Wise sayings of Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him). Wise sayings of Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) Sayings of Ali ibn Abu Talib

Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) was the fourth righteous caliph. He was born in a large family, so the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, took him under his guardianship (being his relative). Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, was born in the Kaaba and was brought up in the family of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He was the first child to convert to Islam. He always accompanied the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with the exception of going to Tabuk, when he was left with those who needed help and protection. He was ready to sacrifice his own life to save the Prophet (peace be upon him) when he covered himself with the cloak of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and remained in his bed on the day of the assassination. Thanks to his courage and fortitude, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) had more time to escape. In the second year of the Hijra, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) married the daughter of the Prophet (peace be upon him), Fatima. Together they lived an exemplary life of righteousness, generosity and mercy towards others.

Some of Ali's wise sayings:

“Give rest and rest to your souls through wise, thought-provoking words. For just as the body gets tired and weak, so does the soul get tired.”

“There is no use in prayer that is not performed in a state of approach to the Creator; in fasting performed without warning from empty actions and sins of the tongue; in reading the Qur'an - without reflection; in knowledge not established in the heart; in property from which it is not donated to help people in need; in a brotherhood that does not manifest itself in difficult moments; in blessings for which gratitude is not given to Allah; in a dua uttered insincerely "

“People are hostile to what they don’t know”

“The ignorant will not be asked why they did not know, before the scientists answer the question: “Why were they not taught?”

"Good manners and humanity in religion are the fruits of common sense"

"Whoever is truly smart is short and concise in speech"

"Better to remain silent until asked than to speak until asked to be silent"

“Do not try to answer low words. For he who pronounces them has a lot in reserve, and he will again respond to your answer in the same way. ”

"Speak to people in a language they can understand"

"The hunchback has a crooked shadow"

“If you want to make friends with a person, then first keep some distance in relation to him. If at the same time he treats you normally, then continue the friendship, and if not, then refuse it.

“The smile of a mumin is on his face, and sadness is in his heart”

“To be able to achieve all possible benefits means to die a Muslim”

“What can the son of Adam boast about? Its beginning is in a drop of liquid, its end is in being eaten by worms. Just as he cannot even create his means of subsistence, so he cannot save himself from death.”

“Moments are steps towards death”

“He who exaggerates small misfortunes, the Almighty exposes great misfortunes”

“The price of a person is directly proportional to the content and purpose of his desires and aspirations”

"Destiny finds even those who do not seek it"

“There is no other payment for your souls than paradise. And if this is so, then sell your souls in exchange for paradise.

“The righteous are people who understand the inner essence of this world, while others see only its obvious, visible side”

“The faith of a slave in Allah will not be perfect until he trusts more in what Allah has than in what is in his own hands.”

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Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was an outstanding politician, public figure, great commander, beloved and loving husband and father, cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and His son-in-law. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) called him Abu Turab (father of the earth) and Haidar.

Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was born when Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was thirty years old, in the Holy Kaaba - in Mecca. This happy event happened on Friday, the 13th of the month of Rajab. Ali's father (may Allah be pleased with him) was Abu Talib, the son of Abdul Mutalib, and his mother was Fatimah, the daughter of Asad.

The birth of this boy was very amazing. No one before this was honored to be born in the house of Allah - the Kaaba. Strange things happened to his mother during pregnancy: the child, while still in the womb, protected the mother from everything haram. She stopped worshiping idols and became a very religious woman. Yazeed ibn Kanab said: “I was sitting next to the Kaaba with Abbas ibn Abdul Mutalib and several people from the clan of Abd al-Uzza when Fatima bint Asad approached us. She was nine months pregnant. Coming closer to the Kaaba, Fatima exclaimed: “O Allah! I believe in You and in what Your prophets have said and in the books sent down to them. I confirm the words of my ancestor Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He built this Haram. For the sake of Him and for the sake of this child that is in me, ease my birth!” We saw with our own eyes how the back wall of the Holy Kaaba moved apart, Fatima entered, and at that time the wall moved again. We rushed to open the doors of the Kaaba, but then we realized that there is Wisdom in this and everything happened by the will of Allah. Four days later, Fatimah bint Asad left the Kaaba with a baby in her arms.

