Sp 11 104 97 updated version

code of practice. Engineering geodesical survey for construction

Introduced for the first time

See SP 11-104-97 "Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction. Part II "Surveying of underground utilities during engineering and geodetic surveys for construction", approved by the letter of the Department of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Works of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 2000 city ​​N 5-11/89

See SP 11-104-97 "Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction Part III" Engineering and hydrographic work during engineering surveys for construction", approved by the letter of the Office of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2004 N 9-20 /112

On engineering surveys for the preparation of design documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2006 N 20


The set of rules for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction has been developed in the development of the mandatory provisions and requirements of SNiP 11-02-96 "Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions".

According to SNiP 10-01-94 "System normative documents in construction. Basic Provisions" this Code of Rules is a federal regulatory document of the System and establishes general technical requirements and rules for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys, the composition and scope of certain types of survey work performed at the appropriate stages (stages) of development and use of the territory (design, construction, operation and liquidation of enterprises, buildings and structures).

By the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2003 N 164, SNiP 10-01-94 were recognized as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation from October 1, 2003.

1 area of ​​use

This Code of Rules establishes the general technical requirements and rules for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys to justify the design preparation for construction *, including urban planning documentation, as well as engineering and geodetic surveys performed during the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities and ensuring the formation of systems for accounting and technical inventory of objects real estate of all forms of ownership.

This document establishes the composition, scope, methods and technology for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys and is intended for use by legal and individuals carrying out activities in the field of engineering surveys for construction on the territory Russian Federation.

See also the Reference book of basic prices for engineering and geodetic surveys during the construction and operation of buildings and structures, approved by the letter of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 1998 N 9-4 / 84 and entered into force on January 1, 1999.

2. Regulatory references

SNiP 10-01-94 "The system of normative documents in construction. Basic provisions".

SNiP 11-01-95 "Instruction on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures."

SNiP 11-02-96 "Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions".

SNiP 3.01.03-84 "Geodetic works in construction".

SNiP 14-01-96 "Basic Provisions for the Creation and Maintenance of the State Urban Cadastre of the Russian Federation".

SNiP 22-01-25 "Geophysics of natural hazards".

SNiP 2.02.01-83* "Foundations of buildings and structures".

SNiP 2.01.09-91 "Buildings and structures on undermined territories and subsidence soils".

GOST 24846-81 "Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures".

GOST 27751-88 "Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions for calculation". Change No. 1.

GOST 22268-76 "Geodesy. Terms and definitions".

GOST 22651-77 "Cartography. Terms and definitions".

GOST 21.101-93 "Basic requirements for working documentation".

Instead of GOST 21.101-93, by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1997 N 18-75, from April 1, 1998, the Interstate Standard GOST 21.101-97 was put into effect

GOST 21.508-93 "Rules for the execution of working documentation for master plans for enterprises, structures and housing and civil facilities."

GOST 21.510-83* "SPDS. Railway tracks. Working drawings".

GOST 21.511-83* "SPDS. Highways. Subgrade and pavement".

GOST 21.511-83 by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of January 23, 1997 N 18-2 is recognized as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation since June 1, 1997

See GOST R 21.1701-97 "SPDS. Rules for the execution of working documentation for highways", which entered into force on June 1, 1997.

SP 11-101-95 "Procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures."

"Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation" (Gosstroy of Russia. - M .: GP TsPP, 1994).

GKINP-17-002-93 "Instruction on the procedure for the implementation of state geodetic supervision in the Russian Federation" (Roskartografiya. - M, 1993).

GKINP-07-016-91 "Rules for laying centers and benchmarks at points of the geodetic and leveling networks of the USSR" (TsNIIGAiK. - M .: Nedra, 1991).

"Conventional signs for topographic plans of scales 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500" (GUGK USSR. - M.: Nedra, 1989).

"Conventional signs for topographic plans at a scale of 1:500. Drawing rules" (Mosgorgeotrest. - M, 1978).

"Classifier of topographic information (Information displayed on maps and plans at scales 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000)" GUGK USSR. - M.: Nauka, 1986.

PR 50.2.002-94 "SSI. The procedure for the implementation of state metrological supervision over the release, condition and use of measuring instruments, certified methods for performing measurements, standards and compliance with metrological rules and norms."

