn on the chest for better concentration of energy flows.

The amulet helps:

  • develop spiritually and physically;
  • become wiser.

Amulet Odolen-grass

The amulet protects against:

  • from diseases;
  • dark forces;
  • evil eye.

Use cases:

  • body amulet;
  • image on the dishes;
  • drawing on the body;
  • embroidery on clothes and other items.

The symbol on the dishes will save you from stale food, the image on the clothes resists the temptation of dark forces.

Amulet Fern Flower


  • cleanse from bad thoughts;
  • reveal the spiritual power of a person;
  • treat depression and stress, mental disorders.

The amulet can be worn as a tattoo or embroidered with it.

Amulet Yarilo

A universal amulet that brings happiness and good luck.

Yarilo will give a man:

  • energy for work;
  • physical and moral strength.

A woman will help:

  • manage household chores;
  • bring up children.


The talisman will help people facing a difficult choice.

The amulet helps men:

  • make an important decision
  • defend your point of view.

The amulet will help women:

  • rejuvenate;
  • become more attractive.

Seal of Veles Wolf's Paw

The amulet is intended for those who are ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

The seal of Veles is capable of:

  • protect people who are firmly moving towards their goal;
  • reward the owner with a desire for independence and freedom;
  • awaken hidden leadership qualities.


The symbol of the Family, keeping peace and tranquility in the family.

Gives a person:

  • wisdom;
  • calm;
  • prudence.


A charm that promotes peace of mind and harmony between emotions and mind.

Amulet functions:

  • helps to cope with laziness and fears;
  • protects from enemies and envious people;
  • makes it easier to achieve the goal.


Universal amulet.

Ideal for people whose work is related to saving lives:

  • doctors;
  • firemen;
  • rescuers.

It will help you avoid danger.


A symbol that helps to achieve inner harmony. Suitable for people who live honestly and are not used to deceiving.

Main purpose:

  • develops intuition;
  • gives support to ancestors;
  • promotes peace of mind.


A charm that sharpens the sense of justice and the desire to get to the bottom of the truth.

Gives the owner:

  • extraordinary observation;
  • intuition;
  • the ability to notice details invisible to others;
  • confidence;
  • optimism.

Great for:

  • journalists;
  • leaders;
  • creative people.


A universal amulet, indispensable for people facing a difficult choice and in danger.

Ideal for men of difficult professions:

  • military;
  • policemen;
  • firemen;
  • rescuers;
  • sailors;
  • climbers.

Veles symbol

A strong amulet with mystical power.

A good choice for those who:

  • strives for spiritual development;
  • is fond of esotericism and self-knowledge.

The talisman develops psychic abilities. When properly charged, the amulet can be used to communicate with the souls of the dead.

Race symbol

The Aryan sign symbolizes:

  • age-old traditions;
  • moral values;
  • the wisdom of the Slavs.

This is a powerful universal amulet capable of:

  • protect from dark forces;
  • give wisdom;
  • strengthen the spirit.

Symbol of the Family


  • the continuity of generations;
  • family traditions;
  • the inviolability of the Family.

The amulet does not forgive bad deeds and disrespect for relatives. Even if the owner of the amulet repents, the Symbol of the Family will punish him. Therefore, it is suitable only for a person with high moral principles.

Solar Cross

A charm associated with the energy of the Sun. Symbolizes immortality and wisdom.

According to beliefs, the amulet is capable of:

  • cure physical and mental illnesses;
  • prolong life;
  • give new knowledge.


Neutral amulet, suitable for absolutely everyone. The most effective option is made of silver or wood.


  • achieve harmony;
  • mutual understanding;
  • make an informed decision.

Flower of Life

One of the brightest amulets, a source of positive energy.


  • fulfillment of desires;
  • improve mood;
  • longevity.


Amulet with healing properties.


  • alleviate the disease;
  • heal wounds;
  • clear the energy points of a person;
  • prolong life.

Black Sun

A powerful amulet that must be used with care. Protects decent people, but does not forgive criminals and liars. To get his support, you need to honor your ancestors and live according to your conscience, otherwise the amulet will punish you.

Amulet functions:

  • strengthens the connection of a person with the roots;
  • expands the energy spectrum;
  • gives strength.


The talisman symbolizes the protection of the family and its territory.


  • protect yourself from dark forces and witchcraft;
  • resolve disputes and conflicts.

Photo of universal amulets for men and women.

The gallery was removed by the admin for technical reasons, the gallery will be added manually to the site after the approval of the GR and the publication of the article.

Slavic amulet dolls

Among the ancient Slavs, amulets were respected by the whole family. Each doll had a special purpose.

The appearance of the dolls depended on the purpose, as well as on the skills of the craftswoman. General characteristic Slavic dolls had a lack of facial features. It was believed that giving personality to the doll would attract evil spirits.

Charm dolls performed the following functions:

  • protected the family and home from dark forces;
  • assisted in the search for love;
  • helped the hostess in household chores;
  • contributed to financial well-being.

The video shows a master class on creating. Filmed by the First Museum of Slavic Mythology channel.


The ancient Slavs embroidered protective symbols on clothes and other things. Embroidery was used to decorate the part of the clothing where enhanced protection is needed - on the sleeves and chest area. Women wore body belts with intricate ornaments, securely hidden from view.

Currently, protective embroidery is decorated with:

  • pendants;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets and other jewelry.

