Types of relationships in a team: how to build an ideal interaction of the parties. Behavior in a Team: Do's and Don'ts Teamwork Tips

We've all been in some kind of ridiculous situation because of our co-workers. Someone became a victim of the theft of a project or idea, which later dishonest colleagues put up for their offspring. It is still difficult for someone to forget a major conflict that arose in the middle of a working day.

All of the above refers to the "collapse" section and happens due to ignorance of such subtleties as relationships in the team. In order not to get into trouble, and simply display "who is who", you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of collective relationships.

Also, in order to be able to control yourself, and as quickly and painlessly as possible to join a new team, read. With it, you will correctly look at life, relationships with people and much more will appear for you in a new light.

I want to please you right away - the first day at school or institute is much more difficult to bear than acquaintance with the work team. So, you have hardening, even though you do not realize it.

As in school, relationships in the team involve interaction with losers, cool peppers, simpletons, gray mice and princesses. Your task is to recognize in a timely manner who is in front of you, what will be the use of him, and how to make sure that this character does not represent an obstacle for you on your career path.

Before we analyze the rules of behavior for a beginner, first, let's analyze the inhabitants of your office (workshop, military unit, etc.) into species.

Relationships in the team. Or who is who?

The essence of the emerging problem in the team, as well as its further resolution, can be determined based on the following knowledge about your colleagues:

1. Sinister

It makes no sense to guess what made these eternally dissatisfied, offended by life people like that. Whether they got ice cream on their birthday when they were little or whether it was thrown in their faces on their first date is a mystery of the past. The fact remains that they are a product of office evil.

Any movement you make, including your first steps around the office, brings them extreme resentment. Reaction to their remarks, reproaches, discontent will serve as nourishment for them. The more indignation on your part, the more bad energy comes to them, necessary for existence.

You can interact with such people in two ways:

  • Throw them out the office window (but then you lose your job and your freedom)
  • Be calm and methodical

The second option is the most suitable. Just imagine how soon the "sinisters" will carry their miserable existence under your leadership, smile, and do not pay attention to the next splash of poison from their mouths.

Where without these smiling in the face, and showing the middle finger in the back, representatives of the office fauna. Rarely, one of the "envious" will openly show their true feelings about you. As a rule, they will try to get into your trust, find out your secrets, so that later there will be something to flaunt in your absence.

The attitude in the team with such people is extremely simple - do not let them near you. You should not tell anyone else about yourself more than the work environment requires.

3. Rigid people

Such employees cannot leave after Lenin's death. They are still offended that Khrushchev's plan for the mass cultivation of corn collapsed, and at the party meeting they did not reach a general agreement regarding the engraving "USSR" on toothbrushes.

It is difficult to communicate with such employees in the same language, they do not recognize new styles of work, do not understand modern terms and so on. For some unknown reason, they are still smoking the ceiling of the office.

Rigid employees can be called not only "fragments of communism", but also quite modern people who do not recognize novelty, and adhere to the old rules.

One good thing is that such people do not occupy high positions, and they are not trusted with responsible work, so the possibility that you will have to communicate with them is zero.

These individuals, dedicated to all the subtleties of office life, can be found in any team. They are simply sure that you cannot do without them, so they constantly keep you under their sensitive supervision.

As a rule, there is no harm from such colleagues, but their importunity can lead to hysteria. To prevent this from happening, try to be the first to approach them for help in order to exhaust their need to be needed at the very beginning. Seeing that they are appreciated, they calm down, and no longer pester their colleagues during the working day.

There is no point in arguing with such colleagues. Is it worth ruining a relationship with someone who wants to help? Moreover, the probability of its actual suitability at a certain moment is high.

5. Pedants

They like everything to be right. Everywhere and always! In everything! They don't miss a single detail. Blow dust off documents. Lay out the paper clips so that not even a millimeter sticks out.

Relations in the team with such colleagues are constantly tense, because they find fault with every trifle. However, you can always push the tedious work on them, which indicates the need to endure their meticulousness.

6. Top clerks

These guys come to work for universal recognition. They love to stand out from everyone. Share your opinion when no one cares. And they always try to unleash some kind of scene in order to be in the center of events.

Artists are sensitive people. Praise their new selfie at the office, or admire their new joke, and you will find yourself a reliable ally.

It is one thing to be drawn into a conflict, and another thing to become its initiator. Don't argue with your co-workers. Don't become a whistleblower. Don't spill the negativity when you're having trouble communicating with your spouse at home. No need to go over the heads, pursuing the fastest career growth.