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2002 N 174, the above Regulation was declared invalid and a new Regulation on licensing activities for engineering surveys for the construction of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility was approved

  • Geodetic base for construction
  • Reference geodetic network
  • Planned-altitude survey geodetic network
  • 5.56. As a result of engineering and geodetic surveys to create a geodetic base, the following should be presented:
  • Topographic surveys to scale
  • 1:10000, 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500, 1:200
  • 5.74. As a result of the topographic survey, the following should be presented:
  • Horizontal and high-altitude (vertical) survey of built-up areas
  • Scale shooting
  • Tacheometric survey
  • Aerial photography
  • 5.105. As a result of aerial photography, additionally (clause 5.74) should be submitted:
  • 5.122. As a result of the planned-altitude preparation of aerial photographs, the following additionally (clause 5.74) are submitted:
  • 5.131. As a result of an aerial photographic survey performed by a combined method, in addition (clause 5.74) the following must be submitted:
  • Terrestrial phototopographic survey
  • Shooting of underground and elevated structures
  • 5.188. As a result of the survey of underground and above-ground structures, in addition (clause 5.74), the following should be submitted:
  • Substantiation, creation (compilation) on the basis of available materials and publication of engineering topographic and cadastral plans
  • Engineering and hydrographic works
  • 5.215. As a result of the engineering and hydrographic work, the following should be presented:
  • Transfer to nature and binding of engineering-geological workings, geophysical, hydrogeological and other points
  • 5.219. As a result of carrying out work on transferring to nature and tying engineering-geological workings (points), the following should be presented:
  • 6. Engineering and geodetic surveys for the development of pre-project documentation
  • 7. Engineering and geodetic surveys for project development
  • 7.3. To develop a project for the reconstruction (expansion) of the facility, additionally (clause 5.17) should be submitted:
  • 8. Engineering and geodetic surveys for the development of working documentation
  • 9. Engineering and geodetic surveys during the construction, operation and liquidation of buildings and structures
  • 10. Engineering and geodetic surveys in areas of development of hazardous natural and techno-natural processes General requirements
  • Areas of development of slope processes
  • Areas of karst development
  • Areas for processing the banks of rivers, seas, lakes and reservoirs
  • Areas of modern discontinuous tectonic displacements
  • 10.78. According to the results of geodetic measurements, in addition to those given in paragraphs. On 10.10-10.12 of the reporting technical documentation, the following materials and data are submitted:
  • Undermined territories
  • Flooded areas
  • 10.91. As a result of the performed engineering and geodetic surveys, in addition to those given in paragraphs. 10.10-10.12 represent:
  • Observations of deformations of buildings and structures
  • Appendix a (recommended) terms and definitions
  • Annex b (mandatory) requirements for the construction of a geodetic base for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys at construction sites
  • Application in
  • (required)
  • Requirements for the construction of geodetic reference networks for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction
  • Triangulation
  • polygonometry
  • Requirements for measuring directions on wall signs in polygonometry
  • Trilateration
  • Leveling
  • Annex d (mandatory) requirements for the production and accuracy of topographic surveys in engineering surveys for construction
  • Annex e (mandatory) requirements for the content of engineering and topographic plans for the design and construction of enterprises, buildings and structures
  • Annex e (recommended) geodetic measuring instruments used in engineering and geodetic surveys and subject to verification in the metrological support of geodetic measurements
  • Annex g (informative) satellite geodetic tools of the global positioning system used in engineering surveys for construction
  • Content
  • The system of regulatory documents in construction



    Engineering and geodetic surveys for the construction of sp 11-104-97

    Introduction date 1998-01-01


    DEVELOPED by the Production and Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS) of the State Construction Committee of Russia, Rosstroyizyskania, TsNIIGAiK, Mosgorgeotrest, Ingeodin Research and Production Center, Hydroproject Institute JSC, Mosgiprotrans JSC, Giprorechtrans JSC , Giprokauchuk OJSC with the participation of TsNIIS OJSC, LenTISIZ LLP, Lengiprotrans OJSC, Lengiprorechtrans OJSC, Energosetproekt, Soyuzdorproekt institutes, GSPI RTV, the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory, the Department of Architecture and urban planning of the Tver region, JSC "Morinzhgeologia", JSC "Minaron".

    INTRODUCED by PIIIIS Gosstroy of Russia.

    APPROVED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Works of the Gosstroy of Russia (letter dated October 14, 1997 No. 9-4 / 116).


    The set of rules for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction was developed in the development of the mandatory provisions and requirements of SNiP 11-02-96 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic Provisions»

    According to SNiP 10-01-94 “The system of regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions" this Code of Rules is a federal regulatory document of the System and establishes general technical requirements and rules for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys, the composition and scope of certain types of survey work performed at the appropriate stages (stages) of development and use of the territory (design, construction, operation and liquidation of enterprises, buildings and structures).