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) Fatima bint Asad also considered his mother, since He grew up in their family and was raised by Fatima and Abu Talib. It is said that when Fatimah bint Asad died, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed Umar ibn Khattab, Usamat ibn Zayd, Abu Ayub al-Ansari and several slaves of Aswad (may Allah be pleased with them) to dig the grave. They were digging a grave in Bucky's cemetery. When they finished digging, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) descended into the grave and began to dig the niche of the grave himself. After that, he himself lay down in the grave and began to humbly ask Allah: “O Allah, forgive the sins of my mother Fatima, daughter of Asad, for the sake of Your Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), for the sake of all previous prophets (peace be upon them).” After praying to the Almighty Rasulullah (peace and blessings be upon him), he took off his shirt and put it on Fatima like a shroud. The astonished companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what is the wisdom of this act?” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “I lay down in the grave so that she would not squeeze Fatima, but put on a shirt so that she would get a paradise dress.”

There was a drought in Mecca Agriculture and cattle breeding fell into decay, famine began. Ali's father, Abu Talib, had a particularly difficult time because he had a large family. Seeing the position of his uncle, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to help him. Not knowing how and with what to help, he consulted with Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him). Both of them agreed that each of them would take one child of Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) to his upbringing and maintenance. When they came with this proposal to Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him), he immediately agreed. So Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) took Jafar to him, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) got Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).

Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), brought up by the Best Creation of the Almighty, differed from his peers in wit, deep knowledge in the field of Islam. He was the son, brother and support in everything for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) himself said to Ali: "You are for me, as Harun is for Musa (peace be upon them)." Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) converted to Islam at the age of ten. He was the first boy to convert to Islam. He was the same boy who went to the bed of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when the Quraish wanted to kill him, and thereby helped the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to leave Mecca.

Even in his youth, he was respected, even older than his age, by relatives, relatives and other companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Once Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) saw Ali sleeping in a mosque on damp ground. Then he woke him up with the words: "Get up, Abu Turab (father of the earth)", and since then some have called him Abu Turab.

After moving to Medina, the Ansar (inhabitants of Medina) fraternized with the Muhajir (inhabitants of Mecca), and then Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the Prophet and said: “O Rasulullah, to whom will I be a brother?” To which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “You are my brother!” Everyone knows that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was also the husband of the beloved daughter of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her).

Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the most courageous and strong warriors of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). There is also a case after which he was called the Lion of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) at the Battle of Khaybar, holding a banner in his hands, addressed the people: “The banner will be carried by a person whom Allah points out, whom Allah and His Prophet love and who loves Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him and blessing)". In the morning next day all the askhabs, each of whom thought that Rasulullah would hand the banner to him, gathered around the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), but Ali (may Allah be pleased with Him) was not among them. "Where is Ali?" asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). He was told that his eyes hurt. "Send for him!" - commanded the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). When Ali, who from excruciating pain could not even open his eyes, appeared before him, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wet his eyes with his saliva. At this time, the pain of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) instantly disappeared, as if he had never been sick. After that, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) handed a banner to Abu Turab (may Allah be pleased with him). Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I will try until they become like us.” To which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Call them to Islam!” Khaibar was taken. Ali fought the best and was called the Lion of Allah.

The Arabs had such a custom: before the start of the battle, the entire army went out fighters who wanted a personal duel before the battle. At the battle of Badr, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was the standard-bearer of the Muslims. Immediately before the battle, he fought with one of the leaders of the Meccan pagans Walid ibn Mughira and killed him, then hurried to the aid of Abu Ubaida (may Allah be pleased with him) and killed his opponent. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) gave him a sword with a forked blade - "Zulfikar". After the victory at Badr, a sword, a shield and a camel were handed over to him as a trophy.

