Ways to prolong sexual intercourse. How to prolong sexual intercourse using folk methods. Ways to prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies or on your own

There are many ways to prolong sexual intercourse, and most of them have an important goal - to achieve harmony and balance in intimate relationships, learn to control ejaculation, and bring more pleasure to yourself and your partner. A man just has to study the description of the most common and effective ways to prolong intimacy and choose the most acceptable one.

When there is a need to prolong sexual intercourse

Before testing various methods of prolonging sexual intercourse in practice, it is necessary to determine the need for their use. It is quite possible that there are no problems in a man’s intimate life, but only a desire to surprise his partner with unprecedented achievements in bed. Is it worth doing? It’s unlikely, because the male body is a self-regulating system, and any external intervention can lead to the appearance of any abnormalities.

And only in the case when sexual intimacy really ends too quickly - within three minutes or less from the moment the penis is inserted into the vagina - can we talk about the need to solve the problem of how to prolong the time of sexual intercourse.

The problem may lie not so much in the man’s capabilities, but rather in the inept or insufficient preparedness of the partner, so any intimate contact should begin with preliminary caresses of the woman so that she reaches the required degree of arousal, which will allow both partners to get enough pleasure from sex.

The main ways to prolong sexual intercourse

The most effective and accessible ways to use are the following ways to prolong sexual intercourse:

  1. Using a condom- the simplest method to increase the time of intimacy. Some “experimenters” wear two or even three products at once - this is not forbidden. In addition, you can try condoms with an anesthetic, which helps to noticeably reduce the sensitivity of the penis.
  2. Slowing down the rhythm of frictions or completely stopping movements on the eve of ejaculation. The main thing here is to correctly guess the moment when it is necessary to slow down or stop in order to prevent the onset of ejaculation.
  3. Reduce the sensitivity of the penis on the eve of sexual intercourse It is possible if you take a shower before intimacy and at the same time direct a stream of water to the head of the penis.
  4. Development . This technique involves regular training, during which it is necessary to alternately tense and relax the muscle responsible for urination. This allows you to learn and thus solve the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse.
  5. Point stimulation, located in the perineal area between the scrotum and anus. The indicated point should be pressed with one or two or three fingers for several seconds shortly before ejaculation. As a result, the degree of male arousal decreases, and ejaculation occurs much later. This method is borrowed from Chinese traditional medicine.
  6. Lifting the testicles. On the eve of ejaculation, a man should retract and raise his testicles, which will help delay the time of orgasm and ejaculation. The partner can also perform this action, but the man must give her the appropriate sign when the extreme degree of arousal approaches.
  7. Compression of the penis in the glans area or at its base. When the moment of ejaculation approaches, the man must quickly remove the entire penis from the vagina, then squeeze it in a certain place.

The main thing in applying the above methods is to choose the right time of exposure to the penis or other organs. If ejaculation has already begun, there is no point in stopping it, and attempts to take any action at this moment can be harmful men's health.

Folk remedies for prolonging intimacy

To solve the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse at home, you can also use medicinal plants. The most famous are the following options for their use:

  1. Lubricating the penis with mint juice. This aromatic plant contains a number of substances that have a cooling effect and reduce sensitivity of the penis.
  2. Adding fresh crushed blackcurrant and raspberry leaves to ready-made dishes, which helps to normalize blood flow. nerve impulses to the genitals.
  3. A decoction of oak bark - it should be drunk for a week, while arousal in a man will occur more slowly, and sexual intercourse, accordingly, will last longer.

It is also necessary to ensure that a man’s diet contains enough foods containing zinc and magnesium. Zinc is necessary for good potency, and magnesium allows you to prolong sexual intercourse. These microelements are found in chicken eggs, peas, liver, oatmeal, apricots, prunes, beans, wheat bran and many other products.

Prolonging sexual intercourse with medications

The most effective way to solve the problem of accelerated ejaculation and sufficiently prolong the time of intimacy is with the help of drugs intended for this purpose.

The latest, but quite tested and effective means from this group of medicines is. This drug is created specifically for men who would like to increase the time of intimacy. As a result of taking it, the period of intimate contact increases 4 times.

One of the important advantages of this drug is that the drug can be combined with medications to enhance erection, such as Viagra or Cialis. To do this, it is not necessary to independently calculate the dosage of the drugs: it is enough to purchase a combination product that has a “two-in-one” effect.

One of these complex drugs is. The first component of this remedy significantly enhances erection and relieves a man of the danger of “defeat” during an intimate date. The second component significantly prolongs sexual intercourse, giving a man the opportunity to provide enough pleasure for both himself and his partner.

Both separately and as part of combination drugs possible on our website. The buyer can familiarize himself with the characteristics of the presented products and choose any of them.

There are also external medications that can solve the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse for a guy. The most common drug of this type is Stud 5000. After two or three sprays from a can of the product, the sensitivity of the male penis decreases sufficiently, which allows you to have prolonged sexual intercourse and not worry about the “finish” being too early.

The drug and the effect of which are popular among men who prefer topical use. It can be used repeatedly during one evening, since it is almost impossible to overdose.

To solve the question of how to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse, a man can try several drugs in turn. different ways exposure and containing various active ingredients in order to ultimately select the most effective remedy for it. If you do not forget about proper nutrition and ensuring sufficient physical activity, you can, over time, completely solve the problem of accelerated sexual intercourse.

Among peoples whose religion does not deny sex as such, this problem has been actively discussed since ancient times. The most striking example, accessible to everyone, is the Kama Sutra. Vatsyayana's thoughts and decisions- the author of the book - quite broadly describe methods of self-control and training, thanks to which sex becomes longer, more enjoyable and more varied.

Most main reason too short sexual intercourse, according to Indians, is frivolous sex - that is, intercourse without any purpose- just for fun. The concepts set out in the Kama Sutra provide an ideological basis for sex, so you will have to pay more attention to it and achieve results in the process of training.

Taoist Sexual Teachings They say that sperm contains life force, therefore its preservation in the male body and the ability to make love without emission are the main goals and privileges of those initiated into this knowledge.

By the way, the concept of ejaculation and orgasm in Taoist techniques are completely separate, that is, the ability to get an orgasm, but avoid ejaculation, is a source of strength and health. Intemperate men are considered simply weak-willed and unsuccessful, so it’s difficult to talk about the reasons here, but there is a lot to learn.

What Science Says

Scientists urge young guys not to despair and try to grow up, since with the acquisition of experience in sexual life, any man becomes capable of delaying orgasm and ejaculation in particular.

In general possible reasons Premature ejaculation is described as follows:

  • a new partner and an unusual sexual situation, as well as a large interval between the previous and current ejaculation, contribute to isolated cases of overexcitation, which reduces the time of sexual intercourse;
  • sometimes it seems that female attention can comfort a man during times of anxiety and depression, which ultimately leads to an awkward situation;
  • psychological trauma (for example, masturbation in a tense environment in childhood), frequent refusals and lack of sex make orgasm unrestrained and fleeting.
  • do not underestimate the side effects of taking medications, hormonal changes and physical injuries (displacement or pinching of veins and curvature of the penis, affecting blood circulation and erection);
  • overestimation of one's own capabilities;
  • negative emotional background;
  • childhood sexual repression and lack of confidence;
  • as well as diseases associated with the genitourinary system, spinal cord, increased sensitivity and erection.

Means to increase the duration of sexual intercourse

It is a well-known fact that every man who has suffered from premature ejaculation at least once knows for himself how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. But it is quite possible that most of the methods described below will help any reader due to the general identity of the human body.

As a result, after testing these methods, one will become the main one for you, and you will use others “in the wings.” Anyway, It’s worth learning from the experience of other men, summarize and remember so as not to get confused when, after a couple of minutes from the beginning of intercourse, you are “just about to...”.

  • An increase in the time of sexual intercourse is achieved, no matter how trivial it may be, but using condoms! You can wear two or three at once - this is quite acceptable if you are too sensitive. Also try a condom with an anesthetic.
  • Another way to increase the duration of sexual intercourse: for the case when you have missed the moment of too strong a surge of pleasure and after a couple of frictions you are ready to finish - abruptly pull out of your partner and squeeze the head of your penis with your hand. It may hurt, but what won't you do for good sex.
  • Of the slightly cruel methods, we can suggest one more: before ejaculation pinch the testicles with your fingers, squeeze them a little and pull them back(towards the buttocks) and up (towards the back). It is better to do this, as in the previous case, when you are already “late” and there are 2-3 frictions left before ejaculation.
  • While showering, try to guide stream on open head- this way you can reduce its sensitivity.
  • Now that you are preparing for sexual intercourse, masturbation- is no longer a scary word, but a means to relieve tension. After 5-10 minutes of contact with a partner, erectile function will be restored, and you will get down to business with renewed vigor and a less sensitive member.
  • When orgasm is noticeably close, you need to slow down to 1 friction per 10 seconds and cool in this mode for a couple of minutes. This can be done every time you feel the arrival of ejaculation, until the moment the partner is completely satisfied.
  • Try not to concentrate on friction and pleasure, but think about abstract things, continuing to move. For many men, imagination plays a significant role in achieving orgasm, so this helps in most cases.
  • Another method for prolonging sexual intercourse with clear instructions on the technique: you need to breathe deeply and evenly, making 3 shallow entries + 1 deep, then 6 n. + 1 chapter, and at the end 9 n. + 1 chapter Gradually increasing the number of shallow frictions (up to 15:1) you can achieve tangible results.
  • In the end, it's just don't stop at the first time, and try to have sex longer on the scale of several ejaculations. Each new orgasm will need to be achieved longer and longer, so that even with a very short first sexual intercourse, by 3-4 times you will have enough for at least half an hour, and there are craftsmen who bring the number of ejaculations to 6-8 per day.

Ways to prolong sexual intercourse: Folk remedies

What will the doctor suggest?

The first advice your doctor can give you is usually to suggest circumcision. Studies indicate that sexual intercourse is prolonged two or even three times after this operation, which is especially helpful for serious problems with regularly short sexual intercourse, when no therapeutic methods help.