    1 area of ​​use

    This Code of Rules establishes the general technical requirements and rules for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys to justify the design preparation for construction *, including urban planning documentation, as well as engineering and geodetic surveys performed during the construction, operation and liquidation of objects and ensuring the formation of accounting systems for the technical inventory of real estate all forms of ownership.

    This document establishes the composition, volumes, methods and technology for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys and is intended for use by legal entities and individuals engaged in activities in the field of engineering surveys for construction on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    2. Regulatory references

    SNiP 10-01-94 “The system of regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions".

    SNiP 11-01-95 "Instruction on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures."

    SNiP 11-02-96 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic Provisions".

    SNiP 3.01.03-84 "Geodetic works in construction".

    SNiP 14-01-96 "Basic provisions for the creation and maintenance of the state urban cadastre of the Russian Federation."

    SNiP 22-01-85 "Geophysics of natural hazards".

    SNiP 2.02.01-83* "Foundations of buildings and structures".

    SNiP 2.01.09-91 "Buildings and structures on undermined territories and subsidence soils".

    GOST 24846-81 “Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures.

    GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions for the calculation. Change #1.

    GOST 22268-76 Geodesy. Terms and Definitions".

    GOST 22651 Cartography. Terms and Definitions".

    GOST 21.101-93 "Basic requirements for working documentation".

    GOST 21.508-93 "Rules for the implementation of working documentation for master plans for enterprises, structures and housing and civil facilities."

    GOST 21.510-83* “SPDS. Railway tracks. Working drawings".

    GOST 21.511-83* “SPDS. Car roads. Earthbed and road pavement.

    SP 11-101-95 "Procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures."

    "Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation" (Gosstroy of Russia. - M .: GP TsPP, 1994).

    GKINP-17-002-93. "Instruction on the procedure for the implementation of state geodetic supervision in the Russian Federation" (Roskartografiya. - M, 1993).

    GKINP-07-016-91 "Rules for laying centers and benchmarks at points of the geodetic and leveling networks of the USSR" (TsNIIGAiK. - M.: Nedra, 1991).

    “Conventional signs for topographic plans at scales 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500” (GUGK USSR. - Nedra, 1989).

    “Conventional signs for topographic plans at a scale of 1:500. Inscription rules "(Mosgorgeotrest. - M, 1978).

    "Classifier of topographic information (Information displayed on maps and plans of scales 1:500,1:1000,1:2000,1:5000,1:10000)" GUGK USSR. - M.: Nauka, 1986.

    PR 50.2.002-94 “GSI. The procedure for exercising state metrological supervision over the production, condition and use of measuring instruments, certified methods for performing measurements, standards and compliance with metrological rules and norms.

    PTB-88. "Safety regulations for topographic and geodetic works".

    * Project preparation of construction includes: determination of the purpose of investment, development of a petition (declaration) of intent to invest and justify investments in construction, development of urban planning, design and working documentation for the construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures.

    The system of regulatory documents in construction



    SP 11-104-97




    DEVELOPED by the Production and Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS) of the State Construction Committee of Russia, State Construction Agency "Rosstroyizyskania", TsNIIGAiK, Mosgorgeotrest, Research and Production Center "Ingeodin", JSC "Institute Hydroproject", JSC "Mosgiprotrans", JSC "Giprorechtrans" , JSC "Giprokauchuk" with the participation of JSC "TsNIIS", LenTISIZ LLP, JSC "Lengiprtrans", JSC "Lengiprorechtrans", institutes "Energosetproekt", "Soyuzdorproekt", GSPI RTV, the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory, the Department of Architecture and urban planning of the Tver region, JSC "Morinzhgeologia", JSC "Minaron".

    INTRODUCED by PIIIIS Gosstroy of Russia.

    APPROVED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Works of the Gosstroy of Russia (letter dated October 14, 1997 No. 9-4 / 116).


    The set of rules for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction has been developed in the development of the mandatory provisions and requirements of SNiP 11-02-96 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic Provisions»

    According to SNiP 10-01-94 "System of regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions” this Code of Rules is a federal regulatory document of the System and establishes general technical requirements and rules for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys, the composition and scope of certain types of survey work performed at the relevant stages (stages) of development and use of the territory (design, construction, operation and liquidation of enterprises, buildings and structures).




    date introductions 1998-01-01


    This Code of Rules establishes the general technical requirements and rules for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys to justify the design preparation for construction *, including urban planning documentation, as well as engineering and geodetic surveys performed during the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities and ensuring the formation of accounting systems for the technical inventory of real estate all forms of ownership.

    This document establishes the composition, scope, methods and technology for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys and is intended for use by legal entities and individuals engaged in activities in the field of engineering surveys for construction on the territory of the Russian Federation.