Embroidered amulets are capable of:

  • protect from dark forces and ill-wishers;
  • bestow health and longevity;
  • attract good luck;
  • keep the family hearth;
  • help find love
  • help achieve financial well-being.

They make embroidery-amulet only in a good mood and with great desire, otherwise it will not protect the owners. Good, positive emotions should be invested in work. Only in this way will the symbol be charged with light energy.

The embroidery value is affected by the choice of colors:

  • bright red or Orange color thread is suitable for protection against deceit and betrayal;
  • green color will help achieve material well-being;
  • blue and purple shades soothe and set the wearer of the amulet in a peaceful way.

The pattern also determines the meaning of protective embroidery:

  • images of trees and other vegetation bring health and longevity;
  • floral motifs or the Star of Lada are perfect for a love amulet;
  • embroidery with the symbol of Veles will help attract wealth;
  • the image of Dazhdbog contributes to the speedy fulfillment of desires;
  • The embroidered symbol Fire-eye will be an excellent amulet against the evil eye and damage.

This video shows how to embroider with the Slavic symbol Veles. Filmed by Lelya Ivanov's channel.

Protective prayers

The ancient Slavs actively used conspiracies and prayers as amulets. The Slavs were pagans and worshiped different gods, asking them for support and help.

Common prayer prayers include:

  1. Prayer for help. Protects from dark forces. It appeared during the time of Christianity. Although it was invented in the era of Orthodoxy, the influence of paganism is noticeable in it. A Christian may say it in a church or other place.

Slavic symbols are amulets, the meaning of which and their figurative meaning must be known to every Slav. Read in this article what a charm is, how to properly charge and use it. And also what the Slavs did in order to fully charge the amulets, see step by step instructions from a practicing magician. What does the amulet have to do with religion, why does the church disown the ancient Slavic symbols.

Amulet - what is it?

Since ancient times, an object that has magical powers has been considered a talisman. Amulets are needed in order to bring joy to the house, fill the atmosphere with happiness and give their owners good luck and financial well-being. Talismans are credited with a mysterious action that inexplicably performs its main function - it protects people from evil misfortunes and the negative effects of karma.

Amulets are worn on the body, sometimes used as decoration. Also, talismans can be an element of clothing or be in a car. For the manufacture of amulets, a variety of materials are used, however, those that have a strong energy effect, for example, silver. A long time ago, ancient people made amulets from the body parts of the animals they killed.

Most often, talismans for good luck were made from teeth and claws. It is believed that it is in the teeth and claws that the most strength of the animal is contained. Amulets are actively used by representatives alternative medicine as a means of protecting pregnant women from the evil eye, as well as bringing people the general energy of protection and magical action. A properly made amulet will serve as a conductor between our world and the world of spirits. A powerful amulet is able to counteract any energy attacks.

Amulets and religion

In religious teachings, amulets were used constantly. With the help of special objects, representatives of religion established energy connections with each other and with God. If words and thoughts do not act immediately, then the use of an amulet should help materialize events almost instantly. Talismans were mainly made of copper and brass. It is believed that it is copper and brass that have noble properties.

However, despite the actual use of amulets in the church, for example, crosses, Christianity still has an extremely negative attitude towards amulets, classifying their mysterious action as magical. In simple words, representatives of the church consider amulets an object from the world of magic. Christianity is so uncompromising about people who wear amulets that they even agree to excommunicate this category of the population.

Previously, amulets and talismans were called - storage facilities. According to the meaning of the action - amulets protected those who wear them from all sorts of troubles. However, the very symbol of the wearer of the amulet contradicts the traditional faith in Christ, so even babies could not be given anything other than life-giving cross. This fact makes us think that the church tried with all its might to protect our people from using ancient Slavic symbols as amulets.

It is no secret that paganism has been replaced by Christianity. And what the Slavs used earlier strong amulets with magical symbols of ancestors and universal laws, almost forgotten. But despite all the attempts of the church to instill in Christ as the only true and correct one, the original Slavic symbolism has survived to our times; they are so powerful images that cannot be so easily taken and erased.

Interestingly, those pagans who thought in terms of right, glory, reality, nav, etc., began to be called Orthodox. As if characterizing their belonging to the ancient Slavic world. Therefore, further we will try to remember how our ancestors thought, what images and what amulets they used to fill the house with joy and prosperity, and the body with health and longevity; Fatherland prosperity and fair treatment.

Slavic amulets - the meaning of the 7 most powerful symbols

The Slavs, with the help of ancient amulets, formed their own idea of ​​the universe. The main purpose of using symbols as amulets is their simplicity and the ability to transfer the collected images to descendants. All Slavic amulets are geometric shapes, a special sequence of lines and signs. The most famous Slavic symbols:

  1. Kolovrat.
  2. Molvinets.
  3. Valkyrie.

As well as many other symbols that were described in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas. The plot of all Slavic amulets, their common denominator is the swastika - swastika forms of geometric images. The swastika characterizes the universal laws, for example, the rotation of the Milky Way galaxy. It is believed that even human DNA can be geometric shape compare with the swastika.

The Slavic-Aryan system of representation of the world is so ancient that it is the ancestor of the Veda ancient india and other ancient sources. Nowadays, the swastika is treated ambiguously. Some consider swastika symbols to be a real evil, while others argue that this is our original symbolism. Perhaps the Nazis used the swastika to defame its former meaning; if that's the case, they've done a great job of it.