In the battle of Uhud, he personally defended the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), was injured. During the conquest of Mecca, he was the standard-bearer of the Muslim army and, together with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), crushed the idols of the Kaaba, then participated in the battles against the tribes of Havazan and Sakif.

Virtues of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) about him

The virtues of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) can be talked about endlessly. Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) was very fond of his children - Hassan and Hussein (may Allah be pleased with them), because they were from the daughter of the Great Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). This man always tried his best to make sure they had a happy childhood. He always gathered them around him, played with them, presented them with various gifts. People even called him "the father of all orphans" - he always helped orphans and poor children.

Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) loved her husband very much. She obeyed him in everything. Peace and harmony reigned in their house. Nobody ever heard them even argue. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was the "sea of ​​knowledge". From Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted that in the Qur'an three hundred verses were revealed about Ali (may Allah be pleased with him).

All verses that begin with the words “I am ayyuha-l-lyazinnaamanu ...” are first addressed to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), and then to everyone else. He also said: "Looking at Ali's face is worship, dislike for him is dislike for me." With these words, Rasulullah made it clear how dear Haydar is to him and how much Allah loves him. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Ali is with the Koran, and the Koran is with Ali, and they will not part until we gather at Havz." In another hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) "Ray is in love with three people - they are Ali, Ammar and Salman." The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also called Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) the imam of true Muslims and a fighter against the erring.

What a great and good-natured person Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was, says the following incident. A companion named Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) said that once, when they were in the mosque, a beggar came there and began to ask. Nobody gave him charity. The beggar raised both hands to the sky and turned to the Creator: "Here I am in the mosque of Your Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), and no one gave me alms." When the beggar said this, Ali-ashab (may Allah be pleased with him) performed namaz and was in a bow from the waist, on his right hand there was a ring. Being in a bow, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) held out to the beggar right hand. He immediately understood the meaning of this gesture and quickly removed the ring from his finger. This was seen by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), who was in the mosque, and read a prayer for Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Just as Musa (peace be upon him) asked to make Harun (peace be upon him) vizier, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to make his vizier. Rasul did not have time to finish the prayer, when Jabrail (peace be upon him) arrived with an ayat from the Almighty. This verse, sent down in response to the prayer of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), is in Surah Maidat. It says that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was made the vizier of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), just as Harun was made the vizier of Musa (peace be upon him). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also asked in a prayer that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) perceived and remembered everything he heard, and this prayer was accepted. After that, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) did not forget a single hadith that he heard from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) considered love or hatred for Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) as signs of faith or hypocrisy. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him): “The one who loves you will enter Paradise first, and the one who hates you will enter Hell.” From Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) a hadith was transmitted that they heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him): “You are the leader in this world and in the next, love for you is love for me, and hatred for you is hatred for me.”

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Ali ibn Abu Talib is the wisest among my people and the most intelligent in resolving disputes that will arise after me.”

Once, three people approached Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) with a request to resolve one problem, which was related to the division of property between them and was very reminiscent of a mathematical problem. The property was 17 camels, and the difficulty was that the division should be uneven, and in accordance with the agreement of these people among themselves in the following proportion: 1/2 part - to the first; 1/3 part - the second and 1/9 - the third. Since 17 is not a multiple of two, three, or nine, the camel owners found themselves in a difficult position. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) immediately asked for another camel to be brought to him. Having added this camel to them, he divided them according to the requirements into two, three and nine, after which the first received nine camels, the second six, and the third two camels. And after each of them received his share, that 18th camel remained untouched and was returned back, since the sum of the received camels did not exceed 17: 9+6+2=17.

Once a Jew asked Abu Turab (may Allah be pleased with him) to name a number that would be divisible by all numbers up to ten. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) immediately advised him to multiply the total amount of the circumference by the number of days of the week to get the required amount. That is 360 degrees for 7 days. The resulting amount is 2520 and is divisible by all digits from one to ten:

The speed of thinking and answering a question, the quick wit and mind of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) are surprising.

Once a man came to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and shared that, by the will of Allah, both his wives gave birth on the same day, and both refused the girl. The father of newborn children did not know what to do and what wife to believe. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) advised to take from both wives in the same amount breast milk and weigh. The one whose milk turns out to be heavier is indeed the mother of the boy.