    SNiP 10-01-94 "System of regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions".

    SNiP 11-01-95 "Instruction on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures."

    SNiP 11-02-96 "Engineering surveys for construction. Basic Provisions".

    SNiP 3.01.03-84 "Geodetic works in construction".

    SNiP 14-01-96 "Basic provisions for the creation and maintenance of the state urban cadastre of the Russian Federation."

    SNiP 22-01-85 "Geophysics of natural hazards".

    SNiP 2.02.01-83* "Foundations of buildings and structures".

    SNiP 2.01.09-91 "Buildings and structures on undermined territories and subsidence soils".

    GOST 24846-81 "Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures.

    GOST 27751-88 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions for the calculation. Change #1.

    GOST 22268-76 Geodesy. Terms and Definitions".

    GOST 22651 Cartography. Terms and Definitions".

    GOST 21.101-93 "Basic requirements for working documentation".

    GOST 21.508-93 "Rules for the implementation of working documentation for master plans for enterprises, structures and civil housing facilities."

    GOST 21.510-83* “SPDS. Railway tracks. Working drawings".

    GOST 21.511-83* “SPDS. Car roads. Earthbed and road pavement.

    SP 11-101-95 "Procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures."

    "Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation" (Gosstroy of Russia. - M .: GP TsPP, 1994).

    GKINP-17-002-93. "Instruction on the procedure for the implementation of state geodetic supervision in the Russian Federation" (Roskartografiya. - M, 1993).

    GKINP-07-016-91 "Rules for laying centers and benchmarks at the points of the geodetic and leveling networks of the USSR" (TsNIIGAiK. - M .: Nedra, 1991).

    "Conventional signs for topographic plans at scales 1:5000, 1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500" (GUGK USSR. - Nedra, 1989).

    “Conventional signs for topographic plans at a scale of 1:500. Rules of inscription "(Mosgorgeotrest. - M, 1978).

    "Classifier of topographic information (Information displayed on maps and plans of scales 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000)" GUGK USSR. - M.: Nauka, 1986.

    PR 50.2.002-94 “GSI. The procedure for exercising state metrological supervision over the production, condition and use of measuring instruments, certified methods for performing measurements, standards and compliance with metrological rules and norms.

    PTB-88. "Safety regulations for topographic and geodetic works".

    * Project preparation of construction includes: determination of the purpose of investment, development of a petition (declaration) of intent to invest and justify investment in construction, development of urban planning, design and working documentation for the construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures.


    3.1. In engineering and geodetic surveys, terms and definitions should be used in accordance with GOST 22268-76 and GOST 22651-77, as well as in accordance with Appendix A*.


    4.1. Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction should provide topographic and geodetic materials and data on the situation and terrain (including the bottom of watercourses, reservoirs and water areas), existing buildings and structures (ground, underground and aboveground) and other planning elements (in digital , graphic, photographic and other forms) necessary for a comprehensive assessment of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory (water area) of construction and justification of the design, construction, operation and liquidation of objects, as well as the creation and maintenance of state cadastres, ensuring the management of the territory, conducting real estate transactions.

    4.2. Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction must be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislative and regulations Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-02-96 and this Code of Rules.

    During engineering and geodetic surveys, the requirements of the regulatory and technical documents of the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography of Russia (Roskartografiya) regulating geodetic and cartographic activities in accordance with the federal law "On Geodesy and Cartography" must be observed.

    4.3. Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction must be carried out by legal entities and individuals who have received, in the prescribed manner, a license for their production in accordance with the "Regulations on Licensing Construction Activities" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 1996 No. 351), which provides for the following:

    topographic, geodetic and cartographic works in the course of construction activities (according to the list of works agreed with the Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia);

    engineering and geodetic surveys for the construction of buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility, geodetic works in construction, as well as engineering services.

    4.4. As a result of engineering and geodetic surveys, including geodetic, topographic, aerial photography, stereophotogrammetric, engineering hydrographic, tracing, stationary geodetic observations, cadastral and other special work and research, as well as geodetic work in the process of construction, operation and liquidation of enterprises, buildings and facilities are provided:

    development of reference geodetic networks, including special-purpose geodetic networks for construction;

    updating topographic and engineering topographic plans;

    creation of engineering and topographic plans (in graphic, digital, photographic and other forms), profiles and other topographic and geodetic materials and data intended to substantiate the design preparation for construction (urban planning documentation, justifications for investments in construction, projects and working documentation);

    creation and maintenance of geographic information systems (GIS) of settlements and enterprises, state cadastres (urban planning in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 14-01-96, land, etc.);

    creation and updating of thematic maps, plans and atlases special purpose(in graphic, digital, photographic and other forms);

    creation of a topographic base and obtaining geodetic data for performing other types of engineering surveys, including geotechnical control, surveying soils of foundations of buildings and structures, developing measures for engineering protection and local monitoring of territories, architectural supervision of the use of survey products in the construction process;

    formation and maintenance of state territorial funds of engineering survey materials of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government and the state departmental fund of materials of complex engineering surveys (including engineering and geodetic surveys) of the Federal Executive Authority for Construction (Gosstroy of Russia), as well as other funds ministries and departments;

    real estate transactions, territory management.