A true Aryan is a familiar expression, but they forgot to say Slavic-Aryan. Implying that the Slavs and Aryans are one ancient people. This means that the existence of one without the other and the predominance of one race over another is impossible. With the advent of Christianity, even the holidays were renamed. For example, there was a Kupala holiday, it became Ivan Kupala. Many native Russian holidays were named after Orthodox saints.

Slavic amulets for women

For women, comprehensive protection was very important. Therefore, the glorious representatives of the fair sex wore on average more than one amulet. A classic example of a Slavic female amulet is the lunnitsa.

1) Lunnitsa

Lunnitsa refers to the original female symbols, like some other amulets described below. Lunnitsa served as an amulet, the main meaning of which is to prolong youth, to act favorably on conception, bearing a child or children, and childbirth.

An interesting fact is that our ancestors took the manufacture of amulets extremely seriously. Only the oldest woman from the Family had the ability and the right to make amulets. It was believed that only she had the power to give the amulet protective properties. And at the moment when the elder was making the Slavic amulet, she had to be alone, without the presence of strangers.

2) Molvinets

It is noteworthy that amulets can be made of precious metals, and characters can be applied to clothes. The classic solution is to make a Molvinets amulet from silver. Even in our time, rings and rings with molvints and other jewelry are sold. It is believed that the Molvinets, as an ancient Slavic amulet, brings longevity, beauty and well-being to its owner. Molvinets helps men find a message.

3) Ladinets

Ladinets is a very strong female talisman. It will be better if a pregnant woman wears a Ladin amulet with her all nine months of pregnancy. This will help protect the fetus from harmful energy effects. The amulet Ladinets belongs to the Goddess Lada. So, the use of a talisman gives a general harmony and joy in the house.

You can either make a charm with your own hands or order it from a jeweler. The main thing is to know which symbol to use and for what. Then the amulet will protect you with its magical action. After all, nothing strengthens the effect of the amulet as much as the awareness of who wears it and for what.

Slavic amulets for men

Amulets for men are slightly different from women's ones, primarily in their action. If a woman is more prone to calmness and moderation, then completely different qualities are important for a man. The amulet is an opportunity for men to strengthen their:

  • bravery;
  • the will to win;
  • make him more resilient;
  • develop dexterity;
  • feel leadership qualities;
  • be wise and strong.

Slavic amulets for men were applied to a variety of objects. Often you can find protective symbols on wallets, brooches, totem attributes, belts. With the help of male amulets, you can safely resist life's difficulties, protecting the family from the intervention of evil spirits.

4) Alatyr

The situation is classical when this symbol was used by a wanderer or a sage. In both cases, the alatyr was a symbol of wisdom and maturity in life position. Among the protective properties of the talisman alatyr, one can single out opposition to evil, the retreat of diseases. It brings happiness, joy and prosperity to the house, makes its wearer a grateful person.

5) bogovnik

This amulet is very powerful and is intended exclusively for men. Traditionally, the bogovnik was made of silver or gold. This talisman symbolizes spiritual strength and enlightenment. At the same time, the Slavic talisman bogovnik is safe to wear even for babies. Already from infancy, you can use this symbol to gain and good health.

6) Valkyrie

Valkyrie is a Slavic amulet that was used as the magical help of ancestors in battles and wars. If a man wants to go to war and return safe and sound, he needs a Valkyrie amulet. The power of the amulet gives its owner wisdom, a sense of justice, conscience and nobility. If this symbol is applied to a weapon, then the enemies will not have a single chance to leave alive.

7) Seal of Veles

This amulet has two varieties. One is called the wolf's paw, the second is the bear's paw. This amulet gives self-confidence, as well as the strength that a bear possesses. The owner of this ancient Slavic amulet will feel like a huge predator if he puts on our seal of Veles. Mature strength and a clear mind, healthy dreams and achievement of cherished goals. The owner of the wolf's paw goes to the end in any life issues.

The meanings of Slavic amulets

The sacred meaning is what needs to be known for the correct use of ancient Russian amulets. It is important to understand that some amulets will work immediately, while others must be pre-charged in order to activate their power. To charge the amulets and give them magical powers, natural elements were used:

  1. Water.
  2. Earth.
  3. Fire.
  4. Air.

To make charms for good luck and money with your own hands, you need to learn how to properly charge the made amulets, unless of course you need them to work. To make a protective amulet with your own hands, you should first select the desired symbol. Choose the property that your amulet will have. Silver or bronze can be used as a material for making a Slavic amulet.

For the use of magical powers, Chinese stamped amulets are not suitable. When a person makes a Slavic amulet with his own hands, he puts his soul, his personal living energy and time into it. It is these factors that contribute to the fact that the amulet "comes to life", and it can have a beneficial effect on the lives of people, especially those who wear it. To understand the meaning of Slavic symbols, it is necessary to feel the amulets with the help of figurative thinking.

It is important to understand that the amulet alone is of little value if it does not enter into symbiosis with the energy power of a person. Let's analyze some more Slavic symbols that can be applied to amulets.


This amulet is an interlacing of three petals, symbolizing infinity. This is information that is contained in the entire Universe, in every corner of it. triglav stands for life path, infinite space, the justice of people and the course of being. Live according to the laws of the Universe, and the triglav will become an excellent amulet for you, which will enhance all your undertakings.