When it comes to a common task, you need to adequately fulfill your duties. Do not encroach on the personal space of colleagues. Don't pry into their personal lives. And, moreover, do not flaunt the secrets of colleagues entrusted to you.

You should not look for friends at work if you are pursuing goals to quickly climb the career ladder. Constant smoke breaks, a lot of chatter during the work process, resentment at being pushed to work - all this slows down a careerist.

See also Many believe that a professional rise is available either to unique individuals who literally shine with genius in their work, or to people who are ready for low deeds in order to be promoted. Fortunately, this is far from the case. In order to raise your status in the office of the authorities, there is no need to be seven pounds in the forehead, and even more so, you should not step over self-esteem.

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: Is it so important today, when the individual with his skills and talents comes to the fore, when we try to move away from the principle of collectivism and universal subordination to it? And yet, I think the issue of team behavior is important and affects most of us.

We spend more time at work than at home. Sometimes the work involves working alone, but most often there is a team of several people. At the same time, people can be different ages, qualifications, temperament, education, marital status, status, gender, and so on and so forth. And our team behavior can help us create a comfortable environment for work or, conversely, be a source of trouble and stress.

What will contribute to your success?

- Remember to be polite. Thank for the service rendered, smile at colleagues and do not forget to say “Hello” to them. Be ready to help and provide a friendly shoulder. Correct behavior in a team excludes rudeness and rudeness (and this applies to both ordinary workers and bosses).

- Don't try to show that you are the smartest person. Modesty really makes a person beautiful. And the protrusion of one's own mental abilities in front of team - not smart at all. A smart person does not boast of his mind, he gives others the opportunity to speak out, and even praise them for good ideas and suggestions. If Nature has endowed you with a mind, do not worry that others will not notice it.

welcome restraint And taciturnity. An overly emotional and talkative employee brings nervousness to the team, distracts from work with conversations and gossip. Of course, this does not mean that you need to be a silent Buka at work, but you need to know the measure in everything, and some topics in the work team should not be discussed at all (this applies to personal and intimate details).

Today, in the business world, such a trait as sympathy. But, you must admit, it is very pleasant to hear an affectionate and encouraging word from a colleague after another call to the boss. So feel free to include this item in team behavior rules, your image will only benefit from this.

It also provides honest and open relationships. Sometimes you have to point out to a person his mistakes and mistakes. And in response, he can be offended, angry, confused. But after all, if no one points out mistakes, then a person may not notice them and continue to repeat an infinite number of times. The main thing is that criticism should be fair and constructive.

Of course, in a team, especially a large one, the emergence different kind Misunderstandings between colleagues are inevitable. Some employees, to put it mildly, do not like each other, someone annoys someone, and between other colleagues there is an open enmity at all. Such behavior in a team, of course, does not contribute to comfortable psychological climate. Therefore, psychologists advise do not dwell on your hostility and hostility(Especially since it is very poisonous to the existence of both parties). Every person has positive features so try to find them. Well, it will be “aerobatics” if you are the first to compliment your enemy, praise him for something - and all this is quite friendly and sincere. You yourself will feel relief and it will become easier to “breathe” in the team.

Most likely, you already knew all this. Now try to put your knowledge into practice. It is very possible that your behavior in the team will be a good role model.

Do you want to be taken seriously and given the opportunity to move up the career ladder? Hard work alone is not enough if you work in a team. We will talk about important details that need to be paid attention to in our material.

We often hear about successful "garage companies" that were created literally from scratch. But even such enterprises were created not by the forces of one person, but by a small team of like-minded people. What can we say about large offices, where everyone and everyone is discussed in the "smoking room" and where even the smallest features of behavior become material for gossip.

Everyone wants to be himself, but at work he is forced to create his own image from scratch and deviate from the usual behavior. In a sense, this is a necessary evil, and any employee who is counting on career growth has to put up with it.

But if you follow enough simple rules, then you will be able to achieve your dreams without reshaping your own behavior patterns beyond recognition. Moreover, you yourself will enjoy the fruitful communication with the team. Scientists at Harvard University have concluded that constructive conversation can stimulate the same areas of the brain as good food or sex. In other words, properly built communication is both pleasure and success. What should be done?