    4.5. The formation, use and disposal of state territorial funds of engineering survey materials is carried out in accordance with the established procedure by the bodies of architecture and urban planning of the executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government(if this right is delegated to them), and the state departmental fund of materials for complex engineering surveys - Gosstroy of Russia.

    4.6. Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction are carried out as an independent type of engineering surveys and in combination with other types of engineering surveys (survey works and studies), including engineering-geological, engineering-hydrometeorological and engineering-ecological surveys, as well as surveys of soil building materials and sources of water supply based on groundwater.

    4.7. Engineering and geodetic surveys should be carried out, as a rule, in three stages: preparatory, field and cameral.

    In the preparatory phase, the following must be done:

    registration of relevant licenses for the right to conduct engineering surveys for construction;

    obtaining technical specifications and preparation of contractual (contract) documentation;

    collection and processing of engineering survey materials of past years for the area (section, site) of surveys, as well as topographic and geodetic, cartographic, aerial photography and other materials and data held in state and departmental funds;

    preparation of a program (order) of engineering and geodetic surveys in accordance with the requirements of the customer's technical assignment and paragraphs. 4.14. and 5.6 SNiP 11-02-96, taking into account hazardous natural and man-made conditions of the territory (water area);

    implementation in the prescribed manner of registration (obtaining permits) of the production of engineering and geodetic surveys.

    At the field stage, reconnaissance surveys of the territory (water area) and a set of field works as part of engineering and geodetic surveys, as well as the necessary amount of computational and other work on preliminary processing of the obtained materials and data to ensure control of their quality, completeness and accuracy, should be carried out.

    In the cameral stage, the following must be performed:

    final processing of field materials and data with an assessment of the accuracy of the results obtained, with information necessary for design and construction about objects, elements of the situation and terrain, about underground and above-ground structures, indicating their technical characteristics, as well as about hazardous natural and techno-natural processes;

    preparation and transfer to the customer of a technical report (explanatory note) with the necessary annexes based on the results of the engineering and geodetic surveys; transfer in the prescribed manner of reporting materials of completed engineering and geodetic surveys to state funds (clause 4.25 of SNiP 11-02-96).

    4.8. Registration (issuance of permits) for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys is carried out in accordance with the established procedure by the bodies of architecture and urban planning of the executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government (if this right has been delegated to them).

    Registration (issuance of permits) for the production of federal geodetic and cartographic works in the course of construction activities is carried out in accordance with the established procedure by the bodies of state geodetic supervision of Roskartography in accordance with the “Instruction on the procedure for exercising state geodetic supervision in the Russian Federation”.

    Registration (issuance of permits) of the production of engineering and geodetic surveys on existing federal railways within the right of way is carried out in the departments of the relevant railways.

    4.9. The tasks and basic initial data for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys, the requirements for the accuracy of work, reliability and reliability, as well as the completeness of the submitted topographic and geodetic materials and data as part of the technical report should be established in the customer's technical assignment in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-02-96 and if necessary, they can be refined and detailed when determining the scope and scope of work in the engineering survey program.

    4.10. The boundaries and areas of engineering and geodetic survey sites should be established by the customer in the terms of reference, taking into account the need to ensure the implementation of other types of engineering surveys for construction, justification of engineering protection from hazardous natural and man-made processes, as well as local monitoring of their development in the study area.

    4.11. Geodetic instruments used for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys, on the basis of the law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" must be certified and verified in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of the State Standard of Russia (PR 50.2.002-94, etc.).

    Organizations performing engineering and geodetic surveys for construction should develop lists of measuring instruments to be verified, taking into account the specifics of the work being carried out. The name of the measuring instruments used in engineering and geodetic surveys and subject to verification are given in Appendix E.

    4.12. During engineering and geodetic surveys, the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection, environmental protection and on the conditions for observing fire safety (PTB-88, etc.) must be observed.

    4.13. Based on the results of the engineering and geodetic surveys, a technical report or explanatory note should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 4.22-4.24, 5.13-5.19 SNiP 11-02-96.