Even a banal trip to the doctor and telling him your problems will save you from unnecessary anxiety - and often it is anxiety that provokes premature ejaculations. Otherwise, an experienced psychologist will always help you have a more correct attitude towards sex, teach you how to correctly focus your attention during sexual intercourse and conduct stimulation control training:

  • relaxation and distraction techniques;
  • Masters and Johnson's stop-and-go method;
  • Kegel exercises to prolong sexual intercourse, allowing you to voluntarily control the pubococcygeus muscle, which is responsible for ejaculation;
  • training to stretch the leg muscles (butterfly exercise).

Prolongation drugs

  • anesthetic creams (rarely recommended, as they can suppress pleasant sensations in both men and women);
  • antidepressants and drugs against anxiety, which are essentially serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which help increase the duration of sexual intercourse (fluoxetine, parosetine, sertraline, deprivox);
  • clomipramine for severe disorders in the central nervous system;
  • food supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan;
  • dapoxetine (Priligy from Johnson & Johnson).

SurgeryFor men whose time is too valuable to commit to therapy, there is a way to desensitize the glans penis once and for all as a means to prolong sexual intercourse.

Microsurgery has already come quite far, and it is now possible to perform an operation to denervate the epidermis of the penis, which can be of two types:

  1. Selective denervation.
  2. Denervation of the head with subsequent restoration of nerve lines.

Before the operation, a special lidocaine test, developed by the famous company Pfizer, and only according to the indications of this test is prescribed surgical intervention. Immediately after the operation and for two to three months, the head of the penis will have no sensitivity at all, but then it will quickly restore most of the sensors, and during this time a reflex for longer sexual intercourse will be formed.

At all, surgery is the latest and most effective remedy, which should be resorted to only when all other methods have been tried and fail.

How to prolong sexual intercourse? Ways to prolong sexual intercourse. How to prolong sexual intercourse in a woman

How to prolong sexual intercourse? Ways to prolong sexual intercourse.

Firstly, men who are faced with this problem are advised to completely reconsider their lifestyle. Perhaps you are wasting your masculine strength on something else. Pay attention to your diet and sleep. Don't eat rich, spicy food; it's a good idea to learn to relax. Also remember that physical exercise and exercise are quite capable of relieving your increased sexual excitability.

The second important factor on ejaculation is the frequency of sexual intercourse. A pattern has been noticed that the less frequent the frequency of sexual intercourse, the sooner ejaculation occurs. Geologists, sailors and those men who, due to the nature of their profession, very rarely meet women, feel this firsthand.

Of course, the longer a man does not engage in sexual contact, the more difficult it is for him to control himself. Based on this, it follows that in order for sexual intercourse to suit you, it is necessary to establish regular sexual intercourse.

In most cases, this is quite enough to obtain a complete recovery from the ailment that has arisen. Doctors also recommend using special medications, helping a man prolong sexual intercourse. Dapoxetine can be considered one of the most famous and effective.

It is surprising that there are a certain number of men who, on the contrary, reduce the number of sexual contacts, protecting themselves and thereby trying not to disappoint their beloved woman with short sexual intercourse. The result of this behavior will be an even greater reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse.

The principle of second sexual contact

In the case when a man is able to carry out a second sexual intercourse, this is wonderful, since in most cases ejaculation occurs later and he manages to bring his partner to orgasm. That is why, when you have not seen each other for a long time, this solution will be the best for both of you.

Natural ways to prolong sexual intercourse

Most men prolong sexual intercourse by stopping friction for a short period of time. This move takes place because the woman does not experience a decline in her sexual arousal, while the man’s erection remains at the same level. As soon as the erection begins to weaken, he resumes his actions. This method can be used until the girl experiences orgasm.

It would also be useful to know that it is possible to prolong sexual intercourse by eliminating early ejaculation with the help of a partner. At the first signals of “finishing,” she may pinch your organ with her finger. The place of pressure is where the frenulum fuses with the head of the penis. This pressing interrupts arousal, which accordingly allows you to delay the moment of ejaculation. It is not forbidden to repeat this, and therefore, thanks to this, you are quite capable of reaching orgasm together. Those men who have increased irritability and, in addition to this, are faced with such a nuisance as early ejaculation can use condoms or special means that prolong sexual intercourse.

Specialized products allow you to get rid of premature ejaculation quickly enough and, with proper treatment, can get rid of it forever. We mentioned one of these remedies above, but there are others that are no less effective, but more affordable, for example, tadacip.

Thanks to the use of condoms in men, the sensitivity of the head itself is reduced, which accordingly helps him to control himself better. The same effect can be easily achieved by using special anesthetic lubricants. When using them, the naturalness of sensations is preserved in full, but the duration of sexual intercourse increases significantly!

It is no secret that a tipsy man is capable of longer sexual intercourse, this can of course be used, but still be careful and remember that having sex with a drunk man is not a pleasant pleasure for a woman, although a little wine for a woman will help her relieve tension and increase it excitability.

Carefully! Unwanted pregnancy, inappropriate behavior - all this possible results too much alcohol. The worst thing is the fact that there is an increased risk of having children with defects who were conceived while intoxicated.

Many men, in order to prolong sexual intercourse and give a woman pleasure, muffle arousal by deep insertion of the penis into the vagina, but making short thrusts.

This method is explained by the fact that the head of the penis will be in a place where it will be affected by the minimum amount of irritants, but this excites the woman due to the fact that this is where her most sensitive areas are located.


How to prolong sexual intercourse in a man at home

Any man at the moment of intimacy with his partner tries to show his best side. This process can be overshadowed by rapid ejaculation. How to prolong sexual intercourse in a man at home, we will consider in more detail in this article. After all, there are many ways to prolong sexual intercourse without drugs.

Reasons for rapid ejaculation in men

Many men regularly face this problem. Exists a large number of reasons for rapid ejaculation. The most common prerequisites for such ailment are:

  • regular stressful situations, emotional stress;
  • frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially beer;
  • little or no sexual experience;
  • smoking;
  • increased sensitivity of the penis;
  • infectious diseases organs of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • abnormal structure of the penis, in particular a short frenulum;
  • sedentary lifestyle due to professional activity;
  • hernia in the spine, osteochondrosis.

They can also provoke premature ejaculation psychological reasons, such as:

  • psychological dependence on masturbation;
  • overestimation of abilities in bed;
  • low self-esteem;
  • fear that a woman will become pregnant after contact.

In order to decide how to cure early ejaculation at home, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

How to prolong sexual intercourse at home

Treatment for rapid ejaculation at home is aimed at performing special exercises. And there are also other methods of influence. Let's look at each method in more detail.

1. Don't hold your breath.

Many men at the moment of intimacy try to prolong this process by holding their breath when they feel an orgasm approaching. In fact, holding your breath in this case has the opposite effect. You should breathe evenly without changing dynamics. By holding in air, a man speeds up the onset of ejaculation. Here's how to make sex last longer at home.

2. Kegel exercises.

The essence of this method is to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs. This requires squeezing and unclenching the pubococcygeus muscle. Another option for strengthening this muscle: stopping fluid at the time of urination. That is, you should relax and tense the muscle during this process. The duration of tension should be about 5 seconds, the same time should be given for relaxation. Over time, this time needs to be increased.

Key benefits of Kegel exercise:

  • increasing blood supply to the pelvic organs, thereby avoiding stagnant processes;
  • prevention of prostatitis;
  • eliminating problems with urinary incontinence.

This is also one of the options for curing rapid ejaculation at home.

3. Monitor your breathing during sex.

As already mentioned, you can slow down ejaculation at home with proper breathing during intimacy. Because too fast manipulations can cause this problem. The basic rules that a man must follow during sexual intercourse are:

  • avoid too dynamic and intense breathing during sexual intercourse;
  • You should take deep breaths with a slight pause, after which you should exhale deeply;
  • the manipulations must be performed naturally and easily, there should not be a feeling of excessive physical fatigue;
  • control your breathing, comparing it with the state during meditation.

Excessively fast and labored breathing can lead to the following problems:

  • when breathing is uneven, a person develops a feeling of panic and anxiety at a subconscious level;
  • When a man inhales and exhales quickly, his heart rate accelerates, which makes the ejaculation process faster.

In order to eliminate very rapid ejaculation at home, you need to choose the most comfortable breathing mode for sexual contact.

4. Do not concentrate on the external data of your partner. Another way to prolong sexual intercourse without drugs is to not concentrate on your partner’s figure. Many men tend to idealize their beloved woman, which gives an even greater feeling of excitement. As a result, representatives of the stronger sex reach orgasm too quickly. They begin to look in detail beautiful figure partners, as a result of which they cease to control ejaculation. This happens unexpectedly and, unfortunately, too quickly. At the moment of sexual contact, you should focus on the process, and not on the external data of your partner. This cannot be achieved at once, but over time it will get better and better.

5. Properly engage in self-satisfaction. Many men at a young age, especially in the absence of a permanent partner, engage in self-satisfaction. This is one of the most effective ways to discharge and relieve tension. One can also benefit from this process to prolong sexual intercourse with a woman. Masturbation in a man's life should be in moderation. Depending on age, you can relieve tension in this way without harming men’s health in the following quantities:

  • from 20 to 30 years – once every 4 days;
  • from 30 to 40 years – once every 8 days;
  • from 40 to 50 years – once every 10 days;
  • from 50 to 60 years – once every 20 days.

Men over 60 years of age should refrain from masturbation. During these years, this manipulation also contributes to the loss of male strength during intimate communication with a woman.

Therefore, men who regularly engage in masturbation should not overdo it. This will help prolong sexual intercourse.

6. Choose the right position. You can prolong sexual intercourse at home by choosing the most comfortable position. Most often, premature ejaculation occurs in men who have chosen the wrong position for intercourse. The most unsuitable position for this is when the man is on his back and the woman is on top. The most acceptable positions for prolonging sexual contact are:

  • the woman is on her knees and the man is behind;
  • both partners lie on their sides, with the man behind him.

Thanks to such positions, you can ensure a long hard-on at home, since there is minimal tension in the pelvic muscles.