Change for the better, otherwise the Slavic amulet of triglav will show its destructive side. In which direction the symbol will work depends solely on the positive or negative energy of the person who wears it. Universal fair infinity - so in simple terms this ancient talisman can be characterized. Fill your life with goodness and light, joyfully believe in.

Fern flower

Use the energy of the Sun and life itself to get what you need from existence. This amulet is a symbol of what happens very rarely, like a fern flower blooms once a year on Kupala. God Perun commands this symbol. With the help of a fern flower, one can fill life with bright true knowledge that our Great and Glorious ancestors kept for us.

If you are on the path to improving your knowledge, then be sure to use this amulet so that new information is assimilated as efficiently as possible. If you often travel on business trips for work, use a fern flower to neutralize all the negative energy of long trips. The sign will protect you and make sure that the circumstances are always in your favor, which is very nice as a bonus.


This symbol is energetically very powerful, as it simultaneously personifies all four elements of nature. Also, another meaning of the healer is the unification of the energy of all the Slavic Gods into a single whole. It is known that the power of this amulet is the healing of the soul and body. That is why the healer is a talisman for doctors and healers. If you treat people, carry this talisman with you, and this will help you never make mistakes in treatment, and those who are being treated will get better soon.

You can turn to a healer for prevention or as a last resort in case of incurable disease. If you put mental and astral power, it will act to heal even the most hopeless patients. If doctors put an end to your treatment, seek help from the ancient Gods, our ancestors. And in order for your appeal to be delivered to the address, use the healer as a link between the world of people and the world of the dead.

The main action of the talisman is the healing of wounds, the purification of chakras and karma. Additionally, the sign protects the human bioenvelope, giving longevity and health. Negative energy comes to naught, thanks to the powerful positive effect of the sign. Fill your life with harmony, live according to the laws of the universe. Energy flows will return to normal, which will result in a quick recovery. A very effective tool for dealing with a wide variety of ailments. Be sure to try to make a strong amulet with your own hands.

Black Sun

This amulet is exceptional in terms of its use. From the very beginning of time, the Slavic talisman black sun was used only by priests. That is, for ordinary people the sign was not available. For 5 thousand years, this tradition was preserved until hard times came on Earth. It was at that moment that the symbol of the black sun was handed over to the common people for use as one of the most powerful amulets created in the history of mankind. As a reliable protection, the amulet is used to this day.

The black sun symbolizes the beginning of the existence of all life on Earth. Interestingly, the hidden abilities of a person can be discovered if this amulet is used as a protective device. Push the boundaries of consciousness - this is very easy for those who are constantly learning and working on their own enlightenment. Wake up now! Think with your own thoughts, and let this process help you stimulate the strong Slavic amulet black sun.

Often, those people who have a sacred connection with their ancestors in their feelings pay attention to this amulet. With the most ancient ancestors - glorious great-great-grandfathers and forefathers, whose descendants we are. If events have occurred in your life, the consequences of which you cannot get rid of in any way, then be sure to make the black sun amulet for yourself, and it will help you get rid of the burden of the past. It will also help to ensure prosperity in the present and future. The main condition for the amulet to work is to honor your ancestors, because it is from them that a person asks for protection and luck.


This symbol protects all living things from the effects of disease and death. If you need to preserve the harvest, prevent the occurrence of diseases in pets, use Yarovik. This symbol prevents robbery and damage to household property. Also, if you use Yarovik as a protective amulet, the likelihood of a fire in the house and other adverse events associated with natural destruction is sharply reduced. The ancient Slavs believed that Yarovik was able to accumulate the energy of the Sun.

The accumulation of solar energy and its use for good ensures the prosperity of the entire Family, as one of the highest values ​​of the Slavs. It is common that in the barn where the grain is stored, the Yarovik amulet is applied. Therefore, prevent accidents, incline fate in your address, make the wheel of fortune turn in your favor. For the amulet to work, it is necessary to observe the commandments of a worthy, just life. To obtain your own benefit, it is unacceptable to use Yarovik, since in this case the Universe will simply turn away from the owner of this amulet.

Ax of Perun

A very ancient and powerful symbol. The amulet belongs to the category of primordially masculine. It symbolizes the struggle of a warrior with dark forces and representatives of these forces in the form of people. It personifies purposefulness and courage, resilience and bright energy, a just cause and confidence in victory over life circumstances. The peculiarity of the amulet is protection from negative thoughts and actions of ill-wishers. Protects from envy, which is very important, since envious people carry very destructive and dark energy.

The ax of Perun is able to accumulate light energy, and serve as its constant source. Spend the collected energy in the direction you need. The ax of Perun, as a talisman, is the power and power that warriors have tried to curb at all times. If you decorate the threshold of the house with this amulet, then the applied symbol will protect the dwelling from burglary, invasion of enemies and other misfortunes. Very strong protection for the whole family. Be a real protector for your loved ones, do not let them desecrate everything that is so dear and close to you.

It is noteworthy that this symbol cannot be used for evil. Although the ax can directly symbolize murder, it is, first of all, the complete destruction of enemies with regret in the eyes. Death is brought not because of what one wants, but because it is necessary, it is so required by the event at the moment. And no one but you has no one to protect your Family. It is in such cases that the amulet of the ax of Perun manifests itself in all its magical glory. Live fairly and honestly, and then you can use the power of the amulet.