    5.1. In accordance with clause 5.3 of SNiP 11-02-96, during engineering and geodetic surveys for construction, the following are performed:

    collection and processing of engineering survey materials of past years, topographic and geodetic, cartographic, aerial photography and other materials and data;

    reconnaissance survey of the territory (water area) of surveys;

    creation (development) of reference geodetic networks (planned networks of 3rd and 4th classes and thickening networks of 1st and 2nd categories, leveling network of II, III, IV classes), as well as special-purpose geodetic networks for construction;

    creation of planned high-altitude survey geodetic networks;

    topographic (terrestrial, aerial phototopographic, stereophotogrammetric, etc.) survey on a scale of 1:10000 - 1:200, including survey of underground and above-ground structures;

    transferring the project to nature with the preparation of the relevant act;

    updating topographic (engineering and topographic) plans on a scale of 1:10000 - 1:200 and cadastral plans in graphic, digital, photographic and other forms;

    engineering and hydrographic works;

    geodetic work related to the transfer to nature and binding of mine workings, geophysical and other points of engineering surveys;

    geodetic stationary observations of deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures, the earth's surface and rock masses in areas of development of hazardous natural and techno-natural processes;

    engineering and geodetic support of geographic information systems (GIS) of settlements and enterprises, state cadastres (urban planning, etc.);

    creation (compilation) and publication (reproduction) of engineering and topographic plans, cadastral and thematic maps and plans, special-purpose atlases (in graphic, digital and other forms);

    cameral processing of materials;

    drawing up a technical report (explanatory note).

    The composition of engineering and geodetic surveys for the construction of linear structures additionally includes:

    cameral tracing and preliminary selection of competitive route options for field work and surveys;

    field tracing;

    surveys of existing railways and roads, drawing up longitudinal and transverse profiles, intersections of power lines (TL), communication lines (LS), radio communication facilities, radio relay lines and main pipelines;

    coordination of the main elements of structures and external measurements of buildings (structures);

    determination of the total and useful lengths of railway tracks at stations and the dimensions of the approach of buildings.


    1. The construction (development) of a reference geodetic network of the 3rd class and topographic survey (updating topographic maps) at a scale of 1:10000 during engineering and geodetic surveys is allowed to be carried out in agreement with the territorial inspections of the State Geonadzor of Roskartografiya.

    2. The composition of engineering and geodetic surveys performed during the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities is given in clause 9.1.

    Geodetic base for construction

    5.2. The geodetic basis for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys at construction sites are:

    points of state geodetic networks (planned and high-rise), including points of satellite geodetic determinations of coordinates;

    points of the reference geodetic network, including geodetic networks for special purposes for construction;

    points of the geodetic center base;

    points (points) of the vertical survey geodetic network (permanent survey substantiation) and photogrammetric concentration.

    5.3. The accuracy of determining the vertical position, the density and conditions for fixing points (points) of the geodetic base must meet the requirements for the production of large-scale topographic surveys (updating engineering and topographic plans), including for the development of design and working documentation for enterprises, structures and residential and civil facilities ( according to GOST 21.101-93 and GOST 21.508-93), carrying out the project in nature, performing special engineering and geodetic works and stationary observations of hazardous natural and techno-natural processes, as well as ensuring the construction, operation and liquidation of facilities.

    5.4. Technical requirements for the construction of a geodetic base for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys at construction sites should be taken in accordance with Appendix B.

    During engineering surveys for the construction of technically complex and unique buildings and structures of the I level of responsibility established by GOST 27751-88 (change No. 1), as well as during stationary geodetic observations in areas with hazardous natural and techno-natural processes, the geodetic base must be created in the form of points (points ) geodetic networks for special purposes.

    5.5. The density of points (points) of the reference and survey geodetic networks should be at least 4, 12, 16 points (points) on an undeveloped territory per 1 km 2 for surveys at a scale of 1:5000, 1:2000 and 1:1000, respectively.

    For surveying at a scale of 1:500, the density of points (points) must be set in the survey program.

    5.6. In the production of engineering and geodetic surveys of linear structures, the geodetic basis is the points (points) of the planned high-altitude survey geodetic network created in the form of main passages laid along the route.

    The main passages of the survey geodetic network in the surveys of linear structures must be tied in plan and in height to the points of the state or reference geodetic network at least 30 km apart (for surveys of the main canals, 8 km).

    When removing points of the state or reference geodetic network from the route at a distance of more than 5 km, it is allowed to determine, instead of the planned binding, at least every 15 km, the true azimuths of the sides of the main course. Methods for determining true azimuths and requirements for measurement accuracy should be established in the survey program.