7. Following a special diet. Diet is one of the most effective ways how to get rid of premature ejaculation without medications. To do this, you need to saturate your daily diet with the following products:

  • oatmeal;
  • nuts;
  • oranges, grapefruits, lemons, kiwi;
  • seafood;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • potato;
  • bananas;
  • garlic;
  • quail eggs.

For maximum benefit, you should give up bad habits such as smoking and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages. They have an extremely negative impact on men's health. In addition to premature ejaculation, they can lead to sexual dysfunction.

Diet is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system in men, in particular early ejaculation.

8. Inappropriate thoughts. This is one of the proven ways to short-term prolong sex at home. Its essence lies in absolutely inappropriate thoughts at the moment of intimacy. For example, you can think about complex problems associated with professional activities, or about women who are outwardly not attractive at all, but are disgusting. Such thoughts will help to quickly prolong sexual intercourse.

9. Divide sexual contact into phases. Conventionally, intimate intimacy can be divided into the following phases:

  1. The first phase is a normal state in which there are no thoughts about sex with a woman.
  2. The second phase - the penis gradually begins to swell.
  3. The third phase - the penis is already ready for intimacy, but the man is still able to control himself.
  4. The fourth phase – desire comes more and more. Especially if you increase the rhythm.
  5. The fifth phase is direct ejaculation.

The man’s task in this case, in order to prolong sexual contact, is to clearly understand what stage he is at. Constant monitoring of your condition is the key to a long and pleasant process of intimacy, both for the partner and for the partner.

10. Slow down the process from the very beginning. You can prolong sexual contact at home by slowing down this process. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • at the very beginning of lovemaking there is no need to make unnecessary movements; you should wait until the first wave of desire subsides a little;
  • after the first wave has subsided, the first dynamic movements should begin;
  • As soon as the second wave is felt, you should pause your body movements until it subsides.

To prolong sexual intercourse in this way, you need to be patient and self-controlled. Over time, a man will be able to control the process on his own, prolonging sex until the required moment.

11. Communication with a partner. In order for a partner to get maximum pleasure, they should agree. If this does not happen, then all attempts to slow down ejaculation may be in vain, since the following processes may be observed:

  • if you do not tell your partner to stop with your partner, then her manipulations after the man stops can lead to rapid ejaculation;
  • a woman may not understand why a man is slowing down and continue the process, thereby causing premature ejaculation.

Therefore, silence in bed does not always give a positive result. For a harmonious relationship in bed, partners must discuss all the nuances. A man and a woman can agree on certain signs at which both should stop, speed up, slow down, or start the process again. Most important point in the agreement, the woman must immediately carry out the actions that the man asks for. This will help achieve maximum pleasure for both the partner and his partner.

12. Treat failures in bed more simply, with humor. A man should adjust to the fact that premature ejaculation is not a serious problem. And all actions aimed at eliminating this problem may not immediately bring the desired result. Correct and adequate perception lies in the correct attitude. To do this you should remember:

  • there is no need to make a tragedy out of this, darkening not only sex life, but also everyday life. Premature ejaculation can happen to absolutely every man;
  • you should learn to laugh at yourself and approach problems with humor;
  • It’s better to talk to your partner about your concerns in advance; she should help you cope with the problem during sexual contact;
  • prevent emotions before sex such as fear, excitement, anxiety;
  • If the first contact is not successful, you should not separate. You need to give it a little time to recover and then start again. The second time the man will definitely be more resilient.

You should also pay special attention to foreplay immediately before sex. This helps to train endurance in bed.

The right psychological attitude is another way to prevent early ejaculation at home.

13. Manipulations at the moment of a surge of desire. In order to control the process during sexual intercourse, the following manipulations should be carried out:

  1. At the moment of high tide, a man’s eyes roll upward as a reflex. To prolong sex, you need to look forward, opening your eyes.
  2. Another way to get rid of rapid ejaculation at home is to clench your teeth tightly at the moment of a surge of desire.
  3. This action also helps well - you need to tense your toes during the first surge of the wave.
  4. These manipulations can be combined with Kegel exercises. This will help you achieve the desired result in a short time.

In these simple ways you can prolong male sexual intercourse at home.

14. 20-minute rule. It is very important when training men’s endurance to follow the 20-minute rule. It is this period of time that is critical. If a young man was able to refrain from ejaculating during this time, then it will be much easier to control the process in the future. That is, you need to learn to restrain yourself for 20 minutes, then in the future it will not be difficult.

15. Maximum comfort. First of all, you should create the maximum level of trust between partners so that the man’s fertilization reflex does not work. Also, external factors should accompany a long and pleasant pastime. To do this, you should take care of the following points:

  1. Sufficient air temperature in the room. Partners should feel comfortable without clothing and should avoid freezing.
  2. Light. In bright light, a certain amount of embarrassment can accompany partners, no matter how trusting their relationship may be. Lighting during sex should be dim and dim.
  3. No strangers in the room. This is an important factor that can prevent complete relaxation and control of the situation. Because partners will constantly be distracted, afraid that someone will come into their room.
  4. Elimination extraneous noise. Too dynamic music can interfere with concentration, and renovations by neighbors can also be an irritating factor.
  5. Comfortable bed. The bed should be neatly made with clean and fresh bed linen. Such a place makes you want to lie down, relax and get maximum pleasure. To a greater extent, a woman should take care of the cleanliness and neatness of the bed. The bed should evoke an irresistible desire to remain alone with your partner for a long period of time.

These are the preparatory processes that will contribute to the greatest relaxation. In such conditions, the man controls the process of ejaculation, thanks to which both the partner and the partner will definitely enjoy it.

16. Physical training. A man can control the behavior of his body only with good physical training. You can perform simple exercises that will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Training may include the following manipulations:

  • push ups;
  • squats;
  • boat;
  • press.

In order to be in normal physical shape, you should perform such exercises 10–20 times in 2–3 approaches. The duration of training depends on the general condition of the man. But at the same time, you should not overexert yourself, since excessive physical exercise can play a cruel joke at the moment of intimacy.

Following these rules will help prolong sexual intercourse for some time. And over time, the young man will be able to control ejaculation for the required time.

There are a number of ways to help prolong sexual contact. They are based on reviews of men who regularly encounter this problem. Their essence lies in the following actions:

  • being at the peak of pleasure, you need to pull the scrotum back;
  • frequently change positions during sexual intercourse, which will give the young man the opportunity to rest a little;
  • following a special diet - healthy foods nutrition allows the body to function normally, including from the point of view of the genitourinary system;
  • build a trusting relationship with your partner;
  • circumcision is a radical method that will reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis;
  • giving up bad habits. Smoking and excessive drinking have a negative impact on male strength. These habits significantly impair the durability and stability of an erection;
  • use condoms with an anesthetic, they promote longer sexual contact.

To slow down ejaculation in men at home, you should: mandatory involve your partner in this process. Therefore, it is quite difficult for young people who do not have a regular partner to train their bodies for endurance. Finding a woman you love who you can trust is one of the main factors in prolonging sexual intercourse.


How to prolong sex for a man - Casanova's methods

Sex is one of the significant components of the relationship between a man and a woman. Satisfaction with the sexual life of both partners is largely influenced by the ability to prolong sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation has a negative impact on the psychological state of the couple: the woman does not feel completely satisfied, and the man begins to think about his inferiority.

Folk ways to increase the duration of the act

To prolong sexual intercourse among men, people used oak bark. The positive effect depends on the thiamine it contains. A decoction of crushed bark should be consumed within a week. It is prepared like this: 2 teaspoons of bark are poured into a glass of boiling water and left to infuse. The cooled infusion is used for baths of the genital organ or taken orally.

Feliamin, contained in currant and raspberry leaves, has a similar effect. The leaves can be eaten or made into tea.

Cornflower tincture can help increase the duration of sexual intercourse. You need to drink it immediately before intimacy. Cornflowers, rich in centaurine, can slow down the process of ejaculation.

If the reason for rapid ejaculation is increased sensitivity of the sexual organ or strong arousal of a man, the use of soothing infusions above can be very effective.


The action of medications is based on the same principle - to slow down the functioning of nerve endings and reduce the sensitivity of the penis. They use medications, sprays or ointments for this.

Among medications the most effective are Dapoxetine, Kamagra, Tadarise. Take these medications an hour before sexual intercourse. The active substance begins to act within 30-40 minutes.

See the list of sex prolonging pills.

Exercises that prolong the act

Many sexologists and urologists tried to find an answer to the question of how to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Today there are several quite effective techniques developed by doctors.

The essence of D. Seamans' method is to hold back ejaculation just before the onset of orgasm. By performing a set of exercises developed by an American urologist, you can learn to contain the outcome in just a few weeks.

American sexologist W. Masters worked on the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse for a long time. As a result of research and experiments, he developed the so-called “compression” technique. Its essence lies in the fact that just before the onset of orgasm, a man or his partner squeezes the penis with his hand, pressing on the frenulum. After 15-20 seconds of compression, the tension subsides and sexual intercourse can continue.

The system of exercises for women developed by the American gynecologist A. Kegel also helps solve the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse for a man. The technique helps develop the ability to control the pelvic floor muscles, which are directly involved during sexual intercourse. By tensing and relaxing the sacro-pubic muscle group with different intensity and frequency, you can learn to control the process of ejaculation.

Basic rules for long-term sex

There are several general rules, compliance with which will also help increase the duration of sexual intercourse:

  • It should start when the partner is sufficiently excited. In this case, the surface of the mucous membrane of her vagina will be sufficiently moistened, which will significantly reduce the friction of the head of the genital organ.
  • It is recommended to pause immediately after inserting the penis into the vagina - this is especially true for young men during the period of hypersexuality.
  • Feeling the approach of the denouement, a man should stop friction for a minute or two, think about something abstract and cool his ardor.
  • During sexual intercourse, you should not forget about your partner. By influencing her erogenous zones, a man will speed up the onset of orgasm in a woman.
  • In some cases, a small dose of alcohol helps to prolong sexual intercourse, however, too frequent use of alcoholic beverages can cause more harm than pleasure.
  • It is known that with repeated sexual intercourse, the time to achieve orgasm increases. Having achieved the first orgasm through masturbation, you can significantly prolong intimacy with your partner.
  • Lastly, just relax and have fun. Often the root of all troubles is unnecessary worries.