This amulet represents the birth of souls. Namely, it indicates that a new soul was born on Earth. At the same time, the soul is pure, in the form in which the Gods conceived it. In Rus', the use of svitovit was mandatory for all pregnant women. Not a single representative of the fair sex could afford to go out into the street without sewing this sign on her clothes. Svitovit was used so that the child was born strong, not weak. If you have a baby soon, it's not too late to protect him with this ancient Slavic symbol.

Also, these signs will serve as a strong protection for children. If a child is given a talisman on which a retinue is depicted, this will help level negative energy. The amulet protects everyone who wears it from the wormy eyes of other people, envious personalities, evil intentions and everything bad that can happen to human body and soul. The amulet is suitable to comprehensively add strength, as well as increase strength of mind, which is very important for the formation of the right events in life.

In simple words, the amulet will serve as a powerful protection for people whose professions are associated with power loads. For example, the military, sailors, builders - it will greatly help to be stronger and overcome physical difficulties. Your enemies will be disarmed in the literal and figurative sense of the word, defeated and defeated. The talisman has a very beneficial effect on the creation of a family, bringing joy to the house and understanding of each other to young people. Such a couple will 100% give birth to a healthy and talented child, the first-born and successor of the Great Family.


The sign represents the balance of the incompatible. Connects material and spiritual, good and evil. Brings divine light to its owners. Thanks to the light force, the material world exists. Help yourself and your family to get on the right path. It can be worn as a pendant or decorated with a Svetoch amulet, clothing items and outbuildings. You can make this Slavic symbol both from a simple tree, and precious metal. Suitable for all people to wear. An exception can only be a malicious person, which is unacceptable in the Slavic ideology.

However, most of all, the Light is able to help those who are used to working intellectually. Because this sign concentrates attention, delivers the right images to people's heads. Basically, the Svetoch is a universal Slavic symbol. It can be chosen as a talisman by those who serve in the army, pregnant women, extreme sportsmen, as well as those who work hard physically. Therefore, if you do not know which Slavic amulet to choose for protection, you can try this one. This will be a good decision, since this amulet is very strong.

How to charge the amulet - step by step instructions

It is very important to properly charge the amulet so that it works correctly. In all cases, the conspiracy of signs is carried out by hands, as powerful energy sources. The inputs and outputs of energy are concentrated in the hands. With the help of hands, you can transfer the energy of your ancestors to the talisman that you want to charge. Putting the amulet is necessary directly in front of you. At the same time, we recommend that you remain alone so that no one can interfere with you. The hereditary magician tells in detail, step by step in the form of instructions for you.

Be guided by thought forms and images. Imagine the ancient Slavic Gods, try to feel their energy. In your head there should be nothing but peace and a pleasant spiritual clean atmosphere. The power of the Gods will be felt better if the palms are rubbed together, but not hard, but gently. Bring a palm heated from friction over the amulet, which is located directly in front of you.

The height between the hands and the amulet at the time of charging should be from 20 to 25 cm. You can feel the energy of the talisman if you bring your hands a little closer. If nothing is felt, you may have just eaten, and the food interrupts all sensations. At the time of the ritual of recharging the talisman, you should be a little hungry. As soon as you feel the unity of you with the amulet at the energy level, then you can proceed directly to recharging.

Concentrate thoughts and emotions on the object. Try not to think about anything else but this. Feel more, and then the right images will come to your head, which are necessary for the correct charging of the amulet for health, luck and money. Remember that the sign on the amulet is a symbol of the patron. Try to imagine your patron as an incarnated being. Make energetic acquaintance with a living object. Try to convey to the amulets simple thoughts, but specific and capacious. State your desires as clearly and precisely as possible.

A sign that the amulet is charged will be the heat emanating from it. These thermal radiations can be felt by all people endowed with extrasensory abilities. And also people without experience in extrasensory perception can, through several training sessions, feel the warmth radiated by the amulet. It may take several sessions over 7 days to fully charge the amulet. So that the energy of the talisman does not dissipate, protect it from the effects of other people's eyes and thoughts, keep it only with you and do not show it to anyone.

Amulet for wealth from Baba Nina

If you need a personal magic amulet for wealth, we recommend that you pay attention to the following fact. from Baba Nina gives its owner luck in terms of material well-being. And how else can amulets made from real imperial coins and spoken directly to the name of the person who ordered it still work. The amulet from Baba Nina not only allows you to earn more money, but it also protects against unintentional financial losses.

Very important point- you are now on the official website of Baba Nina. Beware of fakes! For our amulets, we use the coins of Tsarist Russia, handed over to us by the monks and ministers of the church personally. The amulet works, which is confirmed by a lot of reviews left by people on our website; find them to see. In order for the ancient coin to gain strength, the grandmother personally speaks a talisman for good luck and wealth. Attention! Only an ancient ritual, aimed at a specific person, is able to give the amulet real power.

In order for people to trust us, we never use prepayment. Therefore, if you are required to pay in advance, then these are most likely scammers. We send all amulets from Baba Nina to customers by mail, you can pay immediately after receiving. If you trust us and want to buy the amulet right away, then please, as you please. For a free consultation, you can ask your question via chat or in any other way at any time, contact us. Baba Nina provides assistance to everyone who wants to receive it, you will receive an answer within three hours from the moment you apply.