1. Don't try to please everyone

There is rivalry in any team, and every employee is constantly drawn into one behind-the-scenes conversation, then into another. Form your own opinion and do not agree with everyone in a row, so as not to offend the interlocutor. In any case, someone will be unhappy with you. Choose allies from those people who want the best for the company, for themselves, and for you. Don't create enemies on purpose, but don't loosen your tongue either. Be polite, but defend your point of view. Then even those who hate you will reckon with you and will be afraid to cross your path.

2. Talk about yourself and let colleagues talk about themselves

A good conversation is the story of two interlocutors about their experiences and ideas. Bad conversation is a discussion of someone else behind his back. We are not talking about good and evil as such, but about those conversations that will help or hinder to build relationships with colleagues. Give preference to more personal communication, where each interlocutor has the right to tell about his beloved. In such a conversation, people exchange information that is more important to themselves personally and form friendships. In addition, you can learn a lot or transfer useful knowledge to a colleague. This will benefit the entire team and increase your credibility.

3. Say hello

Do you like sneaking your way to your workspace unnoticed? Concerned about hygiene and do not want to shake hands? Get this nonsense out of your head. If you're squeamish, use wet wipes. But in no case do not avoid greetings. The people around you should remember your existence and know that they exist for you. Handshake - a separate art. Be sure to make eye contact and tilt your head slightly to show your respect. Do not squeeze the hand of a colleague, but if the initiative belongs to the other side, then you will strain your hand in response: this way you will demonstrate confidence and strength, although in general a handshake is not a competition.

4. Democracy is better than blind subordination

In a democratic society, everyone has the right to vote. This also applies to the workforce. This doesn't mean you have to argue endlessly with your boss. However, if you agree with the authorities in everything, they will not listen to you, because there are no valuable comments from you. If an idea comes up and you are one hundred percent sure of it, try to voice it and do not demand anything in return. So you remind that the fate of the team is not indifferent to you. If a colleague has made or made a mistake and you can help, do not go to the authorities, but try to negotiate among yourselves. Such a step will also contribute to the formation of friendly ties. If your opinion was not heeded and the common cause was under threat, feel free to tell your superiors about the problem.

5. Keep an eye on your appearance

Working in the most democratic office in the world? Does everyone dress the way they want? This does not mean that style and neatness do not play any role here. human eye in just 100 milliseconds, evaluates the appearance and creates the first impression of a person. Don't go to the office like a parade, but always clean your shoes, cut your nails, comb your hair, take a shower, and pay attention to proper posture. Even the most brilliant person can lose career prospects if colleagues and superiors are unpleasant to be around him.

6. Avoid closed postures

When talking to someone, try to be as open as possible. A straight back, straightened shoulders and free hands speak of your confidence and honesty. Moreover, an open posture even affects the hormonal background, allowing you to feel more confident in yourself. If the interlocutor "closes" from you, do not follow his example, demonstrate openness, and with a high degree of probability he will begin to behave according to the mirror principle. As a result, communication will be more productive, and the atmosphere will be friendly.

7. Know your field best and show curiosity

Look at the most famous top managers and other business people. Tim Cook, Marissa Meyer, Warren Buffett, Jack Ma and other stars are ready for any questions, because they follow the news in the relevant sectors of the economy every day and prepare arguments in advance, thinking about which side to expect a blow from. At the same time, the interests of successful careerists are not limited only to their industry. They are well erudite, pay attention to the most important news of science, sports, economy and culture. Ideally, you should be able to reason reasonably on almost any topic, and in your industry you should have comprehensive knowledge. Sometimes one ridiculous thing you said will be enough to permanently deprive you of prospects in a particular team.

8. Tell interesting stories

We have already said that communication should be as personalized as possible and even intimate in some sense. Of course, you don’t need to talk about your sex life at every step, but even during a public speech or a conversation with high authorities, you should try to create an atmosphere of trusting communication. Did you remember a story that can become an allegory and allow you to draw attention to an important idea? Be sure to start with this story. Not every time you will guess what exactly the listener wants to hear, and not every time a case interesting to you will be interesting to others, but the speech will be brighter in any case. It is very important that the story fits into the general outline of the conversation and is witty.

9. Be a speaker, watch intonation and diction

A person working in a team needs to learn oratory. You must be able to argue and present arguments. In situations where you need to demonstrate calmness and confidence, phrases should not be confused, and the voice should not break. Even themselves best ideas, voiced too chaotically, will be ignored. This is another proof of the benefits of teamwork. It is communication with colleagues and constant rivalry that will teach you how to be a speaker. As a result, you will be proud of yourself, winning in disputes. If you do not communicate with people, the skill is lost and any oratorical challenge, even the most insignificant one, will make you doubt your own rightness. All public and, in general, all successful people, to one degree or another, master the art of a speaker.