Casanova's secrets - how to make sexual intercourse last longer

There are also more sophisticated methods for prolonging sexual intercourse, which are more suitable, so to speak, for “advanced users”:

  • Feeling the approach of ejaculation, it is necessary to stop the back-and-forth movements of the penis in the vagina (frictions), while continuing longitudinal movements of the body so as to stimulate the sensitive areas of the partner with the pubis.
  • If ejaculation does occur, continue the friction. When an erection decreases, you can slightly squeeze the penis at the base to prevent it from “withering” completely, or ask your partner about this. Perhaps you will be able to “go for a second round” by extending the contract at least twice as long. It should be remembered that this method is difficult to implement using a condom; in this case, it is better to use other methods of contraception or use sex for its intended purpose - for fertilization.
  • Master the petting technique perfectly. By becoming an ace in oral and manual caresses, you will be able to bring your wife or girlfriend to the point of release even before the actual act begins.

Using one or more of the methods listed above, you can significantly improve the quality of your sex life and enjoy every moment of intimacy.


How to increase the duration of sex - methods for prolonging sexual intercourse

For many men it becomes a problem. Of course, the man himself does not feel any particular discomfort at this time, but the woman most often does not have time to get pleasure in such a short time. This situation does not suit both the woman and the man, because for any representative of the stronger sex it is important to feel like a partner capable of satisfying his woman.

Why does sexual intercourse not last long?

As a rule, such problems lead to quarrels and misunderstandings in a couple. Whatever one may say, a truly harmonious union can only be achieved if there is a successful sexual relationship. The solution to such a sensitive problem may lie in for various reasons. Therefore, before taking any measures, it is recommended to visit a specialist.

Before you start worrying about the duration of sexual intercourse and take decisive action, you need to understand why premature ejaculation occurs. To do this, it is best to consult a urologist, who will advise and prescribe a series of tests in case the problems are caused by any disease.

Today, the most common causes of premature ejaculation are prolonged lack of sex and poor lifestyle choices. But it is important for a man to understand that absolutely anything can affect his sexual relationships:

In addition, it is important to consider the fact whether premature ejaculation happens all the time or whether it happens sometimes, for example, after a long period of absence of sex.

To quickly and reliably improve potency, our readers recommend the M16 spray. This is a natural remedy that has a comprehensive effect on the causes of erectile dysfunction. "M16" contains only natural ingredients with maximum effectiveness. Thanks to its composition, the drug is absolutely safe, has no contraindications and side effects.

Drugs to prolong sexual intercourse

When thinking about how to prolong sexual intercourse, as a rule, the first thing that comes to a man’s mind is pills and other drugs.

It should be noted right away that the tablets will only help if the problem is a disease or infection. In addition, you can use drugs to prolong the erection in cases where the problem is related to potency and not only does the sex itself not last long, but there is no desire to have sex at all. In such situations, doctors mainly prescribe drugs that increase potency:

In addition to pills, there are many other drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse.

Often the problem of rapid ejaculation is that the glans of the penis is too sensitive in a man. In this case, you can use various creams, gels and sprays with anesthetics. You can find them in almost any pharmacy and use them 2-3 hours before sexual intercourse.

Such products will reduce sensitivity and allow a man to “last” longer. You can also use condoms. Firstly, they themselves reduce sensitivity, and, secondly, there are special condoms containing anesthetics.

How to prolong sexual intercourse with exercises?

Sex is often compared to sports, and this is not without reason. The fact is that during sexual intercourse a number of muscles are also used in the body. It is working with key muscles in this process that will make sexual intercourse longer. In order to learn to control themselves, men are recommended to try the following actions:

  1. While urinating, hold the stream for a few seconds. This will allow you to feel the muscles needed for the exercise.
  2. Once you understand which muscles need to be used, you need to tense them 10 times in one approach. Then take a short break (30 seconds) and repeat the exercise again. The first time you should do three approaches.
  3. Next, after the exercise becomes familiar to the muscles, you need to perform the same actions, but already delaying the state of tension for 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times, but more approaches should be done: 5 or 6.
  4. You can also strain your muscles while trying to move your penis. Such exercises are very convenient because you can perform them anywhere and at any time. Well, the benefits from the classes will not keep you waiting, and very soon you will be able to please your partner.

How to prolong sexual intercourse - part 1

Movement technique as a way to prolong sexual intercourse

The so-called methods from the technical group are considered effective ways to prolong sexual intercourse. There are several rules that can help a man have sex much longer. Here are some tips:

There are also some rules related directly to the technique of movements during sex:

  1. Rule #1. Men suffering from it are recommended to alternate immersing the penis into the vagina during sexual intercourse: three shallow ones, then one deep. The total number of movements in one approach should be exactly 81. This approach allows a man to be a little distracted by numbers, and, accordingly, relieve a little excitement.
  2. Rule #2. If a man still feels that arousal is growing and ejaculation is close, he should not completely remove the penis from the vagina, leaving 2-3 centimeters, for about 30 seconds.
  3. Rule #3. If the first technique does not help, you can try alternating five deep and one shallow penetration, or nine deep and one shallow.

In some cases, it is also recommended that men learn to control themselves at their peak. When a man feels that ejaculation is about to occur, he should try to delay ejaculation. Such training will allow a man to learn to control sexual intercourse after some time, thereby making it last longer.

If such a technique is not yet available, you can try another trick: when approaching the peak, firmly press the area next to the head with your fingers. This will help relieve tension and prevent ejaculation.

How to prolong sex using traditional methods?

In order to prolong sex, men use many different methods, including a. In this case, herbal tinctures are very useful. The most popular in this matter are:

  • Melissa,
  • St. John's wort,
  • mint and chamomile.

You can make decoctions and tinctures from these herbs, and also drink them with tea. They do not have any particular effect directly on potency, but they have a good effect on the central nervous system, calming the body and helping it relax.

Honey will also be a good helper. It can be eaten in its natural form or added to teas and herbal infusions.

You should also include in your diet some foods that prolong sexual intercourse. It is believed that the following have a positive effect on potency:

  • cilantro and parsley;
  • any types of nuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • any products containing vitamin B in large quantities.

A good way to prolong sexual intercourse is a small dose of alcohol. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, since too large a dosage will lead to an absolutely opposite effect, and sexual intercourse will end before it has even begun.

Elderberry infusion has a similar effect, but has the undoubted advantage of the absence of an unpleasant alcoholic odor. In addition, you cannot get drunk from elderberry infusion.

In what positions is it better to have sex to prolong it?

To ensure that sexual intercourse lasts as long as possible, it is best to choose positions when the man is behind. Various variations of the “officer” pose are also good. The main thing is that during short pauses that help relieve excitement, do not forget about your partner and do not let her excitement subside.

It should also be noted that for training it is better to choose an experienced partner who will understand everything and help you.

  • If failure has occurred to you for the first time, you should not immediately stop all subsequent sexual encounters for fear that premature ejaculation will occur again.
  • Only a positive attitude, calmness and practice will help prolong sexual intercourse and make it unforgettable for you and your woman.

How to make sex last longer - part 2

Men should remember that their lifestyle has a great influence on sexual performance. This is why it is very important to maintain a daily routine and get a good night's sleep.

Nutrition is of great importance. You need to add more protein and natural aphrodisiacs such as honey and nuts to your diet. It is better to exclude fatty and spicy foods, which harm the body and lead to excess weight.

It is also important to learn to control yourself and your emotions. Depression or violent outbursts of emotions, screams, scandals should not be allowed. All this leads to emotional exhaustion, which, in turn, affects the duration of sexual intercourse. You can learn to control your own psyche with the help of various spiritual practices and meditations.

Stress and fatigue have a big impact on sexual relationships. Most men work a lot - some physically, some mentally. At the same time, at work and even at home, representatives of the stronger half of humanity often face serious stress and anxiety. It is important to learn to rest and relax, forgetting about all your worries. Constant fatigue and exhaustion greatly affect a man's libido.

It is important for men to learn to receive positive emotions from life. Must visit interesting places, communicate with interesting people, have hobbies and interests. Women love active and cheerful men, not gloomy and boring ones. And increased attention from women very seriously increases male self-esteem, which, of course, will give confidence to any man in bed.

And most importantly, when faced with a problem, you should not shut down, be embarrassed, or try to avoid repeated failure. Any problem can be solved, the main thing is to approach it calmly and without anxiety. Excessive worries will only aggravate the situation and deprive you of the self-confidence that is so necessary in intimate life.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever suffered from problems due to PROSTATITIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • Increased irritability
  • Erection problems
  • Impaired urination

Can problems be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a comment from the Chief Urologist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy for PROSTATITIS.


The duration of an intimate relationship for a man depends primarily on his physical health. Only 20% of potency problems are psychological in nature. How to prolong sexual intercourse in a man? The first thing that needs to be done to prolong intimacy is to eliminate the causes that provoked the problem.

Factors that provoke rapid ejaculation

Experts say that standard sexual intercourse lasts about 10 minutes. If ejaculation occurs within 5 to 10 minutes, this is considered normal. Earlier ejaculation is considered premature.

In order for sexual intercourse to last longer, the following factors that provoke the problem in question should be eliminated:

Men's problems
  • stressful state;
  • psychological diseases;
  • application pharmacological agents;
  • genital injuries;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increased sensitivity of the genital organs;
  • pathology urinary system;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • excessive consumption of drinks containing alcohol;
  • smoking tobacco;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irregular sexual intercourse;
  • pathological condition frenulum on the genital organ;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion or intervertebral hernia;
  • lack of self-confidence and strength;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to eliminating provoking factors, there are other methods to prolong intercourse. Prolonging sexual intercourse in men is most effective with an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Home remedies to prolong coitus

To prolong intimacy, you can resort to using both pharmacy tablets and home methods. The most effective ways to prolong coitus at home are: exercise, psychological attitude and unconventional means.