At the end it says

Considered the Slavic symbols of amulets and their meaning in the life of ancient glorious people. They told me what to do to charge the amulet for wealth. Revealed the sacred meanings of the most powerful 7 Slavic symbols and more. As an addition, they also told other Slavic symbols that serve to make amulets. If you need a specific money talisman, then order an amulet from Baba Nina from charmed imperial silver in your name. They also discovered the secret of how to make a money amulet with your own hands, what you need for this and where to start. Read other articles on the blind clairvoyant website.

The charms of the ancient Slavs contain the deepest sacred meaning. They are endowed with incredible strength, the power of the Family, interconnected with nature, which was the shrine of our ancestors. Amulets were taken on the road, used in everyday life, trying to protect themselves, their relatives and home. How will Slavic amulets and their meanings help us, the descendants of the ancient Slavs?

General information about Slavic amulets

On the amulets of the ancient Slavs, not only solar signs are depicted, personifying the cult of the sun. Some of them contain a swastika. Our galaxy has a similar shape. Human DNA is also similar to the swastika. This serves as evidence that Slavic amulets and their meanings are endowed with a deeper meaning than is known.

Modern Slavic amulets have retained the form that they originally had. In ancient times, they were made from available materials:

  • metals;

    teeth or bones of animals.

Currently, amulets are made mainly of silver and gold, but preference is given to the first metal, as it scares away evil forces, therefore, provides powerful protection. Gold amulets, plus everything, demonstrate the high social status of their owner.

When choosing Slavic amulets, you should rely on their meanings and your own sixth sense. If a certain amulet seems especially attractive, then it has the right energy. There are symbols that protect from a dashing eye, bestowing the favor of fate, peace, tranquility, material success, etc.

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Slavic amulets for men

From time immemorial, amulets for men had significant differences from women's ones, since they protected the stronger sex on the hunt, protected health, and gave good luck. Traditionally, male talismans were copper or silver, had a more strict and concise design than female ones. Wearing a badge as a bracelet or pendant was not an indispensable condition - embroidery on a shirt or engraving on a tool was enough.

The most powerful energy was endowed with amulets made by mothers or spouses, since sincerely loving woman invested exclusively bright intentions in the talisman. Amulets woven from matrimonial hair were often mentioned - they gave husbands strength on the hunt and the battlefield. After the hunt, fangs and claws of defeated animals were woven into the talismans, which gave the stronger sex additional confidence.

A talisman worn by a man when he reaches the age of a warrior. This symbol helps in mastering a new profession, gives peace and confidence. God Svarog helps family people in strengthening marriage ties, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house, gaining the wisdom of ancestors.

This amulet is filled with a sacred meaning, so its image was often used on the weapons and equipment of warriors, priestly attire and on the Standards of the Family. Rasic is a sign of integrity and power. It grants its wearer stamina and great wisdom.

The talisman, which has been used exclusively in military craft for centuries, is now used in everyday life. This is a traditionally male amulet that radiates solar energy. In no case should women wear the Thunderbolt, as it will have the opposite effect, adversely affecting fate.

This talisman helped the warriors to resist enemies. It was often depicted on military attributes, since it served as a symbol of Indra, the god of war. Today, Grozovik helps men whose professions are connected with natural elements: aviators, sailors, firefighters, etc.

This sign is more suitable for married women of Balzac age. He protects the family from the intervention of evil forces, gives health to all household members, brings prosperity and well-being.

This amulet is charged with powerful positive energy, it protects the newlyweds. However, both spouses must put on the talisman at the same time, wear the ring with it, remove it only after the birth of the baby and hide it in the house. Those who do not have a mate should not wear a wedding dress, otherwise it can further increase loneliness and bring misfortune.

This amulet was worn by middle-aged women with a strong character, iron will and noble thoughts, but not by young girls and girls. The firebrand will benefit its owner only if she has already become a mother, otherwise the sign can ruin the fate of a young girl.

This is a charm of the Slavs, which not only provides for its owner, but also gives her true female happiness. Ladinets protects women from magical influences and various ailments, helping to heal in the shortest possible time.

Universal amulets

Our ancestors treated all kinds of amulets with special reverence. Amulets were made mainly of silver due to the miraculous properties of this metal, although there were also gold talismans. Most of the amulets have survived to this day slightly modified, more intricate and perfect in terms of production. There are Slavic amulets, the meaning of which is suitable for both sexes.

This sign is often used as an element of jewelry, which later serves as an amulet. Colard is undesirable to wear to guys and girls who are not yet married, because instead of helping, he will have a negative impact on their fate.

This Slavic amulet symbol is suitable for any adult household, but only if everyone performs their duties in the house. Thus, a man receives the necessary energy for material support families, and the woman begins to engage in needlework, playing music, drawing and, of course, procreation.

The amulet is suitable for men and women. Since ancient times, it was believed that the amulet, on one side of which the Fern Flower is depicted, and on the other, the Odol-grass, contains a doubled power.

The purpose of this amulet is to protect the well-being of the family. He gives peace, tranquility, diligence and the greatest wisdom.

The patron of this amulet is the god Rod, who helps all living creatures. As a rule, this talisman was hung over the cradle or placed near the baby. Rodovik guarded not only the baby, but also all household members. When the child grew up, the amulet was still left at home.