The same kind of story happened during the reign of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). Two women were brought to him with one child, and each of whom insisted that this was her baby. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) always addressed Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) in difficult situations. And this case was no exception. Then he asked to bring a saw. The women asked in amazement: “Why did you suddenly need a saw?” “In this way I am going to carry out the“ section ”of the baby between you, so that each gets half,” said Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Suddenly, one woman could not stand it and with a request that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) did not do this, she said: “If there is no other solution, I cede my rights to her.” Assessing her deed, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) stated that it was she who was the mother of this baby, because only a real mother can be frightened by such a decision. The other later confessed to her act.

Umar-ashab (may Allah be pleased with him) himself said about him: "If it were not for Ali, then Umar would have disappeared." Although Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was much younger than Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), he was not equal in knowledge.

About how Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) became Caliph, and about the events that took place during the reign

After Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) became a martyr, it was necessary to find a person worthy to entrust him with the affairs of the Caliphate. The choice settled on Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). The son of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) Muhammad ibn al-Hanifiya reports that after the murder of Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him), his father came to the house of Usman (may Allah be pleased with him) and locked the door behind him. People came and said: "Usman was killed, people need a caliph, we consider you the most worthy, take over the reign of the caliphate." “As a vizier, I will do you more good than as an amir,” Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) replied. But the people did not agree and did not accept his excuses, saying that they would not find a person more worthy than him. “If this is the case and you will not leave me alone, then the oath cannot be taken in secret. Let's gather people in the mosque of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), let them take the oath to whomever they want," suggested Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). They immediately went to the mosque, gathered people and together they swore allegiance to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Talhat ibn Ubaydullah was the first who, after swearing an oath, extended his hand to him. The hand of Talhat, extended first for the oath to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), was sick. Someone even remarked whether it would be happy for Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to take an oath that began with a sore hand. Zubair ibn Avam also swore allegiance to him.

The people of Basra were very pleased with Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Thus, the affairs of the Caliphate fell on the shoulders of Ali, the son of Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him). It is known that he never had a treasury, since he always distributed it to those in need. As soon as taxes (zakat) were collected, he immediately used them for their intended purpose. He even distributed grain to the poor. Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) himself lived in poverty. His whole life was full of asceticism. At night he read the Koran. And as caliph, he first of all asked to give more importance to religion and the study of the Koran.

Death of Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him)

In Mecca, three Khawarijites met secretly, each of whom undertook to kill one amir. Having concluded a strong agreement, they set off. According to the agreement, one of them went to Damascus, he undertook to kill Muawiyat. With one blow, he wounded Muawiyat, but the people caught the enemy. Muawiyat's wound healed and he survived. The captured enemy, who failed to kill Muawiyat, asked for mercy and told him the news that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) had been killed at the same time, hoping that Muawiyat would be pleased. He was sure that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was killed, because they firmly intended to end the three rulers on the same day, at the same time. Muawiyat left the enemy alive until he learned for certain about the death of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). It is said that he let him go, cutting off his arms and legs as punishment, when he found out that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was indeed killed.

The second undertook to kill Amr ibn As. He went to Egypt, found Amr and planned to kill him, as he undertook when he went to pray. But that day, Amr fell ill and stayed at home, and Harijat went to pray instead of him. When he started the prayer (or already during the prayer), the damned one hit Harijat, mistaking him for Amr. The blow turned out to be accurate, Harijat died, and the killer, who made a mistake, was seized and taken to Amr. Amr asked him if he knew who he had killed. “People said it was Harijat,” he replied. Then Amr killed him, saying: "You wanted to kill Amr, but Allah wished the death of Harijat."