In order for sex to last, it is necessary to maintain the overall health of the male body. The main principle is a healthy diet. With proper nutrition, the body receives substances such as zinc, magnesium and vitamin E. These substances have a positive effect on male potency and stimulate better job male genital organs. Proper adherence to sex techniques will also allow you to prolong an intimate relationship.

According to sexologists, the following rules must be observed during intercourse:

Sex life
  1. Full stimulation of the partner. If a girl is not excited enough, her body does not produce enough lubricant, which leads to excessive irritation of the penis during intercourse, and, accordingly, to premature ejaculation.
  2. Constantly warming up your partner. If during an intimate relationship a man for some reason stops stimulating a woman with his penis, her arousal begins to gradually decrease. It is necessary to prevent this and resort to additional caresses during sex.
  3. Timely deceleration. In order for sexual intercourse to last longer, it is necessary to stop or greatly slow down the friction at the peak of arousal and wait for the tension to subside. This will not only prolong the duration of sexual intercourse, but also get stronger sensations during orgasm.

If the presented methods are not effective, the use of lubricants or contraceptives with a prolonging effect is acceptable.

Psychological techniques

Psychologists say that psychological techniques also help improve intimate life. The most effective method is breathing technique. Even, infrequent breathing during sex helps to prolong it. An addition to this method is holding your breath immediately before ejaculation. This will allow you to pull it back a little.

Another prerequisite for long-term sexual intercourse is the absence of emotional stress. Before intimacy, it is necessary to eliminate all negative experiences.

Also, during intimacy, you can resort to the method of distraction. As soon as ejaculation is approaching, you should be distracted by extraneous thoughts, for example, football or the news. But you should use this method carefully, as it can lead to a complete cessation of erection.


To make the exercises more effective, you should enlist the support of your partner before performing them, so that there are no misunderstandings that will make the problem even more significant.

The most effective exercises for long-term sex are:

Physical exercise
  1. Kegel exercise. The principle of the exercise is to compress and relax the coccygeal-pubic muscle. It is most convenient to perform this exercise in the shower or while going to the toilet for a small need. There are two methods of training the muscle in question. First: during an erection, tense and relax the muscle so that the penis rises and falls. The second method: stop the stream of urine during urination. The exercise can be done at any time without any time limit.
  2. Extraction technique. The exercise in question must be performed directly during intimacy. The principle of the exercise is to control the depth of entry into the vagina. During the exercise, it is necessary to alternate shallow (to the depth of 1/3 of the penis) and full penetrations. At the initial stage of training, you should alternate between three shallow and one full immersion. At the moment of approaching orgasm, it is necessary to leave the vagina, leaving only half of the head in it and wait for the tension to subside. After such a break, you should continue the exercises, alternating 5 superficial and 1 deep entry. After a subsequent break, the number of shallow frictions increases to 9. Thus, the man learns to independently control the duration of sexual intercourse.
  3. Squeezing the phallus. The exercise can be performed both during masturbation and during intimacy with a partner. Its essence lies in squeezing the penis at the base of the head at the moment when ejaculation approaches. Both women and men can perform compression.
  4. Timely stop. This exercise is recommended to be performed during self-satisfaction. You need to caress yourself and stop on the verge of ejaculation. When the wave of tension recedes, you need to continue and stop again while on the edge. You should perform up to 5 repetitions at a time. It is allowed to attract a girl to caress.

The presented gymnastics are designed not only to make intercourse longer, but also to ensure that a man can independently control the duration of an intimate relationship. By performing one or more exercises regularly, you can achieve positive results within a week.

Physical exercise

To have sex longer, you should exercise regularly.

The greatest effect is achieved by exercises such as:

Carrying out the procedure
  1. Wall. A man needs to lean his head and shoulder blades against the wall, then push his hips forward and return them to their original position. During the exercise, the foot should be pressed to the floor.
  2. Walking on your buttocks. To perform the exercise, you need to sit on a hard, flat surface and stretch your legs in front of you. In this position, a man needs to move using only his buttocks.
  3. Build. The essence of the exercise is that the man must take the position of a soldier and walk in this position, raising his knees to his chest.
  4. Bridge. The man should lie on the floor and take a bridge position for a few seconds, then lower himself and return to the starting position. For 1 approach it is necessary to perform at least 15 repetitions.
  5. Stone. The exercise is extremely simple. While standing, you need to tense and relax your gluteal muscles.
  6. Uddiyana. You need to take the following position: Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt, torso tilted forward. During the exercise, you need to inhale, then exhale and hold your breath. At this time, it is necessary to relax and tense the abdominal muscles. Several repetitions are necessary.
  7. Trituration. The exercise consists of 2 parts. At the first stage, you need to lie on your back and place your feet so that your heels are as close to your buttocks as possible. Then breathe very quickly using your abdominal muscles. After 30 seconds you should proceed to the second stage. It is necessary, without changing the position of the body, to begin swaying movements of the hips from side to side.
  8. Run in place. You need to stand on the floor, bend your legs a little and run in place. Please note that your toes should be on the floor.

To obtain a lasting effect, you must perform one or more of the presented exercises. Please note that exercises to prolong sexual intercourse have contraindications. Persons with pathologies of the cardiovascular system should not resort to the presented exercises.

Unconventional recipes for increasing the duration of intimacy

How can you prolong sexual intercourse without resorting to pharmacological agents? To extend the riser, you can use unconventional methods.

Some methods are much safer than pharmacological agents, and at the same time are not inferior to them in effectiveness.

Effective folk remedies to prolong sexual intercourse:

Traditional therapy
  1. Mint and lemon balm juice. These herbs reduce the sensitivity of the sexual organ. Their juice can be added to tea 30 minutes before intercourse, or used as a local remedy by rubbing into the penis before going to bed. The prolongation of sexual intercourse with this method is pronounced.
  2. Ginseng infusion. The product is sold in pharmacy chains. You need to take it 25 drops three times a day. The infusion significantly prolongs intimate connection.
  3. Spray based on essential oils. For longer intercourse, you can make your own spray with alcohol and essential oils. To do this, pour 10 ml of alcohol and a few drops of mint, eucalyptus, menthol and rosemary oils into a spray bottle. These substances will have a prolonging effect by reducing the sensitivity of the head. Some pharmaceutical drugs contain the same set of components, only their price is much higher. The resulting spray should be applied to the manhood immediately before intercourse. Please note that the resulting mixture will cause a burning sensation when exposed to the vaginal mucosa, so you should apply the product and after 10 minutes wipe off any remaining residue from the skin.

If none of the presented methods has the desired effect, you need to visit a specialist to identify the true cause of the disease.

Where to go if you have premature ejaculation

If you find problems with sexual power, you should contact the following specialists:

Doctor andrologist
  • urologist;
  • andrologist;
  • sexologist;
  • chiropractor.

Doctors will prescribe examinations during which the causes of poor-quality sexual intercourse will be identified. If there are no physiological problems, you should visit a psychotherapist and get advice from him on solving the problem in question. If this specialist does not identify the problem, there may be physiological feature body. In this case, the question of how to prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies disappears by itself.


How to prolong sexual intercourse at home on your own?

At the moment when the relationship in a couple reaches sexual contact, the representative of the stronger sex always strives to show himself from the best side. After all, no one needs a quickie in bed who satisfies exclusively himself, but a woman suffers from a lack of duration of sexual intercourse. Therefore, a man and his wife have a logical question: “How to increase the duration of sexual intercourse?”

It often turns out that ejaculation occurs almost immediately after the start of sexual intercourse. Sometimes it happens that ejaculate is released even before sexual intercourse begins! Premature ejaculation affects men between the ages of sixteen and forty. This problem can serve as a kind of bone of contention, due to which the relationship comes to naught, or is supported by external factors, i.e. other secret sexual contacts and partners.


Philosophical point of view

The issue of premature release of seminal fluid has been familiar to people since ancient times. The main example serves the Kama Sutra, in which absolutely any couple will find two or three ideal positions in which both partners will receive pleasure from sexual contact, and at the same time not experience problems with early ejaculation. The book also contains many exercises that help prolong sexual intercourse and learn to regulate the process of arousal and blood flow to the man’s penis.

The main reason for an excessively short sexual intercourse is intercourse, during which the partners do not pursue any goals.

When people have sex simply to satisfy their animal instincts or, as the Indians say, frivolous intercourse. The methods and definitions described in the Kama Sutra introduce an ideological basis into sex, with the help of which sex requires paying considerable attention and preparatory work to it.

Taoists generally believe that a man’s seminal fluid contains his vital energy, which is why it remains inside the body even during sex. The highest goal is complete control of the process of ejaculate release, as well as psychological refusal to ejaculate. According to their teachings, a man must have sexual intercourse without ejaculation, but having an orgasm. Those representatives of the stronger sex who cannot control sexual intercourse, including its duration, according to Taoists, are considered unsuccessful and weak.

Scientific point of view

Scientists around the world are appealing to young people not to be upset and try to look at the situation from the other side. The more sexual experience a man has, the better he is able to control the course of the sexual process, which means that he learns and controls the duration of sexual intercourse.

The main causes of premature ejaculation include:

  • Sex with a new person or non-standard sex. Also, long-term abstinence from sex, or, more precisely, long-term storage of ejaculate in the body, can lead to early ejaculation;
  • Excessive female attention to a man who is stressed or depressed;
  • Psychological abnormalities, which include male sexual incompetence, masturbation under stress, limited opportunities for sexual intercourse;
  • Hormonal disorders, trauma to the penis, Negative influence medications that a man takes for one reason or another;
  • Reassessment of personal abilities;
  • Negative impact of external factors;
  • Weakness and lack of self-confidence;
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system, problems with the nervous system, increased excitability and sensitivity of the genital organs.

Exercises to prolong sexual intercourse

So, to increase the duration of sex, there are a huge number of different techniques, which we will discuss below.

It’s worth starting with the fact that, firstly, you need to be patient, and secondly, don’t be lazy!

Practice controlling your ejaculation. It is best to do this with a more experienced and understanding girl who is not indifferent to your feelings in this regard.