    When surveying linear structures in the territories of towns and other settlements, as well as industrial (agro-industrial) and mining enterprises, the planned and high-altitude binding of the survey geodetic network to the points of the state or reference geodetic network is mandatory.

    5.7. The geodetic basis for creating plans for the coastal zone of rivers, seas, lakes and reservoirs should be created in a single system of coordinates and heights with points of adjacent land.

    On the territory of settlements, engineering and hydrographic work is carried out in the coordinate system of the settlement in the accepted layout of topographic (engineering and topographic) plans.

    5.8. The systems of coordinates and heights when performing engineering and geodetic surveys should be established during the registration (issuance of a permit) for the production of engineering surveys by the relevant architectural and urban planning authorities of the executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government, as well as in the prescribed manner by the bodies of the State Geonadzor of Roskartografii.


    For geodetic points taken as initial, extracts from the catalogs of coordinates and heights, certified by the organizations that issued these data, should be compiled.

    Reference geodetic network

    5.9. The reference geodetic network should be designed taking into account its subsequent use in geodetic support for the construction and operation of the facility.

    The density of points of the reference geodetic network during the production of engineering and geodetic surveys should be set in the survey program based on:

    at least four points per 1 km 2 in built-up areas;

    one point per 1 km 2 in undeveloped areas.

    The marginal error (limiting error) * of the mutual planned position of adjacent points of the reference geodetic network after its adjustment should not exceed 5 cm.

    * Hereinafter referred to as "limit error".

    5.10. The planned position of the points of the reference geodetic network during engineering and geodetic surveys for construction should be determined by the methods of triangulation, polygonometry, trilateration, construction of linear-angular networks, as well as on the basis of the use of satellite geodetic equipment (GPS receivers, etc.) and their combination.

    Altitude binding of the centers of points of the reference geodetic network should be carried out by leveling IV class or technical (trigonometric) leveling, taking into account the types of centers laid down, as well as using satellite geodetic equipment.

    5.11. When constructing a reference geodetic network, the requirements given in Appendix B must be observed.

    Methods for determining the coordinates and heights of points (points) of geodetic equipment (Appendix G), measuring the lengths of the base (output) sides in triangulation, as well as measuring the lengths of the sides in polygonometry with light range finders and electronic total stations should be adopted based on the requirements for measurement accuracy and instructions from firms (enterprises ) - manufacturers of these devices.

    5.12. The fixing of points of the reference geodetic network on the ground and their external design should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of Roskartografiya (“Rules for laying centers and benchmarks at points of the geodetic and leveling networks of the USSR”) and taking into account the requirements of production and industry (departmental) regulatory documents for the production engineering and geodetic surveys for certain types of construction (hydrotechnical, energy, transport, reclamation, etc.).

    It is advisable to combine the centers of the planned geodetic network and the benchmarks of the leveling lines.

    It is allowed, in agreement with the body that registers (issues permits) for the production of engineering and geodetic surveys, to use the types of centers and benchmarks, the design of which differs from those established in the regulatory documents of Roskartografii, provided that their stability, long-term preservation, external design and environmental protection are ensured (preservation of valuable lands, plantations, etc.).


    The protection of points of the reference geodetic network must be carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on protected zones and the protection of geodetic points on the territory of the Russian Federation" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 7, 1996 No. 1170).

    5.13. Leveling marks must be laid in the walls of capital buildings and structures built at least two years before the laying of the mark.

    Ground benchmarks should be laid only in the absence of capital buildings (structures) near the location.

    Leveling from wall marks and benchmarks is allowed no earlier than three days after their laying, and from fundamental and ground benchmarks - no earlier than 10 days after backfilling the pit.

    In areas where permafrost soils are distributed, fundamental and ground leveling benchmarks can be used for:

    pit method of laying the benchmark - in the field season following the laying;

    laying the benchmark by drilling - not earlier than 10 days after laying;

    laying the benchmark by drilling with soil thawing - not earlier than two months after laying.


    The coordinates of ground (fundamental) benchmarks are determined by instrumental measurements or graphically according to plans (maps) of the largest scale.

    5.14. A continuous triangulation network must be supported by at least three reference geodetic points and at least two reference sides.

    The chain of triangles must be based on the initial geodetic points and the two initial sides of the geodetic network of a higher class (category) adjacent to them.

    In independent triangulation networks that are not based on points of the highest class or category, at least two basic (output) sides are measured.

    5.15. When installing geodetic signs in the form of special metal or wooden superstructures on buildings (structures), the possibility of transferring the coordinates of these signs to the centers of polygonometry (preferably to wall signs) with the measurement of at least two bases should be taken into account.