This talisman protects from evil and disease. Our ancestors made Alatyr not for themselves, but as a gift to their loved ones, conveying their love and warmth along with the heavenly stone.

This Slavic amulet is able to change its meaning and energy depending on the way it is worn. The owner of Kres is not just some kind of pawn in the game of life, but a queen endowed with mighty strength and independently making decisions about how to act.

This talisman helps its owner to get a strong base with a combination of both base and highly spiritual needs. Thanks to him, a person comprehends the foundations of the universe. The source is effective for both sexes.

The negative influence of this sign can only be felt by those who have nothing sacred. And for a person striving for spiritual knowledge, the amulet will become true friend and assistant. Veles opens access to secret knowledge, enhances creativity, teaches mindfulness. A properly charged amulet allows you to communicate with deceased relatives.

This talisman directs to the true path, teaches to live according to conscience, to achieve a state of harmony. Svarog is the god of justice, so you should not expect help from him in dark matters. And if the owner of the amulet nevertheless commits an illegal act, he will be severely punished by this amulet.

But there are those who believe that this is a purely male amulet, since it has a rough, angular shape. A wonderful gift for the father of the family and children. Rodimich protects the boys from danger, makes them calm and balanced.

Ancient Slavs often decorated towels and children's clothes with this sign. Tattoos depicting this sign were widely distributed. Now such tattoos are also popular - the main thing is to apply them correctly.

This amulet will give its owner a truly wolf desire for freedom and life in compliance with the main principles of life. The main point when choosing this talisman is the determination and desire to win the authority of others.

This sign conveys to its owner the wisdom of the ages, the realization that one must live according to honor and the dictates of the soul. Otherwise, retribution for dark deeds will follow.

To enhance the effect, it is desirable that the talisman be silver or wooden. Triglav will help to achieve a state of inner harmony and cleanse the house from the effects of evil forces.

This amulet helps to reconcile the heart with the mind. Rubezhnik teaches a person to fight his own laziness and phobias. It protects from the enemy, sweeps away all obstacles on the way. In ancient times, not everyone could use such a symbol!

Related article: Slavic clothing - what was it like? Description and reconstruction of the clothes of our ancestors.

Since ancient times, this amulet was worn by warriors. He endowed with power and courage on the battlefield. Garuda was worn on boys from birth to calm the violent temper and show the true path. Gave women an amulet magical power and let the voice of the earth be heard.

The owner of the silver talisman Lantern receives reliable protection, as well as the ability to comprehend the very essence of phenomena. This is the optimal amulet for bosses, pen sharks, philosophers and musicians. The symbol sharpens the sense of justice and serves as a wonderful helper in everyday life.

This sign was applied to windows and walls to protect the home from dark interference. He possessed powerful power, guarded the ancestral foundations. The Slavic amulet Duniya is intended for constant wear, allows you to get the age-old wisdom of the ancestors.

This sign will be useful for those who are facing a difficult choice. The strength of Perunica pushes to make the best decision. The amulet helps men in defending their own opinions, and gives the fair sex youth and natural beauty.

Everyone who wore this amulet knew how to be grateful to nature and constantly strived for self-improvement. The talisman helps in a variety of life situations. Its owner feels powerful energy for a successful hunt, victory on the battlefield or success in work. Fatigue and illnesses recede, faith in oneself and one's own strengths comes.

This symbol is often found in girls who dream of strong family ties, a prosperous life. The goddess of love and beauty, Lada, protects the house from the invasion of evil, and married couples from life's turmoil.

This amulet directs men in the right direction, develops a sixth sense, provides an opportunity for self-realization. The Star of Rus' helps women in difficult circumstances, especially at a time when there is no reliable male shoulder nearby.

This is an amulet with a huge supply of energy. It can be put on only by those whose thoughts are noble and innocent, who treats relatives with warmth.

This is a powerful amulet that protects the house and its inhabitants from diseases, the evil eye and conflicts. The source of the Tree of Life is inexhaustible, since it has a direct connection with the spiritual principle.

Race symbol

This is a unique Slavic amulet, created by people themselves, and only a person can control the energy that is contained in it. The symbol of the Race means unity with the ancestors and receiving age-old wisdom from them.

The amulet is suitable for men whose work is associated with a threat to life: military personnel, sailors, climbers, etc. It is also intended for everyone who is faced with a difficult choice or faced many challenges.

This Slavic talisman serves as a kind of positive energy generator that allows you to get what you want. The main condition for wearing this amulet is to open your soul towards the light and good deeds.

The sacred sign serves as the personification of the protection of the Family, as well as the preservation of the boundaries of personal territory. According to legend, the meaning of this Slavic amulet is similar to the Roman term, protecting the ancestral fields.

The talisman will become a devoted assistant for those who strive for spiritual development. The owner of this amulet will be able to comprehend the foundations of the universe and feel harmony with nature.

This universal amulet can be worn by everyone without exception. Its acquisition should especially be considered by those who, on duty, constantly balance on the verge: doctors, police officers, firefighters, etc. Rysich protects from any danger.

This Slavic talisman reveals the inner potential, awakens the ancestral memory and the ability for spiritual knowledge. Such a charm made of silver is the most effective, since this metal is endowed with truly outstanding magical properties.

The strongest amulet, endowed with exceptional healing abilities. Since ancient times, he cured of deadly diseases in the shortest time. To enhance the effectiveness of the Fern Flower, it is regularly cleansed by carrying it over a fire or lowering it into water.