Don't give up during unsuccessful attempts and don't focus your thoughts on failure. The best option would be to clear your head of thoughts and enjoy the process itself. Sometimes you need to think about some other topic other than sex. You can resort to this mental method at the moment when you feel that you are about to finish sexual intercourse. It is important not to delve into abstract thoughts for a long period of time. Just feel that the level of excitement has cooled down, feel free to return to the normal “track”. After a couple or three “practical sessions” you will be able to regulate your ejaculation much better.

Another method of prolonging sexual intercourse is even and slow breathing during sexual intercourse.

Immediately, as soon as you feel the closeness of the completion of the process, begin to take deep breaths and slow exhalations. This slowdown respiratory system will help slow down the moment of ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Another way is to stop during sex. You can pause when you feel the end of sexual contact approaching, hold the penis in the vagina, or remove it from your partner’s body. This will help reduce the level of arousal and sensitivity in the genital area.

There are also ways to delay ejaculation. The most famous methods to help prolong sex:

  • Prolonged preliminary tenderness;
  • Additional physical impact on the genitals thanks to special sexual toys or hands;
  • Using different lubricants or medicines;
  • The use of special contraceptives that reduce the sensitivity of the genital organs;
  • Having sex at different paces. Play on the contrast of the speed of the intimate act.

There is definitely no need to use dubious or unlicensed drugs. The same goes for folk recipes and drinking alcohol, which can lead to even greater problems, and not only in the sexual sphere.

Folk remedies for prolonging sexual intercourse

Does it exist, and if so, how to prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies? As a rule, a man does not consult a doctor on this issue.

First of all, this is due to embarrassment and a psychological barrier. Therefore, therapy is often performed at home, using what is at hand. It is worth immediately noting the fact that traditional medicine and its recipes that help prolong sexual intercourse should be used with a “sober head.” For example, Internet resources devoted to this problem recommend solving the issue with the help of cornflower tincture. This fact is confirmed by the composition of the flower, which includes a large amount of antioxidants and substances that help flush out toxins. In addition, cornflower stimulates the urinary function of the genitourinary system. This plant should be used with caution, as it is poisonous and contains cyanide compounds.

Pharmacy preparations containing cornflower are absolutely harmless, since the proportions and concentrations of substances are ideally taken into account in these products.

Today, doctors often prescribe Mountain Ginseng, being a 100% natural product, it improves potency due to its high content of amino acids and biologically active substances necessary for normal, long-term sexual intercourse. Selenium takes part in the production of red blood cells and helps prolong and maintain sexual activity. For now, you can order the collection only on the manufacturer’s official website.

Pumpkin seeds are a harmless and, at the same time, tasty product for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. Teas containing lemon balm and mint will be very effective in combating intimate difficulties. A small amount of Alcohol in the blood can help matters by reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings.


If over time the question remains open, then you should no longer delay going to the doctor. A qualified specialist who is competent in these matters will help determine the cause of premature ejaculation and prescribe personal medications to solve existing problems. It is quite possible that the doctor will first send you for testing laboratory research. First of all, laboratory material is checked for the existence of sexual diseases, since early ejaculation may be a consequence of one of the diseases of the genitourinary system.

One of the popular last years One of the medications for solving premature termination of sexual intercourse is a special spray M-16. The action of this drug is aimed at increasing the sensitivity and level of arousal of the male genital organ. Most medications aimed at combating the disease we describe are produced in the form of tablets. And this remedy does not need to be taken orally, since this spray acts through the layer of the epidermis. Its speed and positive effect are felt almost immediately after application. It does not require a prescription from a doctor and is quite suitable for home treatment. The main thing is to strictly follow the attached spray instructions.


How to prolong sexual intercourse - basic methods

There are many ways to prolong sexual intercourse, and most of them have an important goal - to achieve harmony and balance in intimate relationships, learn to control ejaculation, and bring more pleasure to yourself and your partner. A man just has to study the description of the most common and effective ways to prolong intimacy and choose the most acceptable one.

When there is a need to prolong sexual intercourse

Before testing various methods of prolonging sexual intercourse in practice, it is necessary to determine the need for their use. It is quite possible that there are no problems in a man’s intimate life, but only a desire to surprise his partner with unprecedented achievements in bed. Is it worth doing? It’s unlikely, because the male body is a self-regulating system, and any external intervention can lead to the appearance of any abnormalities.

And only in the case when sexual intimacy really ends too quickly - within three minutes or less from the moment the penis is inserted into the vagina - can we talk about the need to solve the problem of how to prolong the time of sexual intercourse.

The problem may lie not so much in the man’s capabilities, but rather in the inept or insufficient preparedness of the partner, so any intimate contact should begin with preliminary caresses of the woman so that she reaches the required degree of arousal, which will allow both partners to get enough pleasure from sex.

The main ways to prolong sexual intercourse

The most effective and accessible ways to use are the following ways to prolong sexual intercourse:

  1. Using a condom is the simplest method to increase the time of intimacy. Some “experimenters” wear two or even three products at once - this is not forbidden. In addition, you can try condoms with an anesthetic, which helps to noticeably reduce the sensitivity of the penis.
  2. Slowing down the rhythm of frictions or completely stopping movements on the eve of ejaculation. The main thing here is to correctly guess the moment when it is necessary to slow down or stop in order to prevent the onset of ejaculation.
  3. You can reduce the sensitivity of the penis on the eve of sexual intercourse if you take a shower before intimacy and at the same time direct a stream of water to the head of the penis.
  4. Mastering Kegel exercises. This technique involves regular training, during which it is necessary to alternately tense and relax the muscle responsible for urination. This allows you to learn how to control ejaculation and thus solve the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse.
  5. Stimulation of a point located in the perineal area between the scrotum and anus. The indicated point should be pressed with one or two or three fingers for several seconds shortly before ejaculation. As a result, the degree of male arousal decreases, and ejaculation occurs much later. This method is borrowed from Chinese traditional medicine.
  6. Elevation of the testicles. On the eve of ejaculation, a man should retract and raise his testicles, which will help delay the time of orgasm and ejaculation. The partner can also perform this action, but the man must give her the appropriate sign when the extreme degree of arousal approaches.
  7. Compression of the penis at the head or at its base. When the moment of ejaculation approaches, the man must quickly remove the entire penis from the vagina, then squeeze it in a certain place.

The main thing in applying the above methods is to choose the right time of exposure to the penis or other organs. If ejaculation has already begun, there is no point in stopping it, and attempts to take any action at this moment can harm men's health.

Folk remedies for prolonging intimacy

To solve the problem of how to prolong sexual intercourse at home, you can also use medicinal plants. The most famous are the following options for their use:

  1. Lubricating the penis with mint juice. This aromatic plant contains a number of substances that have a cooling effect and reduce sensitivity of the penis.
  2. Adding fresh crushed blackcurrant and raspberry leaves to ready-made dishes, which helps normalize the conduction of nerve impulses to the genitals.
  3. A decoction of oak bark - it should be drunk for a week, while arousal in a man will occur more slowly, and sexual intercourse, accordingly, will last longer.

It is also necessary to ensure that a man’s diet contains enough foods containing zinc and magnesium. Zinc is necessary for good potency, and magnesium allows you to prolong sexual intercourse. These microelements are found in chicken eggs, peas, liver, oatmeal, apricots, prunes, beans, wheat bran and many other products.

Prolonging sexual intercourse with medications

The most effective way to solve the problem of accelerated ejaculation and sufficiently prolong the time of intimacy is with the help of drugs intended for this purpose.

The newest, but quite tested and effective remedy from this group of medications is Generic Dapoxetine. This drug is created specifically for men who would like to increase the time of intimacy. As a result of taking it, the period of intimate contact increases 4 times.

One of the important advantages of this drug is that the drug can be combined with medications to enhance erection, such as Viagra or Cialis. To do this, it is not necessary to independently calculate the dosage of the drugs: it is enough to purchase a combination product that has a “two-in-one” effect.

One of these complex drugs is Viagra with Dapoxetine. The first component is

There are several ways to prolong sexual intercourse. The first group includes folk methods. The second refers directly to the technique of sex. The following may include general recommendations on men's health. The last group includes additional funds: lubricants, gels, lubricants.

Our regular reader got rid of problems with potency using an effective method. He tested it on himself - the result was 100% - complete relief from problems. This is a natural herbal remedy. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast. EFFECTIVE METHOD.

First you need to understand the reasons for rapid ejaculation. Brief sexual intercourse can occur as a result of physiological problems with erection, prolonged abstinence, and also depend on psychological factors. Problems of this kind: phobias, stress, low self-esteem of a man, fixation on failures, lack of mutual understanding with a partner, or, conversely, strong arousal from the sight of a particular woman.

TO physiological reasons include hormonal changes due to irregular sexual life. Psychological problems more often occur in young men during puberty.

A man's erection is influenced by:

  • frenulum defects;
  • urethral diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • previous injuries to the pelvic bones.

If the factors of short-term intercourse are not pathologies of the genitourinary system, then this phenomenon can be dealt with at home. There are a number of recommendations that help develop a man’s endurance and prolong sexual contact.

A man needs to learn self-control. If a partner receives moral pleasure, realizing that sex with him provides a woman with sexual comfort and a high degree of arousal, then coitus is naturally prolonged and the moment of ejaculation occurs later. The interaction of partners guarantees multiple and prolonged orgasms.

You can prolong sex using several traditional methods:

  1. oral sex immediately at the beginning of sexual contact significantly prolongs it;
  2. if a man achieves his first orgasm during foreplay, subsequent sexual contact will be increased in duration;
  3. the man stimulates the partner’s clitoris until orgasm is achieved, and then inserts the penis into the vagina;
  4. slower movements of the penis during sex;
  5. prolongation (artificial prolongation of sexual contact) - at the peak of arousal, friction is stopped for a while, after sensitivity has decreased, the act is continued. This method increases the likelihood of simultaneous orgasm for both partners;
  6. a man should be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

The technique of sex consists of several methods:

  • alternating deep and superficial penetrations of the penis into the vagina;
  • with increasing excitement, you should remove the penis, but not completely. The head of the penis should remain in the vagina. After the excitement subsides, continue movements at a normal rhythm.