10. Don't whine or be afraid to work hard

In any company, one of the favorite topics of conversation is a hard life. It is hard to work, there is little money, you have to get up early, you can’t get enough sleep, the children get sick, the bosses are tyrants, and so on. These stories will go on anyway. But the less you talk about how hard life is for you personally, the better. Even about the most difficult situations talk with a smile, or at least without whining. After all, if work and life are a burden to you, what good are you? Our entire existence is, in a sense, meaningless, pardon the pun. Why keep reminding yourself and others about boring and unpleasant things that have nothing to do with moving forward? Positive thinking, determination, diligence - all these qualities can cause envy. But it's better to be envious, but not considered dull ... The idea of ​​a successful person as a moneybag who has achieved everything and now rests on his laurels is erroneous. Read about how hard any of the billionaires who have risen from the bottom of society work. Us with all our whining to them as to the stars.

If you notice scenarios from this list in the team, then it’s better to take action right away. Otherwise, seemingly harmless jokes result in problems for your career. You will be thanked later.

How can you tell if your relationship with a co-worker or supervisor has become strained? You may just feel something is wrong or notice more obvious things, like a missed project deadline or missed promotion.

Instead of being nervous and panicking, wondering what is going on, you need to take drastic measures and read the negative signals in order to correct the situation before it deteriorates completely.

Here are six scenarios and tips on how to proceed in each case.

1. You found out that colleagues are hiding secrets from you.

Whether you uncovered a conspiracy against yourself or not, the problem is that there are secrets in the company at all.

Opacity and closedness undermine the productivity of the workplace. Relationships cannot be trusted and develop when they are entangled in secrets.

Colleagues may feel vulnerable sharing information and assumptions, but it is this that creates the trust and emotional connections that inspire and motivate the team.

If you find that something is being kept from you, there is no point in feeling betrayed. Approach your colleagues and ask them to tell you everything.

2. You find that a colleague is not telling the truth or is outright lying.

Relationships are not good when there is dishonesty in them. Where you find yourself being lied to, there can be no ground for trust. This can undermine all future relationships with colleagues. You will doubt that they are doing their part on an upcoming project or that your boss will keep his promises.

If you find that someone at work is lying to you, do not let this infection spread. Instead, directly ask why he is lying. This way you can heal relationships and build the trust you need to work together in the future.

3. Colleagues pull the blanket over themselves, and it hurts you.

Most likely in your life there was such an experience when those with whom you worked did everything for themselves and only what they wanted. For example, they asked you for help on a project, you helped, but in return they did not receive anything, not even a “thank you”.

Over time, resentment against such a person becomes stronger, the team is loosened, projects fail. Make it clear that any help is possible only on a win-win basis. A team can be truly successful if it overcomes this selfish dynamic.

4. You realize you can't be yourself.

In a work team, there is often a situation where each participant is expected to share a common opinion.

No one feels comfortable realizing that they can no longer directly express opinions or ideas for which they can be insulted, denied promotion or even fired, just because they do not share a common line.

If this is your case, do not be afraid of such a development. In any case, you need to continue to make efforts, proving your uniqueness and great value for the organization. The rest will follow, and your honesty may even be rewarded.

5. Communication with colleagues is mostly negative.

If you notice that the majority of conversations, letters, and other communications with co-workers are negative, judgmental, and contain no constructive advice or approval at all, this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship, especially if you continue to allow others to communicate with you in this manner.

Such communication is not effective and can only demotivate. You need to take immediate action and either say outright that you don't communicate in this manner, or react to everything in an extremely positive way. The principle of "kill them with your kindness" really works, and you can extinguish negativity in this way.

6. You don't feel valued.

Because so many of us build our self-esteem around our work accomplishments, it's easy to feel worthless when you work long hours and don't get credit.

Talk to your boss about your achievements and note that you need a reward and recognition. Your employer will know that you are a valuable asset and that he may lose talent if he does not change his behavior.

Pay attention to these signs and keep making efforts to improve your working relationship. Your efforts will not allow the situation to heat up and with your help the organization will fulfill its goals and objectives.

Irina Silacheva - Internet project manager (Based on Fastcompany materials)