    Places of installation of geodetic points (signs) on buildings and structures of the built-up area must be agreed with the architecture and urban planning authorities of the executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government.

    5.16. The coordinates of the center of the triangulation point installed on the building should be taken down to the ground using an electronic total station or theodolite and a light rangefinder. Demolition of coordinates should be carried out simultaneously on four ground working centers located in pairs in opposite directions. Each working ground center must be secured with two wall signs. In this case, the distance between adjacent working centers must be at least 200 m, and the accuracy of measuring angles and lines must correspond to the accuracy of the polygonometry of the corresponding category.

    5.17. In a built-up area, in the absence of signs of the state and (or) reference geodetic networks or local objects (spires of prominent buildings, water towers, etc.) visible from the ground (from a tripod above the center of the point), at each point of triangulation (trilateration) at a distance not less than 500 m from it, two landmarks should be installed, fixed by ground centers of the type "5 g.r." or "6 years old".

    In a closed (forest) area, the distance between the geodesic point and landmarks may be reduced to 250 m, while the landmarks must be spaced over 50 m.

    In the case of adjoining the points of triangulation (trilateration) of polygonometric passages, reference signs are not installed at the points.

    5.18. The reduction elements (centering and reduction) on triangulation signs (signals, pyramids) should be determined twice: before observations and after them.

    The lengths of the sides of the error triangles obtained by graphical determination of the reduction elements should not exceed 10 mm.

    Linear differences between two adjacent definitions of centering or reduction shall not exceed 10 mm.

    5.19. When determining the heights of triangulation points installed on buildings, as well as in mountainous areas, by the method of trigonometric leveling, the measurement of vertical angles with theodolites of the 3T2KP type (equivalent to it) should be carried out in three full steps along the middle thread in the forward and reverse directions. In this case, fluctuations in the values ​​of vertical angles and "zero place", calculated from individual methods, should not exceed 15.

    The difference between forward and backward elevation shall not exceed 10 cm per kilometer of side length.

    Permissible residuals of trigonometric leveling, calculated along the running lines between the starting points of the network, the heights of which are determined by the method of geometric leveling, as well as in closed polygons formed by the sides of the geodetic network, should not exceed the value cm, where L- the number of kilometers in the course.

    5.20. A separate course of polygonometry should be based on two starting points and two starting directional angles. The application of polygonometry hanging moves is not allowed.

    Allowed in the absence of visibility from the ground to adjacent points:

    continuation of the course of polygonometry of 1 and 2 categories, based on two starting points, without angular binding to the original directional angle on one of them;

    laying a closed course of polygonometry of 1 and 2 categories, based on one starting point and one initial directional direction, provided that the directional angle is transmitted or measured from the points of the course of the directional angle with an error of no more than 15 in a weak place (middle of the course).

    coordinate binding - by laying the polygonometry path between two starting points without transferring the initial directional angles to them, while in order to detect gross errors in angular measurements, directional angles to landmarks or azimuths obtained from astronomical and other measurements should be used.

    5.21. The high-altitude reference geodetic network in the territory of engineering and geodetic surveys is being developed in the form of leveling networks of II, III and IV classes, as well as technical leveling, depending on the area and nature of the construction object.

    The starting points for the development of a high-altitude reference geodetic network for construction are the points of the state leveling network.

    The leveling network should be created in the form of separate passages, systems of passages (polygons) or in the form of an independent network and be tied to at least two initial leveling marks (benchmarks), as a rule, of the highest class.

    It is allowed to link the leveling lines of the reference geodetic network of class IV to the benchmarks of the state leveling network of class IV.

    5.22. Processing of the results of field measurements during the creation (development) of the reference geodetic network should be carried out using modern computer technology.

    Adjustment is performed by methods that ensure control of the obtained results and exclude random miscalculations in data processing.

    Adjustment of the planned reference geodetic network of class IV and the leveling network of class IV should be carried out using the least squares method.

    Condensation geodetic networks of 1st and 2nd categories may be adjusted using simplified methods. In this case, the results of calculating the values ​​of angles should be rounded up to whole seconds, and the values ​​of line lengths and coordinates should be rounded up to 1 mm.

    Programs for automated processing of measurement results during the creation (development) of reference geodetic networks should provide for printing:

    initial information;

    score results;

    evaluation of measurement accuracy.

    5.23. When processing the results of measurements in geodetic networks, you should use office processing software that has the appropriate passports, in accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Fund for Mass-Use Software in Construction (approved by the order of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 18, 1997 No. 17-18) or certificates.

    Planned-altitude survey geodetic network

    5.24. The survey geodetic network is built in the development of the reference geodetic network or as an independent