In order for a sexual relationship to have a longer period of time, there are rules of behavior for men during sex:

  1. Before you start coitus, you should sufficiently excite your partner. Long foreplay is important. When a woman is well stimulated, penetration of the penis becomes easier due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa is significantly moistened with secretions. As a result, the head of the penis will be less irritated by friction - this will increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  2. Prolonging sexual contact different ways(calm your breathing, distract yourself with extraneous thoughts).
  3. Additional stimulation of the woman’s clitoris and labia is required throughout sexual intercourse. Movements should be rhythmic. You should move your fingers in the perineal area more or less intensely, but not roughly. To correctly determine the speed and depth of pressure, you should observe your partner’s reaction.
  4. During a pause in sex, continue to influence the woman’s erogenous zones so that she does not experience a decline in arousal.
  5. Continuing intimacy after a man ejaculates using protective equipment. The use of a condom not only guarantees the safety of sexual intercourse, but also dulls the feelings of partners. This makes it possible to delay ejaculation.

In order to prolong sexual intercourse at home, you can use medications (lidocaine-based sprays), traditional methods, use synthetic (dietary supplements) or natural aphrodisiacs (food), physical methods (exercises) and breathing exercises. A man can choose for himself the method that suits him best.

Traditional medicine

Decoctions of natural origin have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Depending on the nature of the problem, it is recommended to use sedatives (lemon balm, mint) or stimulants (eleutherococcus, ginseng tincture). Herbs have a positive effect on sexual function.

Products of natural origin include:

  1. Oak bark is an effective raw material for treating potency in men. This product contains thiamine. The action of the vitamin is aimed at inhibiting the sensitivity of nerve endings in the genitals. This increases the duration of sex.
  2. Peppermint. It contains menthol, cineole and beta-pipene, which inhibit excitation processes nervous system. The substances are considered natural antiseptics. Mint decoction can be used topically: it is applied to the surface of the penis. In this case, the receptors lose sensitivity and practically do not respond to stimulation. A man is able to better control himself by delaying ejaculation.
  3. An infusion of blue cornflowers slows down the process of orgasm. The man gets the opportunity to prolong sexual contact.
  4. Wheat oil. The aroma of freshly squeezed wheat tones a man’s body. The composition contains endorphin, which increases sexual pleasure and also helps to prolong sexual intercourse as a result of the action of active substances on the pituitary gland.
  5. A decoction of raspberry and currant leaves is used to increase the time of sexual intercourse. Men are recommended to consume these products as they contain large amounts of feliamine. This substance causes a restructuring in the functioning of the nerve fibers of the genital organs, which leads to a slowdown in the process of arousal.
  6. Bee products. The consumption of propolis and raw honey affect the duration of sexual intercourse. They also increase potency. Such products contain a large amount of natural hormonal substances that have a positive effect on the male reproductive system.

When choosing alternative medicine products, you must remember about individual intolerance to the components. The products should be used after consulting a specialist. Only a doctor will recommend the right drug and indicate the required dosage.

If there is no effect from products of natural origin, you can use synthetic topical preparations. The basis of such drugs is lidocaine, an anesthetic that suppresses the sensitivity of receptors.

Correct breathing

In order to take control of his ejaculation, a man needs to master the technique of lower abdominal breathing.

The rhythm of breathing determines the heart rate. The faster the breathing movements, the faster the heart beats. At the moment of orgasm, the heartbeat quickens. Due to the fact that both of these indicators increase in direct proportion to each other, by learning to slow down and deepen breathing, a man will be able to control his arousal and enjoy orgasms without ejaculating.

In addition, deep breaths help manage sexual energy, which, in turn, increases the number and quality of orgasms. Proper breathing can relieve tension that arises in the initial stages with delayed ejaculation.

There is a special exercise for training deep breathing. Before you start breathing exercises You need to take a comfortable sitting position and straighten your shoulders. Next, place both hands on your stomach in the area of ​​the umbilical ring. Then you should take a deep breath through your nose. The depth of inhalation should be such that the stomach fills with air and moves forward. After this, you can make an intense, sharp, noisy exhalation. Rib cage at the same time, you should be completely relaxed. The second part of the exercise is that the man needs to pull in his stomach as much as possible so that it is as close to the spine as possible. At the same time, in the groin area there should be a feeling that the penis and appendages are rising and moving towards the stomach. Repeat the cycle of breathing exercises several times (no more than 5 in a row). The total time of gymnastics should not exceed 15 minutes per day. Dizziness is an indication that the exercise needs to end.

In order to delay the climax, a man should slow down the rhythm of sexual intercourse and breathe deeply evenly through his mouth.

Holding your breath before or immediately at the moment of orgasm desensitizes the genital area, thereby prolonging pleasure.

Physical exercise

Experts identify several methods of influence physical exercise on a person's sex life. They can be used provided that a medical examination confirms the absence of physiological abnormalities and contraindications to moderate exercise. In order for blood to flow more intensely to the male penis and endurance to be maintained, it is useful to perform CrossFit exercises.

These include:

  • push ups;
  • exercise “frog” (during push-ups, the legs are attracted to the pelvic bones and return to their place);
  • “scissors” (while lying on your back or stomach, the legs are folded crosswise. Alternately: right on top, left on top);
  • squats;
  • lying on your stomach, arms stretch forward, and outstretched legs tend in the opposite direction;
  • gymnastics for the upper and lower abs.

Classes must be conducted regularly. In combination with proper nutrition and folk remedies, you can achieve a positive effect without medications.

The male pelvic diaphragm consists of layers of muscles, the tension of which causes an erection. A special Kegel technique was developed for their training. A similar result can be achieved by regularly walking up the stairs. Physical inactivity leads to erectile dysfunction in men.

Kegel technique and exercises

The professor developed a special course of exercises aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs and strengthening the muscles responsible for erection. By performing this set of exercises, a man trains his groin muscles and accustoms his body to endurance during sex.

During Kegel training, a man must hold the stream when urinating, contracting the pubococcygeus muscle. The essence of the method is to alternate tension and relaxation of muscle fibers. You can add the process of squeezing and unclenching the groin muscles, this also helps restore a man’s erectile functions. This method is suitable for practicing at home.

Gymnastics begins with relatively weak rhythms, then gradually increases the strength of tension to the maximum level. The procedure takes 4-20 seconds.

To be effective, Kegel exercises should be performed several times a day.

Beneficial effects:

  • blood circulation in the pelvis improves;
  • the average duration of sex increases;
  • urination is normalized (especially with urinary incontinence).

Increased frequency of sexual intercourse

It should be noted that if a man regularly has sex, then there are no problems with the duration of sexual intercourse. Disorders of this kind usually appear during a period of lack of sexual life or when it becomes irregular and rare.

Therefore, in order to avoid problems with erectile functions, a man must have an active sex life with a regular partner.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Do you have problems with ERECTION? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped?

These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Sexual intercourse can be quick or indefinitely long, the main thing is that during this time both partners manage to achieve orgasm and a logical ending. The most common problem among modern youth is premature ejaculation and not having sex for long enough. And the most popular question on the Internet and doctors’ offices is how to prolong sexual intercourse?

Experts have developed more than 20 techniques on how to prolong sex without loss of sensitivity and pleasure for both partners. But before selecting some of them and practicing from his own experience, a man needs to determine real reasons premature ejaculation, that is, the etiology of sexual disorder.

Rapid is a diagnosis that can only be established by the attending physician. On average, sexual intercourse should last from 5 to 20 minutes; a small error is not considered a pathology. If a man cannot withstand even 2-3 minutes of friction, most likely we are talking about a disorder in the body.

The causes of premature ejaculation may include the following:

  • prolonged sexual abstinence and lack of sexual release;
  • male hyperexcitability and increased sensitivity of the head of the penis;
  • young age and inexperience of the man;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • fears, panic attacks, diffidence;
  • psychological disorders;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the brain and spinal cord;
  • injuries to the spine or genital organs;
  • poor nutrition and deficiency of important components;
  • bad habits;
  • emotional shocks and stress;
  • fixation on the fact that sex will be short-lived and orgasm will be rapid.

Harmful environmental living and working conditions, a sedentary lifestyle, poor circulation and vascular diseases, low immunity and chronic diseases can also negatively affect the functioning of the genitourinary system.

How to prolong sexual intercourse on your own

If a man knows for sure that premature ejaculation is not caused by serious diseases and dysfunctions in the body, he can resort to therapy at home. This can be done with folk remedies, tablets and external remedies, special techniques and exercises. The main thing is that the actions are comprehensive and regular.

Correct breathing

To prolong the time of sexual intercourse, a man first needs to monitor his breathing. Surely many have noticed that orgasm occurs when breathing accelerates or when it stops. Experts advise controlling this process, thereby delaying the onset of ejaculation.

Do you know how to breathe correctly during sex?


Under no circumstances should you hold your breath; on the contrary, breathing should be deep, even and in the same rhythm. If you hold your breath while approaching orgasm, this will only push the body towards the corresponding impulses and processes. The more uniform the breathing, the longer a man can be active in bed.

Choosing a suitable pose

Also, the duration of sexual intercourse and the time of orgasm directly depends on the condition of the muscles. You can delay ejaculation if you do not strain the muscles in the pelvis, abs and buttocks. The ideal positions are those in which the man will be as relaxed as possible, namely:

  • woman on top - a man can completely relax his muscles, since the whole process is led by a woman;
  • “spoon” position – both partners lie on their sides, the man aligns himself with the woman from behind, making minimal effort to perform sexual intercourse;
  • “Doggy style” - a woman stands on all fours, and a man sits behind her, kneeling.

But the most dangerous position, in which a man is maximally tense and risks cumming much faster than he would like, is the missionary position, when he lies on top of a woman. In this position, the muscles of the legs, perineum, and abs are excessively tense, as a result of which everything happens quickly.