The talisman heals the body and soul, and has a complex effect. The healer heals from ailments, promotes the speedy healing of wounds, cleanses the aura and grants its owner long years of life.

This Slavic symbol protects the home from quarrels and fires. However, it is precisely as a wearable amulet that it is predominantly worn by the stronger sex. Vseslavets will support those who want to get a job, build relationships with management and colleagues. He helps the newly-made family to avoid the first conflicts and come to a compromise.

Vseslavets gives strength to overcome trials, fills with energy. This amulet also protects housing from fire, leaves property safe and sound - for this, a sign is applied to the walls.

The legendary solar sign, personifying abundance, cheerfulness, good health and protection from evil. The owners of this Slavic talisman make a successful career, create strong families and give birth to healthy children. The main thing is to achieve everything in an honest way.

This amulet gives enlightenment, confidence in tomorrow, creative inspiration. Provides powerful support to athletes, creatives, military personnel. The solar cross is traditionally worn by people who are wise with experience.

This sign means the unity of the family and spiritual strength. It protects a person from various life adversities. A wonderful amulet for those who seek to pass on their knowledge to others. The house protected by this symbol is reliably protected from the evil eye, and family members from strife.

For this amulet, in addition to wisdom and reassurance, aggressive protection is also characteristic, since the Valkyrie is not only the messenger of death, but also the patroness of brave defenders. The solar symbol is charged by sunlight. He grants success to men in the military field, and helps women to temper character.

An excellent talisman for people who revere nature and ancient traditions. Those who are strong in spirit will draw energy from it, those who hesitate - the strength to move on. It has the greatest effect on those who achieve everything through hard work, and not passively waiting for the weather by the sea.

Charms for children

Slavic symbols are also used for children. Some signs are hung over the cradle of a baby to protect it from the evil one. Previously, mothers made amulets for their children on their own. Today, they can be purchased in specialized stores.

To protect her beloved child, mother can make this Slavic doll herself. The main thing is not to use needles and scissors during its manufacture. A flagellum is made of snow-white fabric, a scarf is tied on top, then swaddled and wrapped with red thread. There is no need to draw a face. This doll is placed in the baby's crib - it reliably protects him from the evil one.

Amulets can be used both for people and to protect housing from thieves, fires, floods. For this, images of any amulets and hand-made folk dolls are used. The exception is Slavic symbols, which only the person himself should wear.

All Slavic amulets and their meanings provide effective protection, but only to those who sincerely believe in their miraculous power and connection with their ancestors. It must be understood that this is not a panacea for all ills, but only a concentrate of energy, which everyone must manage independently.

Cross of Lada-Virgin Mary- A symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family, the people called him Ladinets. As an amulet, it was mainly worn by girls in order to have protection from the "evil eye". And so that the strength of the power of Ladin was constant, he was inscribed in the Great Kolo (Circle).

Ladinets, also known as the Harmony of the Feminine, is a female Amulet that brings the female essence to harmony. Calmness and joy in the soul are immediately reflected in the appearance - you become more beautiful and attractive, and most importantly - healthier.
The amulet gives peace, joy and self-awareness as a Woman.

The red ray remains unchanged in any case, the color of the second ray changes depending on the sign of the Zodiac.
Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,
Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces,
Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn,
Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

For the elements of the Earth - the classic black color (many embroider dark green).
For the element of Fire, black is also used (many embroider dark brown).
For the element of Air - blue.
For the element of Water - blue or turquoise.

Ladinets are usually embroidered in combination with roses.

A girl, a woman who was presented with the amulet Ladinets or the Harmony of the Feminine, should, after receiving the gift, walk in a skirt and dresses for 40 days !!! Even at home, you need to wear bathrobes or sundresses, in trousers, shorts, etc. it is forbidden! This applies to yourself as well! It is very important!
Another Ladinets is a popular and simplified name for the amulet "Kolo-Ladnik".
Ladinets is a couple to Kolyadnik (Rodovich). Together they personify the feminine (Ladinets) and masculine (Kolyadnik) principles, and form a heavenly family.

The Slavs called the Goddess Lada the great Mother Goddess, or the Woman in Childbirth. It is Kolo (circle, feminine) and 8 elements (the symbol of infinity) that emphasize the feminine character of the amulet, harmony and the embodiment in eternity of all living things and things.
Kolo-Ladnik or Ladinets can be seen paired with Kolyadnik inside the family home - these are symbols of the giving and receiving beginnings, they personify the unity of a man and a woman, and are twisted in a whirlwind of solar movement, which is embodied in 2 amulets.
Ladinets is given to a woman, regardless of her marital status. If Ladinets is worn by an unmarried girl, a girl, he reveals femininity, feminine qualities and character traits in her. For a married woman, Ladinets will help give birth to healthy children, promote family well-being, keep Peace, Harmony and Consent in the house.
The Cross of the Lada of the Virgin (Ladinets) is a Symbol of Love, Harmony and Happiness in the family. This amulet was worn mainly by girls in order to have protection from the "evil eye". In order for the strength and power of Ladin to be constant, the amulet was inscribed in the Great Kolo (Circle).
If there is a Ladinets amulet in the house, Trouble will never befall him. For this pattern, the traditional colors are blue and emerald green.
When to embroider: 10, 14 lunar day.