Ibn Muljim undertook to kill Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). This accursed one went to Kufa with the intention of killing Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Wandering the streets of Kufa, he stopped at the gate of the house where the wedding was being held. He spoke to one of the women leaving the house, named Kutam. She turned out to be a lonely woman. He spoke of marriage, and she said she would consult with her family. Later, Kutam came to him with an answer and demanded from him three thousand dirhams, one slave and one good maid. Ibn Muljim agreed to give whatever she asked. But Kutam had a different goal. “Instead of all of the above, you kill Ali, I need that,” Kutam said. "Is it possible?" Ibn Muljim asked. “If you can’t, leave,” she said. It turned out that in the war with the Khawarijites in Nahrawan, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) killed his father and brother Kutam. Although Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was not to blame for the murder of Kutam's father and brother, who died fighting against the legitimate imam, she still dreamed of avenging them. Then he opened up to her, saying that he had come with only one purpose - to kill Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Now they returned to this issue again and began to plot a plan to kill Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). She said that she would bring a man to help him, and persuaded her cousin Vardan to accompany Ibn Muljim. Kutam wanted Shabib ibn Majarat to also meet with Ibn Muljim and become an accomplice in the murder of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). Long persuading him, she hardly persuaded him to go with them. They set up an ambush when Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was performing morning prayers, and together they hit him with sabers. Shabib's blow came from above, and Ibn Muljim's blow fell right on the forehead and touched the brain. Having done this, the villains fled. Vardan tried to hide in his house, but they caught up with him and killed him.

Ibn Muljim fled, making his way among the people, brandishing his saber at everyone who looked back at him. Mugirat caught him, throwing clothes on him, lifted him up in his arms and hit him on the ground. He sat on his chest, took his saber and, humiliating him, put him in front of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). He ordered to feed Ibn Muljim, give him a bed and protect him. “If my days are not numbered and I remain alive, I will think for myself,” he briefly explained. “If I die, send him after me, I will deal with him on Arasat.”

So the ruler of the faithful spent Friday and Saturday. On Sunday night, he left this mortal world and set off on his journey to Ahirat. When Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) was dying, he called his children to him and said to them: “I bequeath to you only piety. Hold on to the rope of Allah and do not be divided, and die only as Muslims. O children! Let it not intoxicate you that you are my children and grandchildren of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and let you not even think about being proud of your origin.

Hassan and Hussein washed his body and wrapped it in a shroud, Muhammad Hanifa stood by and poured water. They buried him late at night, and the grave was hidden. Some say she is in Najaf. Then Ibn Muljim was brought from the prison. Hasan hit him in the same place where he hit his father. After that, people attacked him and chopped him to pieces. The lion of Allah Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) died at the age of sixty-three. He was Caliph for four years and nine months.

Wise sayings of Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him)

1. “O Dunya! Don't get me drunk. I gave you three divorces!”

2. "If a person chases after something that is not important to him, he will be left empty-handed, missing the most important thing."

3. "When death overtakes, all the efforts of creatures are useless."

4. "The one who thinks a lot about the consequences will not become a brave hero."

5. "The tongue of an intelligent person is in the heart, but a fool's heart is in the tongue."

6. "When you defeat the enemy, forgive him and give praise to the Almighty."

7. “Knowledge uplifts low man and ignorance degrades the noble. The one who has the least knowledge is the least honored among people.

8. “Of the virtues of knowledge, it is enough that the unknowing one claims that he knows, and from the disadvantages of ignorance, it is enough that no one wants to be considered ignorant.”

9. "A full-fledged person is an alim (scientist) or a seeker of knowledge, the rest are not considered full-fledged."

10. “When grief overtakes, say: “La ħavla wa la ķ’uvvata illa billah”, and this will be enough. When you receive blessings, say: “Alhamdulillah”, and Allah will give you even more.”

11. "Friendship with bad people breeds in the heart hostility towards good people."

12. “If you consider small adversities as big, then you will be subjected to great trials.”

13. "This world and Ahirat are like the west and the east: if you approach one, you will move away from the other."

14. “Do not rejoice in what you have received in this world, and do not regret what you did not get.”

15. From the will of Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to his son Hasan: “Give your friend all your love, but still do not rely on him completely. Give him joy and share with him your heartfelt feelings and worries, but do not confide all your secrets to him.