Healthy eating and sports

The first thing you should start working on yourself with is changing your lifestyle, namely correcting your diet and playing sports. The type of foods a man eats directly affects his health status and the functioning of the genitourinary system as well. The diet must include the following products:

  • seafood;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs and offal;
  • oatmeal;
  • nuts and honey;
  • citrus;
  • greens, namely spinach, celery, parsley;
  • garlic and onion;
  • cabbage and broccoli;
  • mushrooms;
  • potato;
  • dark chocolate;
  • bananas, avocados, strawberries;
  • carrot.

The most important substances for men are proteins, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamins A and E, zinc and selenium, amino acids, flavonoids, etc. The diet should contain as many vegetables and fruits as possible so that a man receives all the necessary resources for the body to function without the risk of obesity.

Sports and an active lifestyle are the best prevention of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, poor circulation and erectile dysfunction. Sports such as running, swimming, cycling, and walking are useful for the sexual sphere. The main thing is that the loads are regular and moderate, otherwise the opposite effect may be obtained.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

Any sexual disorders and dysfunctions need to be corrected first of all with the help of a competent diet and lifestyle changes. In most cases, this is enough for a complete recovery.

Sex technique

An experienced lover always knows what to do to ensure that sexual intercourse is long enough and enjoyable for both partners. You can lengthen the time of sexual intercourse using several rules:

  • You can insert the penis into the vagina only if the girl is close to orgasm or has already had one. Caresses, oral sex and clitoral stimulation can help with this. And even if the sex is quick, it won’t be so important to the woman.
  • To delay the process of ejaculation, you need to constantly change the rhythm, making slow but fast movements.
  • As soon as a man feels the approach of orgasm, he needs to pause his movements or change his position to reduce the degree of excitability.
  • To reduce the sensitivity of the genital organ, you can use high-density condoms.
  • You can reduce the degree of excitability if, during sexual intercourse, you alternate deep and shallow penetrations into the vagina.

Thanks to these simple secrets of performing sexual intercourse, a man will gradually get used to delaying the moment of orgasm. And for this you don’t have to swallow pills, use prolongators and other means.

Communication and trusting relationship with your partner

Every man has a deep-seated instinct to quickly impregnate a female before another predator attacks. It will work when a man does not have comfortable conditions for intercourse and a trusting relationship with a woman. Relationships with a woman directly affect the quality of sexual intercourse, so a man needs:

  • avoid conflicts with your partner;
  • communicate openly, discussing all her preferences and desires;
  • do not have sex if you are tired, stressed or depressed.

Also, special attention should be paid to the conditions in which intercourse will take place. The room should not be low or high temperature, strangers, disturbing noises, bright lights. Any distractions will throw a man off the desired rhythm and technique.

Take a break from the girl's figure in bed

Methods to prolong sexual intercourse may not be effective if a man does not control his thoughts. Since the cause of rapid sexual intercourse is often excessive excitability, a man needs to reduce the degree of passion in every possible way. To do this, during sexual intercourse you do not need to look at the woman’s figure and position.

On the contrary, you need to try to look to the side, switching your thoughts to third-party objects and phenomena. To delay orgasm, you can think about work, about unattractive girls, but do not overdo it, otherwise the man risks losing a strong erection. It is especially dangerous to look at a girl in a cowgirl or “doggy style” pose.

Kegel exercises

Certain muscle groups are responsible for erection, ejaculation, and orgasm. Therefore, experts have developed certain exercises to target the right muscles, thereby teaching a man self-control during sexual intercourse. The main emphasis is on pumping the pubococcygeus muscle.

There are two ways to find the PC muscle:

  1. During urination, a man needs to stop the stream of urine several times. The muscle that will be activated during this action is the PC muscle.
  2. During a morning erection, a man needs to move his penis, tensing and relaxing the PC muscle.

Next, a man needs to alternately tense and relax this muscle as often as possible during the day. You need to do the exercises for at least a month to achieve significant results. This can be done by first squeezing for 4-5 seconds and relaxing for the same period of time, then contracting and unclenching for 15-20 seconds and alternating with short compressions for a couple of seconds.

Drugs to prolong sex

If premature ejaculation is not a one-day problem, and conservative methods are unsuccessful, the man needs to see a doctor. A medical specialist will conduct a diagnosis, find out the etiology of the problem, and then prescribe the necessary medications.

Tablets and dietary supplements

Most effective method therapy for rapid ejaculation - these are pills that prolong sexual intercourse. But they can only be used according to a prescription from a urologist or andrologist. As a rule, the following tablet preparations are used:

  1. Dapoxetine– thanks to this remedy, sex is prolonged 4 times, the drug is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.
  2. Viagra– a synthetic stimulant of erection and potency, used before sexual intercourse. The effect lasts for about 4 hours, the main thing is to choose the right dosage.
  3. Super P-force– the drug is taken 1.5 hours before sexual intercourse, after which the effect of the tablets lasts another 11 hours. The drug is relatively new, but no one has yet disputed its effectiveness.
  4. Levitra– a synthetic drug for stimulation of sexual functions with a minimal list of contraindications and side effects. It is allowed even for diabetes; tablets can be combined with food and alcohol.
  5. Avanafil– a drug for one-time use if a man needs a strong and long-lasting erection. There are contraindications, so it is important to follow the instructions.

Synthetic drugs provide a quick but temporary effect, unlike dietary supplements and natural drugs. Dietary supplements should be used in a course manner for a complex and cumulative effect on the entire body and the genitourinary system. Among the dietary supplements, the following drugs are distinguished:

  • Semental– a dietary supplement based exclusively on natural ingredients, the effect of which increases the sexual potential and stamina of a man;
  • Impaza– a natural drug produced in Russia, which, subject to a course of use, eliminates the problems of low potency, erectile disorders and low libido;
  • Golden horse– this supplement will help prolong sexual intercourse if you take it for several months in a row, the tablets are compatible with alcohol and quickly increase .

Dietary supplements do not provide such a pronounced and rapid effect as synthetic tablets, but their effect will be long-lasting even after stopping the use of the drugs.


The most common means for prolonging sexual intercourse are topical lubricants in the form of ointments, gels and creams. Their main component is an anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of the head of the penis by inhibiting the transmission of nerve impulses in response to sexual stimulation.

The following lubricant preparations are distinguished:

  • Rhino cream prolonged action;
  • Bull Power Delay Gel;
  • Contex Long Love in the form of a gel lubricant.

Such products should be applied to the skin of the penis 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Lubricants have several disadvantages - they cannot be combined with the use of condoms, since the composition corrodes latex, there is a risk of developing allergies, and in addition, a sliding effect develops.

Also no less popular are products in the form of a spray, which need to be shaken and sprayed onto the surface of the penis before sexual intercourse. These drugs contain the anesthetic lidocaine, which prolongs sexual intercourse due to its freezing effect. The following prolongator sprays are distinguished: Stud 5000, Harmony Control, Peineili and LS Marafon.

Folk recipes

Alternative medicine is a worthy alternative to numerous methods, if you choose suitable recipes and remedies, using them in a course of 1 month or longer. Experts recommend the following recipes to prolong sexual intercourse:

  1. Oak bark. Brew a teaspoon of bark in 250 ml of boiling water, simmer for a little in a water bath, and then leave under the lid for a couple of hours. The decoction is taken in a glass for a week.
  2. Peppermint. You need to squeeze the juice out of the herb and then apply it to the skin of the phallus before sexual intercourse. You should also drink the herb regularly in the form of tea and decoction.
  3. Cornflower flowers. You need to prepare an infusion from the herb by brewing a tablespoon of the raw material in a glass of boiling water. First, you need to leave the product for several hours, then strain it and drink it in small portions for a month.

It is known that wheat oil is a good prolongator. But you just need to inhale it, without applying it to the skin of your penis, and even more so, without taking it orally. Its composition ensures an effect on male sex hormones. Currant and raspberry leaves, which can be added to salads, promise the same effect.

Solving the problem medically

Having not found answers to the question of what to do to eliminate the problem of premature ejaculation, doctors may resort to radical methods. The operation is prescribed for increased sensitivity of the penis and short frenulum. In this case, skeletonization of the penis is performed by cutting the nerve canals and crossing them.

Important! After such an operation, during the first 60-90 days the head of the penis may completely lose sensitivity. There is no need to be afraid, since over time the functioning of the nerve endings will be restored, albeit partially.

Video course by Alex May “How to prolong sexual intercourse”

Alex May is a famous Dutch psychologist and sexologist. Among his works there are recommendations and techniques thanks to which a man can get rid of the problem of premature ejaculation. All of them are contained in a video course that clearly shows how you can prolong sexual intercourse without pills and operations.

The video course is based on 5 techniques that will help prolong sexual intercourse 3 times in just one week, teach a man to pause orgasm and release semen, and show how you can bring a girl to orgasm without wasting time. Here the 4 components of long-term, high-quality sex will be described in detail.

It cannot be said unequivocally that any woman needs long sex, the main thing is that both the man and his partner achieve orgasm during this period of time. To do this, you need to remember a few more tricks and rules:

  • before sex, a woman should be well stimulated by foreplay;
  • during sexual intercourse you need to change positions and speed of movements several times;
  • in addition to movements in the vagina, a man needs to stimulate a woman’s clitoris;
  • before sexual intercourse, you can take a small dose of alcohol, which inhibits nerve impulses;
  • You can prolong sexual intercourse with a condom with thick walls, and speed up a woman’s orgasm with condoms with antennae, spikes and a relief texture;
  • Before sexual intercourse, you can masturbate until orgasm occurs; the second ejaculation will be much more difficult to achieve.

Also, a man needs to avoid stress, conflict situations, healthy image life and observe the work and rest regime. Sometimes problems in bed can be caused by simple fatigue and overwork, insomnia or lack of vitamins and useful substances. During the off-season, you need to take men's vitamin complexes.


Short intercourse and premature ejaculation are observed today in 30% of the male population around the world. Experts attribute such disappointing statistics to bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, as well as diseases internal organs. Having eliminated all possible causes of sexual dysfunction, only after this can a man apply techniques to prolong sexual intercourse.